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Error in pak96 default map

Started by Isaac Eiland-Hall, November 01, 2009, 01:16:15 AM

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Isaac Eiland-Hall

Tile 118,18 is not connected to 118,17

Attached is a saved game I started from the demo - it took me a little while to figure out why one of my busses was going VERY far out of its way (but I'd built an autobahn, so it had a route, just a very very long one) hehe


Thank you, is fixed.

Your savegame looks very nice. A big highway for a little world. :)

Will you continue to build it?
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

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- A home for Simutrans (in german)

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Thanks! and I'll be glad to! :)

If this is something you potentially find useful, I'll be glad to try and implement any suggestions you have, too. :)

I was thinking of adding about three more cities; also trying to connect up the orphan industries (except the oil rig, which appears to produce.... vegetables? lol)

http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/NV_31AylIu/pak96.comic.demo.isaac.sve
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/pVUhknYkyO/pak96.comic.demo.isaac02.sve
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/PJ9mFYP1JC/pak96.comic.demo.isaac03.sve
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/MiQUOZKXB6/pak96.comic.demo.isaac04.sve
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/MiQUOZKXB6/pak96.comic.demo.isaac04.sve

Screenshots following are winter-time from this one:
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/Pe91Lt97Kn/pak96.comic.demo.isaac06.sve

us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/2g8rhOUp-1/simscr01.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/tHUPzRej-r/simscr02.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/KGXzBInZRK/simscr03.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/HPMZh5T_Yi/simscr04.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/06Jm_f6oSg/simscr05.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/pAMhBDxnX7/simscr06.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/yQizFJMFj6/simscr07.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/lJiS6R_Coi/simscr08.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/-1i70lmhVf/simscr09.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/GXetpqmXT2/simscr10.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/86P1uqGNZy/simscr11.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/8tFG-8l11U/simscr12.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/91-8IjuvNN/simscr13.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/pt_JixLe2Q/simscr14.png]


I like it. Everybody can see how pak96.comic works. Good job!
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Here's the #6 game, from which all the winter shots were taken, the next late spring (snow just melted from the highest elevation):

http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/w5r1y0o4Ph/pak96.comic.demo.isaac06b.sve

Screenshots, many similar locations to the winter shots above:

us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/rXM-kzMt12/simscr17.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/RrKl3Nizg0/simscr18.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/sq7xAl2iGu/simscr19.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/zt8wq0IJ0D/simscr20.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/hLE8NCm_PB/simscr21.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/FUs3V5AmAr/simscr22.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/DuShT0iTgE/simscr23.png]

It also seems to me that I may want to try and make some road variants to solve a couple of issues I see. :) (Not so much problems, as ways of using things I'd like to improve)

This really is my favorite pak, at least for now. There are others I love, but this is the one that's currently drawing me back into playing Simutrans. It's just so pretty. :)