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Simutrans 110.0

Started by prissi, February 14, 2011, 11:43:51 PM

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This is the first version incorporating multiplayer and tons of bugfixes/improvements. Due to network mode we had to have this long break. The next releases will come more frequently.

MS Windows user should use the
Online-Installer (Note: If you are on Windows Vista or 7, you will probably need to right-click the downloaded file you save from the above link and choose "Run as administrator". If the installer appears to work, but no "C:\Program Files\Simutrans" folder is made, this is why: run as administrator)

If you want to download manually, you will need an executable and a pak-set.

Windows native (new) (you may need unicows.dll for Win9x)
Window with SDL (new)
Linux with SDL and SDL_mixer (new)
Haiku with SDL (new)
Mac OSX/Intel with SDL (new)
Mac OSX/PowerPC with SDL (new)

pak64 Basics (new)
64pak food chain (new)

pak64 german full (new)

pak64 HAJO for 102.2.2 (new)

pak64 japan (beta) (new)

pak64 contrast (new)


pak96.HD (0.4) (new)

pak128 v1.4.6

Pak128 JAPAN for 101.0

Pak128.britain (08)
pak128 Britain v0.8 for 102.2 (new)

pak192 Comic 102.2.1 (new)

pak excentrique (new)

Pak64 HO
pak64.HO (alpha) (new)

pak32.comic for 102-0

makeobj 51
BeOS/Haiku (does not compile)

Release of 110.0 (r4303 on 14-Feb-2011):

   CHANGE: default savegame now bzip2 (games 33% smaller)
   ADD: Odometer and distance per month available for convois/lines
   ADD: (gerw) built tunnel without ways
   FIX: no longer possible for negative prices (cheat bus)
   ADD: (Dwachs) starting money per year
   ADD: lines will be listed numerically correct, if the contain a number
   ADD: bridge building with click-and-drag
   ADD: traffic light can set their phases now manually (in seconds) (new help text: trafficlight_info.txt, new string: -\nSet phases:-)
   ADD: some more network related settings like server_frames_ahead, network_ms_ahead, server_frames_per_step to control timing on the network
   ADD: translations are also search in user dir/scenario/text
   ADD: (gerw) auto-electrify depot added
   FIX: freelist sometimes returned wrong elements to free
   ADD (VS): makeobj ignored alpha channel now really
   CHANGE: (Knightly): Not scaling images displayed by gui_image_t anymore
   FIX: deleting tram signals again
   ADD: click-and-drag also for network games (except for building elevated ways, bridges, tunnels)
   ADD: tools should work on all clients regardless of underground mode
   ADD: tools work now correct with ctrl keys in networkmode
   FIX: a double block (presignal) robbed the following signal of its (pres/longblock/choosing) function
   CHANGE: no rezooming in viewport
   FIX: text overflow in message boxes
   FIX: window resizing is triggered even if initial click is not in dragger area
   FIX: square button's clickable area not set according to accompanying text
   FIX: help text link's clickable area not correctly set
   FIX: pak file image data not trimmed according to x-offset and contains superfluous data
   ADD: factories now support multiple fields
   FIX: factory builder does not consider minimum fields in randomising production
   FIX: tooltip box hovering above viewport
   ADD: (mostly Dwachs) nicer crossing infos
   ADD: bridges/tunnel show their names in info window
   ADD: (inspired by gerw) choose singals will not choose if on the route is another choose signal or and end_of_choose
   FIX: text overflow in ground info
   CHANGE: ground info and thing info title bar color will change according to ownership
   ADD: allow_buying_obsolete_vehicles in can disallow buying obsolete vehicles for better balancing
   FIX: forest density/size nor again reasonable dependent on map size
   ADD: factory stops can now get different names from building stops (%s factory %s %s must be new tranlated)
   FIX: build foundations only directly under elevated monorail depots
   FIX: ist_natur() return als false on halt tiles (like harbour)
   ADD: (gerw) broad tunnel patch (see pak64 sources: adding images [Nl] [Nm] [Nr] and so on)
   FIX: no longer no trees after 150 years
   ADD: no decimal point for very large amounts
   CHANGE: better displaying algorithm, should give much less clipping errors/graphics glitches with lang vehicles/bridges/stations etc.
   ADD: configurable thousand exponent (like 10^4 for japanese) by SEP_THOUSAND_EXPONENT
   FIX: Makeobj could not extract bridges (and possibly even more objects) under XP
   ADD: zooming in also for pak192
   ADD: preparation for images larger than 64k resp 255*255
   FIX: maintenance for ticks_per_month smaller 18
   ADD: timeline for cityroads using 'city_road[0]=name[,intro][,retire]' in
   ADD: winter image for PowerSource/ PowerDest: Image[2] and [3] as snowy versions of
  • and [1]
       ADD: winter image for sidewalk: Image[1],[4],[7],[10],[13] as snowy versions, Image [5][8][11][14] transition images
       ADD: minimum and maximum numbers of next towns to connect to a factory can be set too in with factory_worker_minimum_towns/factory_worker_maximum_towns
       ADD: timeline for intercityroads using 'intercity_road[number]=name[,intro][,retire]' in
       ADD: winter image and timeline for crossings: winter images of [image][0] are [image][1]
       ADD: powerline stabilisation pak which enforces a single transformer next to factories/power stations
       ADD: enable to use more than one powerline object
       ADD: texture for tunnel grounds (Obj=misc, Name=TunnelTexture, Image with numbers 0,3,6,9)
       ADD: add default values for cityroad ("city_road") and intercity road ("asphalt_road")
       CHANGE: TAB goes to next/Shift+TAB to previous edit box, moving and resizing now even when other windows open
       ADD: skinnable scrollbars
       ADD: setting dialoge tool (handle with care, should not be visible by defualt for pak sets!)
       ADD: resizer also part of skin
       CHANGE: also starts without any skin
       FIX: no signals to be built on switches, since they will not display correctly
       FIX: waiting time cycles also on left button
       ADD: (z9999+) limit size of toolsbars in
       FIX: (z9999+) loading old games before 88.00
       CHANGE: forest settings moved to
       ADD: delay and duration of tooltip configurable in
       ADD: timeline for headquarters (pak-sets may need to be updated as the default intro date is 1900, default retire date is 2999)
       ADD: blinking cursor, selectable text and clipboard functions for text input fields
       ADD: industry increase and minimum city distance now also saved in savegame
       FIX: error in routing will clear itself after loading
       FIX: not restore fields if there is already a building on this tile
       CHANGE: minimap will center after zooming
       ADD: parameters of saved in savegame (networkmode)
       ADD: active window title bar is highlighted (for options see
       CHG: canals cannot be built on canals of other players
       FIX: removed obsolete forest config parameters
       FIX: traffic light setting also network safe
       ADD: if present show copyright line from ground.outside.pak (which should contain pak set and revision)
       ADD: new general_tool[36] to build cityroad according to timeline
       FIX: (z9999) building a harbour must check also for existing stops above/below
       FIX: (z9999) trains were braking on field too late after changing of route count
       FIX: (z9999) stopping before occipied crossings with a signal and many other signal fixes
       ADD: for text input, double-click to select a word and triple-click to select the whole text
       ADD: register lineless convoys at the halts and list them with links in the halt details dialog
       FIX: do not crash with prodbase 0 and ensure some basic production
       FIX: convois did not properly looked up next signal for signals on closed crossings
       ADD: right-click on icon of selected toolbar closes the toolbar
       ADD: server uses a different savegame revision => testing already possible now
       ADD: savegame version can be set in settings
       ADD: simple chat system added (send message option in message window)
       ADD: semiautomatical announce of servers possible
       CHANGE: chat option now part of message centre
       ADD: messages on joining and leaving
       CHANGE: renaming of stuff now in network games
       ADD: clients and server compare paksets before joining
       CHANGE: for two-click-tools: ctrl+click sets start marker, useful for point-to-point bridge building with two clicks in network games
       ADD: (gerw/Dwachs) build signals like ways; ctrl+click on icon opens dialogue to change parameters (help file: signal_spacing.h), in network games: ctrl+click and then drag
       ADD: station extensions can be built near public halts
       CHANGE: when joining with public station, the public station keeps its name
       CHANGE: Introduced symbols and tooltips for a much more compact status line
       ADD: dialogue can be changed (currently only minimap)
       ADD: possibility to compare pakset of client and server
       CHANGE: one year after bankrupt, clear slot for new player
       CHANGE: first load convoi waiting the longest time at a stop
       FIX: after bankruptsy, ways on public stops will remain unowned, so new people can connect to them
       FIX: transfer statistics too, when joining stops
       CHANGE: In order to lock a game the public player must be password protected. Unlocking the public player allows player change again.
       CHANGE: (Knightly) message system has now tabs for faster overview of categories
       CHANGE: cities try some terraforming to be able to build roads
       ADD: messages are saved in save games
       CHANGE: passwords are only checked/changed if <enter> is pressed in the password input box
       ADD: more messages for headquarters and making stops public
       CHANGE: application folder for simutrans now under /Library/Simutrans (default MAC standard)
       ADD: (TurfIt) rightclick closes all toolbars, all dialogues and deselects all tools
       ADD: (TurfIt/Dwachs) Windows snap onto each other when they are close (controlled by window_snap_distance)
       ADD: server can do monthly announcements
       ADD: announcements can be configured on command line
       ADD: also schedules and line windows are kept during joining
       ADD: vehicles can immeadtily loose part of their value when starting running (used_vehicle_reduction) to make expensive vehicle unattractive when starting a game