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[patch] Day/night level

Started by z9999, September 18, 2008, 02:16:14 PM

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Added as simple_tool[19].
This tool needs a parameter.

"+" ... fade in one level
"-" ... fade out one level
number ... toggle day/night. 4 or 5 is good for night.



Update patch.

Fix: Color of yellowish light  (level > 4)

For translation:
Toggle day/night view

Minor update.


Well, just out of curiosity: For what do you need this tool? For testing purposes the darken screen function of the display panel can do the same trick (albeit it darlkens of course also menues).


I used to enjoy darkening the map to nighttime levels just to watch the lights on the cars and buildings, just as I normally run in daytime mode.  Having the +/-/* keys makes it easy and quick to change between light levels.

Painter, in and out of retirement.


- We want to to see night view without limited by time.
- Darkness setting is not assigned to key.

But my point is different.
If you all feel left side image is better, I will give up.
I mean, not only yellow lights but also color of snow and sea.

So, I want to see real night view without limited by time.


Hm, could it be that we are discussing two separate things (in one patch):
1) change of night mode interface for user
2) change of night mode display need to pack them together as inseparable?

1) I never switch night mode on, as you can't see a thing in the dark, thus giving up half the game time. And on some occasions the poetic part of me prevails and night mode gets a minute or two. So, the usage pattern is not identical, but fits z9999's changes: Have night when I want.

2) And If the night looks better... that's a bonus :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Thank you.

Quote from: VS on September 20, 2008, 08:35:27 AM
1) change of night mode interface for user
2) change of night mode display

My patch don't touch these part.
- I didn't change night mode display.
- I didn't change night mode interface.
If "*" switch confuses you, it is OK to remove that feature.

This patch only changes day/night level of normal view.


... and now I am confused. If it isn't night mode, then what is it?

By interface I meant addition of "*".

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Sorry, if I offended you. It was just my curiosity. Thus, I think this should replace the old light/dark setting then. Otherwise it may confuse users.


Quote from: prissi on September 20, 2008, 05:29:20 PM
Sorry, if I offended you. It was just my curiosity.

No, not at all.  :) I'm very happy with some people have an interest about this.

Quote from: prissi on September 20, 2008, 05:29:20 PM
Thus, I think this should replace the old light/dark setting then. Otherwise it may confuse users.

This is the major reason that I didn't make GUI and made this as hidden feature.
Brightness setting is long time there with simutrans. And it also works on underground mode and auto day/night mode as an optional control.
But my patch don't work on underground mode and auto day/night mode. Especially, I don't think to add bluish on underground mode is not so good.

I am worried that if some people who are using brightness setting might feel disappointed to be replaced.


Actually, maybe I should use the reallatitude in Simutrans, i.e. shorter nights and longer days in summer. This should be easily possible with very few changes.


QuoteActually, maybe I should use the reallatitude in Simutrans, i.e. shorter nights and longer days in summer. This should be easily possible with very few changes.
With a configuration option to change latitude? (default being equator?)

Just I doubt the Brazilian players would appreciate it if it was fixed at the latitude of Germany (for example)...


For the southern hemisphere, the seasons should also be adapted. :)


Of course setable ...

EDIT: A very crude, unsetable patch for 52° latitude is attached ... quite dark winters I fear.