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Rail transport

Started by popeye77T, December 08, 2021, 10:21:21 AM

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Maybe it's only me getting something wrong but here is the problem.
Game is Simutrans 121 PAK 128 1.2 and game year is 1986. 
For some reason rail is not working.  That is, goods, oil and coal, are not loading.  Have not done this for a while  but it was OK before.  Also had same problem with trying to move oil by ship.
Nothing loaded. 
Any idea??
Popeye 77T


Keep in mind that the goods are specific to the factories/stores that need them. So to transport oil, you have to be taking it to one of the factories that is using oil from that supplier. Also make sure that you have the correct type of rail cars for the right type of cargo, as well as rail platforms/station extensions that can store cargo and not just mail/passengers. If you have a saved game that you'd like to share I can take a look at it.


Sorry D Thunder, SILLY ME.  I was using the wrong platform.  Now everything is fine😜  Thanks for your trouble.


Ahhh ok! Good to hear that you got it worked out. I've had that problem before. Some paks/add-ons I've played before have had platforms that look like they are for freight/passenger but are the opposite.


Quote from: DThunder518 on December 11, 2021, 09:43:03 AM
Ahhh ok! Good to hear that you got it worked out. I've had that problem before. Some paks/add-ons I've played before have had platforms that look like they are for freight/passenger but are the opposite.

I think we have all done that. I certiantly did. It's easy to mix up the platforms or rail cars in a pak128.