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Posting Pak256.America-Ex while incomplete

Started by RealAmerican1776, September 30, 2021, 10:15:05 PM

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I am deciding on weather or not to post pak256.America-Ex while it is incomplete. I have one track, several roads, trucks, trains, houses, shops, industry. I just want people to see what it is like and if they suggest anything. There are no wagons, no trailers, no way to move things.


I would very much enjoy seeing what is available so far.  If the source is available (perhaps even on Github or Bitbucket) I might even contribute.


I will do so tomorrow then, and any contribution will be most helpful and appreciated... What is bitbucket? I've never heard of it.


To wlindley. Do you use Blender to model? If you do, I can upload the blender files for my objects as well as the images.


As promised, here is the incomplete Pak256.America-Ex in a 7zip file. If you don't have a software that unzips these files, I highly recommend B1 Free archiver. Not only can you unzip files but you can create archived files as well.


You need a github account and git installed on your device.

Then you can do the following:
1. create the repository on github. This is well described in the github docs:
2. prepare the local repository:

git init
git add <whatever files and directories you want to add to the repository>
git commit "<a (hopefully) meaningful commit message>"

3. push the changes to the remote repository. Github in this case.
git remote add origin<username>/<reponame>.git
git push -u origin master

Quote from: Ronin1996 on October 01, 2021, 01:59:29 AMTo wlindley. Do you use Blender to model? If you do, I can upload the blender files for my objects as well as the images.
It's usually a good idea to share sources with a proper license, so other people can contribute to the project.
In case of paksets, using one of the creative commons licences (CC-BY-SA for example) seems to be a good idea but the choice is surely up to you.


Thank you, it's going to take me some time to play with it so soon, I'll have the stuff uploaded to Github. I already have an account and the desktop version installed so it's just getting the coding done for which I'm not good at.


I cannot push to github any more from commandline without setting up a secret key, just tried last week when updating the simlist. Error message says since August I would need a secret key for my repo to work from commandline.

Anyway, I strongly suggest to use the github desktop for windows, because github is quite complex on the commandline compared with other version handling systems for begginers.


Please note, Git is the program; Github and Bitbucket are websites that can host repositories (and you can host your own with programs like Gitlab on your own webserver).  Setting up a key should not be too difficult (altho a bit confusing at first I agree); there are many tutorials including ones right on the Github website.

As for the pak: I notice many buildings seem to be missing needs_ground=1 which makes panning the map leave bad artefacts. 


I noticed that, I didn't know that that was the issue. I often wondered what I needed the needs_ground line for. I thought it was just so that it was placed on land and not on the water.  :-[ That's not really my top priority right now. I'm working on diesel locomotives from like ALCO, EMD, and Baldwin. After everything is done, I'll go back and add that to the .dat file lines. Thank you. By the way, what do you think of me adding Canadian and Mexican locomotives to the pak?