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River editor

Started by IgorEliezer, July 05, 2009, 03:00:49 PM

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A tad obvious once we had mentioned this before.

Sometimes, I need to change a course of a river that is in a city or among factories.

I'd like Public Service were able to edit rivers except their source.

EDIT: Typoz ar awshum. ;D


I second that plus a possibility to create new rivers within the editor after the map creation. It would make creating own maps and new scenarios with rivers more useful. Is there any reason why rivers are not in the editor so far which is not development related?

The Hood

Rivers are in the editor...


Where are they? Does it depend on the pak?


Whether there is a button to build a river is pak-dependant. Maybe there is shortcut key for it, but I could not find it.
Bob Marley: No woman, no cry

Programmer: No user, no bugs


But there isn't a menu like for trees or city buildings, is there? The different pak-sets have different river grafics and it would be nice to have full control over river-placing, especially when designing a swamp or a river-delta.


There was talk a while back of incorporating rivers into the map-creator, in terms of supplying an image of rivers in the same way as a heightmap, but I don't think anything has yet come of it.