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Pak192.Comic V0.7.2

Started by Flemmbrav, January 08, 2025, 03:14:55 PM

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Hello everyone!

After almost a year, the next release is here  :-X

Main focus is on extending the timeline.
There are some new trains, some new buildings and also slight changes to balancine.
For a detailed changelog see:

There are different files generated for simutrans standard. These require a recent nightly
The Pakset for Simutrans:
The combined file containing the Pakset and the Addons for the Pakset for Simutrans:
The combined file containing the Pakset and the DACH-region only Addons for the Pakset for Simutrans:

In case you want to run the pakset with the older 123.0.1, check this link: