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June Challenge - The Rogaland Challenge!

Started by LeifInge, June 03, 2009, 05:40:42 PM

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I'm playing pretty slowly, still in November 1932. Here's my status:
Net wealth 482,813.75
Population 9180

Starting with small networks... Map in November 1932

Current services
Simutrans newbie.


Thanks Severous. I usually tend to start a map with freeplay for the first 2 decades to build up a network, then I restart and let it continue normally. Probably that's why from the first day I greatly invest in hubs, lines and capacity. Same for the but stops, they cover grounds that will probably be covering buildings in the future, as each city expands. But now, trying it the "honest" way, it so hard for me to change my game play... Argh! But thanks for the feedback, I'll restart and give it a try with your suggestions!
Played Simutrans in:
~ The Netherlands ~ United Kingdom ~ Taiwan ~ Belgium ~

Simutrans player


Quote Krazyjay:  "so hard for me to change my game play"  So the challenge is living up to its name eh :-)

V813: That's rubbish!.  
I should know. I did the same! Hauling rubbish was my first line also.  I wasn't sure at the time but can see from screenshots that its a power station.  Are powerlines very profitable?  I think I'm going to wait until(if) a factory chain needs power.

I'm using tank engines to move the rubbish. You?

The slope on station exit is deliberate to help them pick up speed. These are weak engines. 5 wagons are the limit I use. Oh yes..and I got a post route working now.

Anime:  I see your question above. I doubt planes are profitable. Ive tried one in a scenario and it lost money. Ive seen a comment somewhere in another thread that planes are rarely profitable.  Pity we don't have first class passengers who pay more to make the early planes profitable. I think trains and buses would be profitable provided they travelled full most of the time...but what do i know..its Rohal who has made tons of money in this challenge.

Summary updated. Thanks for the extra information Rohal. It makes a useful guide to what we need to achieve each year to turn in a good result like yours, hApo and Optimix.


The Green Mage of Darkness living in the summer hell and in the country where it snows till May with -21 *C  ;D


Your train isn't really profitable lol. Its income is -3000 :x


Quote from: Severous on June 26, 2009, 10:03:16 PM
V813: That's rubbish!.  
I should know. I did the same! Hauling rubbish was my first line also.  I wasn't sure at the time but can see from screenshots that its a power station.  Are powerlines very profitable?  I think I'm going to wait until(if) a factory chain needs power.

I'm using tank engines to move the rubbish. You?

The slope on station exit is deliberate to help them pick up speed. These are weak engines. 5 wagons are the limit I use. Oh yes..and I got a post route working now.
I'm using two trains to bring the rubbish to the incinerator, each with 13 wagons. They have RVg 2-5-1 engines (552kW), dunno if it is called strong or weak...

This railway station is next to the garbage dump nearest to Egersund. Twenty-seven road trucks transport the waste from the other two dumps to the station. I chose to use road vehicles because I can use the existing road. Additional trucks will congest the road, though, so I may need to shift to railway later.

By July 1934 I have linked up most of the factories in the south by freight trains:

but I haven't adjusted the no. of trains such that the network meets the demand of the factories. The next step will be establishing passenger services with the new freight rail network.

Population: 9,652 (not growing quickly because I have only completed a few passenger connections)
Net wealth: 417,539.60 (a lot was lost in 1933 to building the train network in the south, but the increased profit compensated some of it)
Simutrans newbie.


Hi Severous,

to complete my data for your list, here my net wealth develpment over the 15 years of the game. they all are taken at the beginnig of every year.

01.1932      246.082
01.1933      255.698
01.1934      273.424
01.1935      309.561
01.1936      372.553
01.1937      458.596
01.1938      567.241
01.1939      696.739
01.1940      875.721
01.1941      1.203.123
01.1942      1.725.520
01.1943      2.093.505
01.1944      2.655.324




Thanks for the picture v813, and the data Rohal.   13 wagons hmm. The tank engine im using will hardly move with that sort of load.  Especially bulk wagons which are much heavier than other wagons like planks. you recall what made your wealth increase so much in the last few years?

Incidentally do you all know that you can obtain year end data from the chart in the city list.  Click on the dots that make up the chart graph. The number shows up whilst you hold the mouse button down.

Ive completed another year.  Population growing well and net wealth holding steady.  A lot to do still as too many passengers waiting around especially at the steel mill.


Hi Severous,

i will have a look at my savegames for each year. Might take a few minutes. :-)
I have just completed the year 1967, population 74.461, net wealth 16,885mio.

Between 1940 and 1941 I made an operating profit of 446.070. Most of the profit I invested in new Vehicles.
In 1941 I made an op of 604.081, which also was invested in new vehicles. So you can see it was my good operating Profit that rose my net wealth.
In 1942 my profit was 743.213. Mos of it was invested to establish my garbage Trains between the three Dump and the incenator.
In 1943 I made a profit of 825.409. I used all of this to get most of the other factories to work, therefore I had to build many new tracks so not everything of the profit could raise my netwealth.
1944 saw a profit of 805.485. During this year I completed my goods network. And connected some Factories to my power network.




My fifth attempt on the Rogaland :p Now I'm only focusing on passengers, anyone know what I should do now? 1932.sve


Quote from: Anime on June 27, 2009, 06:10:05 PM
...... anyone know what I should do now?

Well I do not know what to do now, I can only tell
you, what I would do now....:-)

Your nethealth looks great, so you have plenty possibilities
to invest more.
- There are bus stops in Haugesand very
red, so you can buy more (or faster?) busses?
- In Tau and Sola (and more towns) there is room for
new bus-stops

I think you made a good start....
The 2 stations at Randaberg I do not understand so well.
It looks like if the bus-stops and the train-stations are
not joined together in one station. But maybe I am wrong..


- organise bus routes so that no stops get crowded, so no stops turn orange.
- Take the passengers to the hubs where they can pile up waiting for the next train. 
- The supermarket is not covered by any should be as it generates lots of passengers and will be a travel destination for many others.
- There are other industries you might want to service with just a bus via a cheap dirt road.

Ive got my goods chain working now. The supermarket will contribute to growth. Pity just one of the three items it wants to sell can be supplied. Perhaps more industries will spawn?  Has anyone had any new chains appear?



Thanks Sev, Optimix. I'll have a look :)
And that station in Haugesund failed lol. I don't know why but no passengers travelled through the branch station (probably not connected good to the station or something) and when I build a station in Randaberg nobody used the line lol.


I started all over with the Rogaland challenge, I wanted to try it another way. After building the waste chains, I got stuck already. What am I doing wrong? Any advice? I added my savegame here:
Played Simutrans in:
~ The Netherlands ~ United Kingdom ~ Taiwan ~ Belgium ~

Simutrans player



KrazyJay..Your waste route is profitable.  I'm no expert at rail roads but suspect there are designs that will improve the main junction and reduce the stops at signals.  My thoughts are too much track and some unnecessary crossovers. Platforms too long will mean higher than necessary maintenance fees.  The locomotive you have is top class but more expensive because of that.. and its limited to 50kph by the waste wagons it pulls.  The muscle type loco is perhaps better choice as that has better gearing/acceleration. Longer trains will mean only three locos each dump. That will mean simpler route is possible.

I didn't add powerlines to my garbage dumps. Didn't seem worth the high cost just to produce extra rubbish.  One of the reasons for me choosing waste route was to also carry passengers down to ships in the lake. (I didn't build a north/south road from Stravangar.)


Thanks for your feedback. What would be the most efficient loco + wagon combo for waste? Maybe that'll get me going ;)
Played Simutrans in:
~ The Netherlands ~ United Kingdom ~ Taiwan ~ Belgium ~

Simutrans player


Best combination...ermm. This is my first go in Pak128. Ive played year1800 in Pak64 and some pak64 scenarios. So Im looking to learn not teach :-)

erm...I played around with your save.  One loco seemed up to clearing the rubbish alone.  The three part Garrat loco + 20 wagons.

By contrast the other loco in shot here was overloaded with just 6 wagons. It worked better on 5.  The 'muscle arm', not in shot, was a good choice. I had three of them pulling 11 to 16 wagons each.   


Thanks for the feedback! It so hard to change gameplay over a scenario... But, I'll keep trying! Don't wait for me to announce a winner! ;)
Played Simutrans in:
~ The Netherlands ~ United Kingdom ~ Taiwan ~ Belgium ~

Simutrans player


I've finally finished Rogaland :p 1932.6.sve
Its not a that great save lol, but I made it. Can someone think of another challange that is harder that this one?



Here is the table updated with all I far.

Theres been a few comments now about 'what next' and ending this.

I'm weeks away from finished with this one so am in no hurry to try another.  But then I play at snails pace.  

What do you all want to do..?

My recommendation:
- Our host who set up the challenge has the main say
- There were two criteria..population growth and wealth
- There should be a closing date
- Winner gets announced
- Winner has first option to set our next challenge..although hope we can have a discussion first on what we would like (new thread?).

Anyhow..I'm gonna play a few more days of my so much to do....

PS..we are an International community.  If you have mates/gameplayers in other countries. Could you consider helping them to participate?


Hi guys! Lovely to see all the actions in this thread. It might be time to close this challenge soon, and I would love to hear some ideas about where to go from here. So I'm starting a discussion on this in a new thread, to keep this tread focused on this challenge. You find the new discusiion on

About when to close this challenge, any suggestions?


How about deadline of Saturday week..11thJuly?  Declare 'winner' then.

It gives some time for those of us still playing this one and time to agree/organize next challenge.


I've finished my final (fourth) try of the Rogaland.

The start:
For me, it was not too hard to start. I've connected all of the cities (4 cities were connected by rail).
I had still $262 000 to spent. - save 2/1930

Next save is from 1933. So I write some data:
1930 - population 9 309 - net wealth 350 000 - profit 29 500
1931 - population 10 248 - net wealth 400 000 - profit 78 000
1932 - population 10 882 - net wealth 453 000 - profit 91 000 - save 1/1933

Hagesund station much bigger and overcrowding...

new attractions connected

1933 - population 12 026 - net wealth 494 000 - profit 147 000

Then i connected the factories...
First of all, the bulk train connected iron ore mine and steel mill. But these trains were so expensive, one train cost $100 000 and more.
Because of this, my account balance felt down... - save 11/1934

1934 - pop 12 765 - nw 650 000 - profit 190 000
1935 - pop 14 152 - nw 688 000 - profit 168 000
1936 - pop 15 528 - nw 798 000 - profit 173 000
1937 - pop 16 188 - nw 911 000 - profit 172 000
1938 - pop 16 908 - nw 1 100 000 - profit 248 000 - save 3/1939

Haugesund got trolleybuses instead of slow buses.

Becase the cities didn't grow enough I decided to start carrying mail. - save 8/1942

Here you can see Haugesund mail stops and there's mail train in the station.

You can also see that the main track was doubletracked and Stavanger was trolleybused.

1939 - pop 18 195 - nw 1 213 000 - profit 257 000
1940 - pop 19 806 - nw 1 420 000 - profit 273 000
1941 - pop 22 650 (+2850 !) - nw 1 640 000 - profit 310 000 - save 2/1944
Nothing important, i bought new Kiha's and build stops. And Bryne and Sandnes got trolleybuses.

1942 - pop 24 420 - nw 2 059 000 - profit 523 000
1943 - pop 26 353 - nw 2 530 000 - profit 571 000

Final year 1944, save from 3/1945 -
1944 - pop 28 883 - nw 2 885 000 - profit 488 000 (I started to carry the mail between the factories)
3/1945 - pop 29 325 - nw 2 916 000

Final fotos of the cities:


Severous: The timing sounds good :) We'll ende the official at the end of next week!

I'm trying to complete this aswell.

1931: 9967
1932: 11140
1933: 11888
1934: 13502
1935: 15318
1936: 17411

Net Wealth
1931: 341680
1932: 436571
1933: 532364
1934: 640058
1935: 621323
1936: 725133


How about making this challenge every month again (with a different map,of course)?Would be fun.:-)
The Green Mage of Darkness living in the summer hell and in the country where it snows till May with -21 *C  ;D


I literally only just discovered 'Trolley Busses', 'Trams ' and 'Monorails' this morning and I love 'em.
Trams are a really good cheaper version of trains and trolley busses are ideal for inner-city networks.

My new save contains  trolley busses and trams now :p


Latest summary to enlarge.

One week to go then we end this..or at least declare a winner.  No doubt some will continue to tinker away with their networks.


Jan 1934

Paddle steamer cargo ships use a canal dock to land their plastics at the factory.  During 1934 Power was rationed.  There was no new powerstation and factory demands were excessive across all of Ragoland.  It was an Oilfield that would be the one to get power. More Crude = more plastics.  More plastics = more...ermmm goods.  Already had too many goods so the Shopping Mall was lit up in an orgy of illumination as it was also give power.  That increased sales and used up goods a bit faster...a lot faster.

Oh dear.  A four unit 'green class' is sent by choose signals into one of those new fangled tram stops.  I hadn't expected that.  Some passengers will have to pay extra to ride all the way back to the other end of the line as the train is longer than the tram stop so they cant get off.  :)

Jan 1935
Ive now honoured my commitment to use both trams and planes. Well one plane.  Its making a small loss itself and having further impacts by attracting hundreds of hopeful passengers to the two airports.  It is only a 17 seater aircraft.  I should be able to charge a premium due to popularity..or just take 1st class passengers..who pay more naturally.

I think I should introduce trams in Stravanger..or at least take a look at the bus routes. Theres too many passengers waiting for trips into town.


Hi all,
I read only the begining of this thread, I will try that with the last pak128 since mine has a ... different xD


Quote from: gauthier on July 03, 2009, 09:21:04 AM
I will try that with the last pak128 since mine has a ... different xD

Huh?whitch version do you play?
The Green Mage of Darkness living in the summer hell and in the country where it snows till May with -21 *C  ;D


Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Self-compiled?Only neccessary on Linux if you have an EEEPC.

I don't know anything... Maybe he's running an Amiga?(i'm not,but I have one)
The Green Mage of Darkness living in the summer hell and in the country where it snows till May with -21 *C  ;D


Finished the challenge myself :)

39667 people and 3747007,11 Net Wealth

1931: 9967
1932: 11140
1933: 11888
1934: 13502
1935: 15318
1936: 17411
1937: 19774
1938: 22481
1939: 24542
1940: 26637
1941: 28878
1942: 31753
1943: 34618
1944: 36866
1945: 39667

Net Wealth
1931:  341680
1932:  436571
1933:  532364
1934:  640058
1935:  621323
1936:  725133
1937:  880538
1938: 1143429
1939: 1495015
1940: 1663274
1941: 2083958
1942: 2519005
1943: 2998395
1944: 3446157
1945: 3797264


no no I didn't compiled it myself, I definitly don't know how to do that, I juste modified to earn a bit more money :D
By any way I don't play official release because it hasn't underground slopes.

I'm dowloading the last release of pak128 and ST.102

Michael 'Cruzer'

Quote from: gauthier on July 03, 2009, 02:33:59 PM
no no I didn't compiled it myself, I definitly don't know how to do that, I juste modified to earn a bit more money :D
By any way I don't play official release because it hasn't underground slopes.

I'm dowloading the last release of pak128 and ST.102

Hmm, I don't think that this is so importen what you have written in your
Most values of are included in the savegame while making it.
Like money values (like stop/depot maintance), tick per month and so on.
Founder and Ex-Maintainer of pak192.comic. Provider of Simutrans Hosting rental service.