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Passengers don't enter trains or buses

Started by thisandthat, February 21, 2024, 04:01:26 AM

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Simutrans comic 196, 123.0.1 -r10421

Unlike simutrans versions I've played in the past, a 25 passenger stop only holds 25 passengers (Not a 1000), which makes sense.

However passengers won't get on trains or buses, or if they do, it won't be for long.
I've even got a simple point A to point B setup and they won't load.

I've also got a little video if that is helpful.


There is a setting called "avoid_overcrowding" if this is not zero, nothing will be loaded if their next destination or exchange is overcrowded. This setting is clearly not recommended as once overcrowding started, it is very hard to end it. CHange the setting to zero, save the game, and load it again to apply the new setting.


That changes the design for sure.
How do I change the setting? Just in the file or is there a way to change it in game?


So I edited
"\Program Files (x86)\Simutrans\pak192.comic-nightly-datconverter\config\"
And changed avoid_overcrowding = 0

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Simutrans\config\" Was already 0

Game still doing the same thing. Am I doing this right?



you likely are on a game save that has this implemented still, with a bit luck you can change it with the settings wheel on the top right.


Quote from: thisandthat on February 22, 2024, 04:49:56 AMSo I edited
"\Program Files (x86)\Simutrans\pak192.comic-nightly-datconverter\config\"
And changed avoid_overcrowding = 0

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Simutrans\config\" Was already 0

Game still doing the same thing. Am I doing this right?
Are you certain you've saved the newly added features? You are most likely still on a game save with this installed.


I think you have to change this setting for your saved game itself if you want the changes to apply to it. Clicking on the last icon in the top toolbar of pak192.comic (the one with a gear on it) brings up the Settings dialog. You can change any settings here, and the changes will apply when you close the dialog. The setting you want, avoid_overcrowding, is under the Routing tab:   (Er, just noticed I mistakenly pointed to the wrong setting. You should move the arrow one setting up.)

Simply toggle it, then close the dialog. It should be done.
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Maybe my problem is the same as the OP. I have 2 cities, with a bus line connecting them. City A has a bus stop on its outer edge with 700 people waiting. About 200 want to go to City B. I built a rail line between the 2 cities, but nobody will ride it. The train stop is right next to the overcrowded bus stop.


Hmmm. After making the change suggested above, I still have the same issue. People want to travel between the 2 cities, but only one passenger will ride my shiny new passenger train. Oh well. I think I will start a new map. :)


Passengers will not walk from one stop to the other once they had reached one stop. Also, if there is a direct connection, they will take it and not wait for a train, if this means more transfers.

Connect the stations to your bus network and cut the bus connection between the towns and the passengers will take the train.


Quote from: prissi on April 04, 2024, 12:53:13 AMPassengers will not walk from one stop to the other once they had reached one stop. Also, if there is a direct connection, they will take it and not wait for a train, if this means more transfers.

Connect the stations to your bus network and cut the bus connection between the towns and the passengers will take the train.

My bus station is right next to the train station. They are side-by-side. I already deleted the bus line, so the passengers have no way other than the train line to travel between city A and city B. But they won't take the train.

I am playing pak192.comic.


Passengers do not walk between stations, side-by-side or not. If you want bus passengers to transfer to a train, the train and bus stops must be part of the same station. Otherwise cannot guess what you're doing without pictures and/or the savegame...