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move livestock over water?

Started by ChristineR, March 01, 2021, 12:27:11 PM

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Guys I have read every thing I could find, I have a livestock boat, I have docks at both ends, with rail and road loading bays, yet the trains loaded with livestock and took them to the docks but did not unload! I a, moving thousands of people over water yet can't figure out how to move goods!
Please help.


Is your train longer than the platform?  There is also an issue where, for example, a two-tile barge at a two-tile loading platform can stop at the nearer tile, and thus not "at" the far tile, and fail to load or unload from the parts of itself that are not next to either platform tile — I have had to make all my two-tile barges stop at three-tile canal stations and ensure the schedule stop is in the middle.


Quote from: wlindley on March 01, 2021, 01:47:02 PMIs your train longer than the platform?  There is also an issue where, for example, a two-tile barge at a two-tile loading platform can stop at the nearer tile, and thus not "at" the far tile, and fail to load or unload from the parts of itself that are not next to either platform tile — I have had to make all my two-tile barges stop at three-tile canal stations and ensure the schedule stop is in the middle

Thanks I will try that.


Well it tried that and it was a bust for me.. so I built a bridge, i will have to start a small map and do it a step at a time.
Thanks a lot for the suggestion!