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Roads or Rails Not Wanting to Cross Each Other

Started by Drewthegreat87, June 24, 2022, 08:13:15 PM

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I've been away from the game for a while (stuck with version 120.1.3 for a long time) and decided to update to Version 123.0.1. I've noticed that for some reason using any pak mentioned above, not all roads want to cross over rails and vice versa preventing me from having level crossings. Was this an update to discourage road/rail crossings or could this be a bug of some sort?

I usually play with a heavily modified personal copy of pak128 Britain, but I tested on Pak192 Comic and base pak128 and have had the same results. (Just the 40km/h road in pak128 wanted to build a crossing).

Anybody else have this issue?


You can't make crossings using high speed ways anymore. You have to use low speed ways (both of them).

(But after that, you can seemingly upgrade the crossing, and the max speeds will increase depending on the original ways used for the crossing. Definitely confusing if you ask me)


I was curious if it was something along those lines. Thanks! I'll bear that in mind in the future. Kinda wish that feature could be enable/disable, but oh well. Thanks for the info!


The crossing just updates its speed to the max speed, not to the actual rail or road speed.


But the max speed of the crossing will be different depending on the original ways you used.

I tested with pak64:
1. I build a 25km/h road and a 55km/h rail (lowest possible of both). The crossing is 25/55.
2. I build a 70km/h road and a 120km/h rail (highest possible that let me build a crossing). The crossing is 70/120.
3. I update a crossing like #1 to a 130 km/h road and 450km/h rail. The crossing I get is 80/80.
4. I update a crossing like #2 to a 130 km/h road and 450km/h rail. The crossing I get is different than #3, 80/160. ????


This is counter-intuitive to me (well, the fact that a crossing can only be made with low speed ways is also a bit counter-intuitive, ideally you would be able to make the crossing with any type of way and the game would just adjust the maximum speeds as necessary IMO, but I have no idea if such thing is possible).


This was a deliberate design decision to avoid crossings over high speed lines.

In an ideal world, yes, the crossing should be updated, if there is a fester crossing. On the other hand, ways are updated very rarely in existing games.


Could we add some tooltips that help players understand these kinds of "special cases"?


I tried adding a new string attribute to way_builder_t that when set will show the reason of the construction not being valid in a tooltip. But then, understanding the logic in crossing_logic_t::get_crossing to differentiate this specific case from other cases is out of my reach  :_(


EDIT: was not too hard to achieve, if one can accept a wrong error message for long ways. See r10670


How long should they be?

Better than no error at all. Thank you  :)

This made me notice that when you try to build a way over a building sometimes it checks for possibility of crossing (???), but not always. It seems to be dependent on the city you are building on...



It wants to go around and tries a river or a far away railroad. It is enough that it tried a crossing at least once before giving up.