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124.2.1 Game run out of passengers

Started by ronnie89b, July 28, 2024, 06:22:33 PM

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HI guys!
It seems passenger generation is broken in the 124.2.1 version. The game doesn't generate new passengers to me. It's clearly visible in my trips graph, my vehicles transport the previously existing people, and then there's no replacement. 
The problem exist with goods too.
If I create a new map the passengers appear as intended, and it worked well in 124.2 too.


Probably your old map had generated passengers for broken destinations. That what was happenend on the old version.


I open this map with 124.2.1, change nothing just fast forwarding a few month, and 99% of the destinations are suddenly broken? 
I noticed something strange. IF I use my first save of this map only with a dozen line, everything works fine. If I create a new line, the passengers appears as intended. 
If I use my last save with hundreds of lines, only a few is working, mostly which  I created when I started to play with this map. The others have 0 traffic. If I create a new line with new stops, I get zero passengers.


I can confirm that. Just the same thing is happening on Prissi's multiplayer game (see Alvessteade e.g.).
Some goods don't get forwarded anymore, pax don't gate created in certain pre-existing halts anymore, and new halts don't create pax at all (several co-player will confirm this too).

I remarked, that when filtering halts in the station list window, with the 'no connection' filter on, many of this new stops show up in the list, even though they are served in reality.
I wonder if this indicates, that the system handles this stops as unconnected and therefore does not created pax there.


Yes, I noticed it as well, there are a lot of connections not reinstated. Sigh, another station issue it seems.

EDIT: It seems, somehow only half of my fix made it into the stable. Not sure why.

Check r11368


It seems it's working now, thanks!