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makeobj compile with MSVC

Started by Andarix, June 20, 2021, 08:51:59 AM

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Can someone help me fix this error when compiling makeobj?

complete log
2021-06-20T01:36:32.5016068Z   D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\..\build\makeobj\Release\raw_image_ppm.obj
2021-06-20T01:36:37.2765624Z raw_image.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall file_info_t::file_info_t(void)" (??0file_info_t@@QAE@XZ) [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.2771762Z raw_image.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "enum file_classify_status_t __cdecl classify_image_file(char const *,struct file_info_t *)" (?classify_image_file@@YA?AW4file_classify_status_t@@PBDPAUfile_info_t@@@Z) [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.2774421Z D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\..\build\makeobj\Release\Makeobj.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3035481Z Done Building Project "D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3058532Z Build FAILED.
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3286896Z "D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj" (default target) (1) ->
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3287500Z (Link target) ->
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3288784Z   raw_image.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall file_info_t::file_info_t(void)" (??0file_info_t@@QAE@XZ) [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3290954Z   raw_image.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "enum file_classify_status_t __cdecl classify_image_file(char const *,struct file_info_t *)" (?classify_image_file@@YA?AW4file_classify_status_t@@PBDPAUfile_info_t@@@Z) [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3293065Z   D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\..\build\makeobj\Release\Makeobj.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 2 unresolved externals [D:\a\simutrans\simutrans\makeobj\Makeobj.vcxproj]
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3294598Z     9 Warning(s)
2021-06-20T01:36:37.3295067Z     3 Error(s)


It compiles for me. Which revision?

Otherwise, cmake is now the offcial building system, the sln and vcproj files might be removed after everything has transitioned, because they could be generated from cmake.


Quote from: prissi on June 20, 2021, 11:28:34 AM
It compiles for me. Which revision?


not work since r9620 - add raw_image files


Git Action use Windows Server 2019 - MSVC 2015 (v140)


I looks like not liking classify file. So somehow your vcproj file is outdated. It is included in r9901. Libaries are not the problem.