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MLM developements !

Started by gauthier, August 30, 2008, 05:55:42 PM

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jap train fan

thats what i ment


Freight trains must be full when supplying industries, passengers trains must be at least 30/40% full all the time to be profitable. But more your trains are full faster you'll repay the very high cost of magnetic constructions.


OMG the MLM file wont open because it is a rar file


Just extract the .rar file with winrar, which can be found on internet...


I'm slightly working on MLM dev.2 (new graphics, more things, split SNFOS stations and MLM dev. into two different projects, rework prices) and adding new ways and new trains for new purposes (MetroLev for example ...). This is what I plan to make (some of them already exists of course)
TR : TransRapid way, 2003, 450 km/h => new graphics
MLM : original maglev way by Timothy, 2010, 600 km/h => don't touch, it's not mine  :-X (it's already very nice)
SlowLev / FreightLev (what name ?) : way designed for freight, 2014, 300 km/h
MetroLev : way designed for urban service, 2010, 180 km/h
AMT : Advanced Maglev Technology, 2024, 750 km/h, new graphics
SuperLev (other name ?) : super fast maglev track for VaclavMacurek who made some super fast maglevs :D, ~2034-2044, 900 km/h

So I ask you for suggestions for names, why not other useful ways, but my main question here is :
_ Do you find that realistic pillars elevated ways are useful ? With new ways the toolbox is going to be overloaded so removing something ... What do you think about it ?
_ Same question for the double tunnel entries ?

maglev/road and maglev/canal crossings are also planned.

EDIT : replacing all elevated no pillars (which are made for stations) will be replaced by only one with a speed limit 450 km/h (TR way)


Quote from: gauthier on July 04, 2010, 10:45:24 AM
SuperLev (other name ?) : super fast maglev track for VaclavMacurek who made some super fast maglevs :D, ~2034-2044, 900 km/h
Quite useless. My trains can go only 750 km/h. Why don't use (for example) MAGV (or AGM; both like AGV) or HSM (HyperSonic Maglev - technically nonsense but acceptable).

maglev/road and maglev/canal crossings are also planned.
??? Very interesting idea but ...

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QuoteMAGV (or AGM; both like AGV)
AGV means Automotrice à Grande Vitesse (High speed autoengine), so ... ? no sense for maglevs. HSM as you said is technically nonsense.

Quotemaglev/road and maglev/canal crossings are also planned.
like level crossings, simply.


Quote from: gauthier on July 04, 2010, 03:07:47 PM
AGV means Automotrice à Grande Vitesse (High speed autoengine), so ... ? no sense for maglevs. HSM as you said is technically nonsense.
AGV - of course, I forgot that you search for name for track, not for trains

like level crossings, simply.
oh ... regardless of I wrote it is interesting idea I don't think it is quite good idea because I can't realize how they stop suddenly if ship or truck/bus (and so on) cross their way.

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lol, normaly bus and trucks stop to let the train pass but it's true that it's rather the contrary in Simutrans  :P


I take this lack of answer for an agreement ;) so nor more realistic pillars ways, only TransRapid way have no pillars version (to make stations), double entries'tunnels are removed too.


One small (minor) advice:
please, use for tunnels' dat this

Example taken from my EMT (important is number in object names):


If you make tunnels enough different from each other (to it should be seen what tunnel is for speed - based on different tracks), this improves difference between tunnels. This helps mainly if tunnels let trains to move slower than track for which is tunnel prepared.

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ok, thanks for the advice ;)

another thing : I remove shadows under elevated ways : it's difficult to make, not always very nice ingame, and they have no reason to be since bridges don't have shadows.


And also I have idea how to electrify maglev tracks - and make maglevs to use electric power instead engines like fuel cells or hydrogene or diesel.

Inside pak128.Britain is fourth-rail electrification and inside main pak128 (in original and also in open) is third-rail electrification. I think that this would be solution for maglev. But, of course, electrication has to be well visible. Electrificated track has to be recognized from unelectrificated.

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I don't want to electrify maglev tracks, basically maglevs aren't propelled themselves with electricity, they're propelled by the magnetic rail. The best thing to do is to add an engine_type "magnetic", that's I purposed times ago ... I want to keep maglevs simple, and electrifying them is useless and also would force me to draw more graphics.


It was only idea. Not anything what should be brought to life.

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... but I can try to bring my idea to life on my EMT and then to show result.

Chybami se člověk učí - ale někteří lidé jsou nepoučitelní


you are free to do that you want with your objects of course ;) I haven't got the monopoly of maglev waytype in pak128 ...


pak128 + MLM = awesome. I enjoyed the possibilities with the pak64 maglev and now it's implemented in my favorite pakset! :D

There only seems to be a problem with the stations. Not sure if anyone else posted this, but the maglev stations won't work by themselves. At least not for me. Whenever I make a maglev station I need to connect it to something else (e.g. a bus stop) for it to work. I think it's because they are recognized as station extensions, because when viewing the capacity is says "Storage capacity ###" instead of "### passengers mail". Is there any way this can be fixed? It's not very convenient if you need to build a bus stop to make sure you can use the maglev...


that's strange ... I thought that I fixed this problem :/

However MLM dev.2 is started, stations are going to be split from MLM dev., the both will be released together and many things will be improved (especially stations'graphics).


Oh, wait, now I see it. You mean this fix, right?

Quote from: gauthier on April 28, 2010, 06:24:34 PM
I had some problems with dat files of my stations, I forgot to set level too but I fixed that.

Wait a minute, I'm goind to post a corrected release for stations and station extensions.

EDIT : download here ;)

I used the download link at the first post, a few days ago. I think that's the problem. Going to try the fix now and see if it works.


That's my fault, I'm going to put this download on the first post.


Hello Everyone! I downloaded the mlmdev.rar file from SNFOS site. I extracted it and placed it in my PAK128 folder. However, I found that the betacirrus freight cars cannot be used in 102.2.2 simutrans. There are no suitable locomotive to pull the cars with the amplifier. Is there anyone can help me about this?


Quote from: stevenlim84 on September 16, 2010, 12:00:10 PM
I found that the betacirrus freight cars cannot be used in 102.2.2 simutrans. There are no suitable locomotive to pull the cars with the amplifier. Is there anyone can help me about this?

That's pretty odd, because I've got 102.2.2 and the betacirrus is working like a charm. Are you using the ones in the "locomotives" tab? (the Nuclear fusion engine and the Turbojet engine) Because as far as I can see, the only locomotive that isn't compatible is the passenger car.


you have to use first turbojet engine or NFE, then place the magnetic amplifier, and the cars ;)


this is great. The only thing that wonders me is why there is no or just 1c maintenance cost on the tunnels. TR tunnel 1 to 3 have maintenance 0 and the mlm tunnels and amt tunnels have just 1c.
might that be my f... computer again, faulty download or is it like that. If there would be a realistic maintenance prize on the tunnels, the mlm set would be awesome.


€: i use Standard pak 128 - 1.4.6-102.2.2

jap train fan

whens mlm 2 going to be finished
want to get it now


The tunnels'maintenance is probably a problem from me :)

mmmmh be patient for MLM dev.2, since September I have no time for Simutrans and I wasn't able to draw anything for ST, MLM dev.2 won't be released in a while for now :/
I'm going to do as much things as I can ;)


Good piece of news : I resumed the development of MLM dev.2 :)

This is the TR bridge :


Looks interesting but:
- pillars look like if they are in the air
- assymetric pillars are nice option - but backward ramp should have it too - if it is possible else it looks quite strange

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Quoteassymetric pillars are nice option - but backward ramp should have it too - if it is possible else it looks quite strange
already fixed ;)

Quotepillars look like if they are in the air
I know, I'm working on that but it's a bit difficult to fix ...


leave time by the develop form the MLM system than you be get all faults!

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(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
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Working on a big Problem!


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I think he wanted to say for Gauthier to be patient, make a slowly but perfect development.
In other words: Take your time but do it right.