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Old steam locomotives (1830-1870)

Started by vilvoh, March 28, 2009, 11:55:59 PM

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Following the suggestions from Lodovico's Niwi report about pak64 timeline, I've decided to make several old steam locomotives. This was Lodovic's recommendation:
Quote- a locomotive for a period 1850 - 1870. Desired power: 50 - 200 kW, desired cost 1.5 - 2.5 ¢/km.,

but I wan't make just one.These are the candidates for the set:

In addition, I'll make a passengers wagon for the period 1850-1870. It's called Kinkade coach. Any additional requests?

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Good to hear.:) New loco & Passenger car!
Fact, gap between adler(1835-1857) and kkSTB110(1863-1926) is 28 years!

If I've given vote, I will go Iron Duke or Crampton
From the photos only, Iron Duke looks best.  Next will be Crampton.

There is also big gap between two passenger cars
PrPersonnenWagen 1855-1951 and Passagierwagen 1924-1998
a gap of 69(!!) years.
If permitted I will request a passenger wagon(and modified mail wagon) appearing
around 1880-1890.


Thanks for the link, Frank. Some of the steam locos shown from 1835-1875 are very similar to Crampton, so I think it will be a good candidate.

Btw, the set will consist of 5 or 6 locos..

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


A preview of the first three items of the set:

P.S: I've included Hackworth because it's very similar to RSC Locomotion No. 1.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...



The set is ready for downloading. They don't have a lot of power so they can't pull big amounts of goods (the limit would be about 25-40 tn)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


The Green Mage of Darkness living in the summer hell and in the country where it snows till May with -21 *C  ;D


I love these locos. Crampton is my favourite one.
Unfortunately they are not part of pak64 - they are available only as a addon - althow there is a big gap alter locomotive Adler.


the big problem it that the railwaycomany from 1835 until 1890 not be often speak over theirs Steam locomotive
and Paint a Steam locomotive was by Painter not be like.Photos from Steam locomotive was very rar out this time.
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I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


There is the raven set. But those engines were unfourtunately rendered and needs more retouches by hand.

There is a sceond page. Those engines are very nice, but just very rough ... anyone retouching them would be great.


Link's dead, does anyone still have this?


Yes, there was an experimental pak64 set, and it was in the sources. I still have it as well, but the PNG + DAT are too large to be attached.


Well, can you put an external link to it?


I have the images. I do not have a dat for Standard. I am not sure if the experimental source give good data for standard.



These are exactly the locos of vilvoh. There have never been something else. Raven set has rather newer engines, I check it.


Quote from: prissi on October 18, 2019, 02:26:33 AM
These are exactly the locos of vilvoh. There have never been something else. Raven set has rather newer engines, I check it.
That is actually wrong, the Crampton from the pak64.german set is made by vilvoh, but is not in pak64 traditionally. This is something else, and you're sorely mistaken.

not edit: sorry it's been 2 years I just sort of fell out of the community for a while


Can you be a little more specific, why these are not the same engines? (Apart from the above links all dead.) They are not in pak64, because they had a lot or issue (like different width upwards and downwards etc) due to rendering.


The pak64.german locomotive has completely different graphics to the pak64 version, with credits being given to vilvoh, the creator of this set, rather than to raven as in the pak64 version.


Found the original files for this.
Uploaded it to my Mediafire, and yes, it is different from the files in base Pak64.