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[r2664] Sound problems

Started by z9999, September 24, 2009, 05:22:40 AM

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r2664 GDI + latest wav file, and pak64 compiled with new makeobj50

build way-object => no sound. wkz->ok_sound = sound_ok is missing in dings/

build way success => cash.wav, but  build way failed => jackhammer.wav/dock.wav. r2661 didn't have this problem

build tunnel mouth => no sound, but build under ground way => explosion.wav. vice versa ?

build depot => click.wav. Intended ?

By the way, there are great differences between sound levels (up and down), it is tired to hear it.


GDI does not work well with the sound, as playing one sound terminates all the other. SDL works much nicer in this respect. But I will look into those issues.

Building tunnel with explosion sound is intended, as caving out a tunnel is usually done using explosives ...


Quote from: z9999 on September 24, 2009, 05:22:40 AM
build way success => cash.wav, but  build way failed => jackhammer.wav/dock.wav. r2661 didn't have this problem

It seems that SDL version doesn't have this problem.

In GDI version, when I am playing savegame and build something or click somewhere, many different sound plays randomly.
For example, click toolbar sometimes plays truck sound, sometimes plays crossing sound etc..
It is strange.

And also, GDI version doesn't overlap sound ? SDL is good but GDI.  :-[


In principle GDI can too: Only the interface to programm is messy and cumbersome. I will look into it anyway, since this annoys many people with GDI (and Windows98 is dead anyway.)


Well, now the last sound wins again. But still not pretty: We need a real sound programmer for windows, who writes a complete mixer interface (like in OpenTTD and SDL included).


Thank you trying.
I tested r2667, but nothing have been solved yet.
All problems which I wrote are still exist.


Ok, I think I got most of them now.


Thank you very much.
No sound problems and wrong sound peolems seems to be solved in r2669.

One problem remains is volume balance.
Sound under mouse cursor and wkz_tools sound feels too loud compared to sound which are not under mouse cursor.
So, if I adjust volume to wkz_tools sound, sound which are not under mouse cursor feels too small.
But this might be only my view.


This is something that certainly needs to be further tested. I felt, that in larger areas were too much suonds, as a such I made the sound less noise more rapidly. I would be grateful for input from as much testers as possible.


Generellly the Sound of the Buses and Trains, which are leaving from stations are very gentle. Just when they are next to my mouse curser or when I'm clicking at something the sound gets really loud.

Also ST is shutting down always the WAVE-table from the windows sounds. So I have to put it in his orginally position after playing ST.


The SDL version will not touch this, only the GDI version will do this. If you do not need Unicode, I would suggest to use the SDL version for reasonable sound support.


Quote from: prissi on September 26, 2009, 01:45:42 PM
This is something that certainly needs to be further tested. I felt, that in larger areas were too much suonds, as a such I made the sound less noise more rapidly. I would be grateful for input from as much testers as possible.

One change that I have made in Simutrans-Experimental, which might be considered for adoption in Simutrans-Standard, too, is that vehicle noises are restricted to playing once every X seconds, where X is a number set between 10 and 30 at random every time that a vehicle noise is played.
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Maybe, you accidentally removed sound settings from in SF svn.