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Request Private Messages here

Started by VS, April 29, 2010, 06:48:38 PM

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If you can't send PMs and want need them... just post here that you wish to use them. When some "higher power" goes by, they will enable PMs for you :)

Please note that this strict measure is a result of spam attacks. These usually look like a new member registering and then flooding the whole forum with filth in a few minutes. Thus if you have just registered or have only a few posts, chances are you might look suspicious and won't have private messaging enabled. Sorry if that happens - but it should be with best intentions. In such case, your best chance is showing (somehow?) the moderators or admins that you are a real person. Since spambots often try to fool us by posting some compilation of others' posts, just... find your own way :D

Thanks for your patience and once again sorry for this inconvenience.

EDIT by Igor Eliezer:

Important Notice

In order to request Private Message rights, you need to have posted at least 2 posts in the forums before making the request.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


i like have PMs please because i sometimes pm people if i need it

done -- VS


Woooooow PM's are back  8)
* feeling like if the Berlin's wall would fall again *

I would like to have again the great power of PM sending god  :D

done -- VS


Lobsus request from ES

done -- VS

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Aglezabad request from ES

you evil editor! hecho -- VS


Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


QuoteIf you can't send PMs and want need them...

how's need defined? i mean i certainly could live without the forum (i hope so), i'm here since i want to.

having the ability to send messages would be quite nice, but definitely not a need.

done -- VS


May I have that need to send PM?

I understand it as a need in the forum.

I promise I'll be good. :)

??? Look, I know you, don't know me very well, but please, could you trust one more new member? I had nothing to do with your spam problem.

done -- VS

Ohh ... Thank you, thank you. ;D


I could certainly need pm's to ask people questions. :police:
Nah, I seriously want need them because hamburgers taste nice. Actually, so that players can Beta test things I make.
Or maybe, I could need the feature at any time, yum mmm... :)

done -- VS

Thank You! -- Reddog785[/colour]


Although I'm currently less active than I used to be, I'd like to use PMs again, too.

done -- VS
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


May you allow me to send messages again? Thanks in advance.

done -- VS
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


I would like to be able to send private messages as well. Thank you in advance.

done -- VS

jap train fan

I will like to be able to send PM like all the others here. Thank you.

done -- Igor


Just spotted this thread. Didn't realise PM's were disabled - however I would, as a human, like to have them enabled for me, because if you need to PM someone then quite often it needs to be done then and there, and I am pre-emptively anticipating that need, and trying to avoid suffering the pain of having it thwarted at the time.

Also, I am experimenting with very long sentences......  ;)


done -- Igor

Thanks -- dM


It would a pleasure for me to be honoured with the ability to send PMs in this special communication area. ;)

done -- Igor


i'm glad i saw this. I was wondering why i wasn't allowed to pm. May i have them please? I wish to pm a few old mates :)

done -- Igor


I should like to read them. JackVerheydt.

done -- Isaac


It would be very kind, if i could write PMs because I want to speak with some person who aren´t in the German forum

done -- Isaac


Ok, I am not a spam-kind of person but may I have the PMs? I'm not forcing you. :P

To all spammers, darn you in your doom!
Version using: Simutrans v111.0
Paks: pak64, pak96.comic, pak128 openr582, pak128.Britain, pak128.Japan, pak192.comic
Using: Paint.NET, Paint, Photoshop, SketchUp
Future Addon(s): Building (Link)
Current Addon(s): Eye-See Mart and Several Building addons  Ask me any questions. I'm free.


Hey Vlad, could you please restore my pm-abilities?  ;)  I'm still leeching around here, but I'm starting to feel I need to PM again... Thanks! :D

done -- vilvoh
Played Simutrans in:
~ The Netherlands ~ United Kingdom ~ Taiwan ~ Belgium ~

Simutrans player



done -- vilvoh


I think I will need it in future, can you allow me use all this power? ;D

done -- IgorEliezer

Michael 'Cruzer'

Sorry, that I don't write this to the existing thread, but I can't find it... :(
Could I have the permissions to send private messages?

post moved to the right place and done -- vilvoh
Founder and Ex-Maintainer of pak192.comic. Provider of Simutrans Hosting rental service.


As I just receive PM,  I want to be able to  write back.

done -- IgorEliezer


Somebody asked me something about SimuTranslator per PM and I'd like to answer him.
May I get them?

done -- vilvoh


I want to make a question to someone but dont want to make a new Post in forums :)

okay, you're requesting PM rights. Done -- IgorEliezer

The Transporter

I will like to be able to send PM like all the others here. Thank you.

done -- IgorEliezer


I just edited the 1st post of this topic. I added a small requirement: from now on, members need to have posted at least 2 posts in forums before requesting PM rights.

Simple thing. Considering spambots (or malicious people) make just 1 post and leave the forum.


Ok, I would like to use the pms too ;)

done -- IgorEliezer



May I send a PM?



done --vilvoh


May I have that need to send PM? (translator tikiwiki)


done --vilvoh


I was wondering why I couldn't.




done -- VS



I'd like a private secretary to send messages for me (ideally 160cm, brunette, with a lilting German accent)  8)

Failing that, could I be allowed to send messages myself?

done -- VS


I would like to be able to send messages as well so that I can reply to the occasional message I receive.


done -- VS


I kindly request to send PMs.

done -- vilvoh


May I have permission to send PM's?


done -- VS

Splendid, thanks.


I will like to be able to send PM...

Thanks !

someone else already did, but forgot to assign here -- IgorEliezer

Edit : Thanks a lot ;)
French Elements Creator :
-By Rail with trains and trams : X3800 Picasso and BB36000 Astride - trams from Nantes, St Etienne, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Lyon, Bordeaux, Le Mans, Reims...
-By Road with Trucks : Main painter for the "french trucks company", with trucks from 50ies (Willeme "Squale Nose") to 2000 (Renault AE500 "Magnum) and a lot of trailers... and with Trolley and Buses : Irisbus Cristalis, Man Lion's City, Irisbus Magelys...
- Industry : Collaborator for french food with Wine and Cheese...


I would also like to have the ability to send PM:s, please. Won't misuse that privilege.

done -- VS

Thanks! :)


I, Robot, having passed the Turing test, feel it is un-robotic and in conflict with the Three Laws to prevent me from replying to a kind PM welcome.

"Please, more porridge, Sir?"

turing test passing form stamped -- VS

Thank you. (Sorry for the double post. I don't see a delete button. Can I delete it?)


Me, me meeeee!  ;D

you, you, youuu done -- vilvoh

we, we, we weeeeeeee!! -- IgorEliezer


Quote from: seeker on April 16, 2011, 02:33:28 AMThank you. (Sorry for the double post. I don't see a delete button. Can I delete it?)

Why delete if you can edit? ;)


Quote from: IgorEliezer on April 16, 2011, 07:05:09 PM
Why delete if you can edit? ;)
I tried to edit. When I saved it, it appeared to be a double post. Might have been a browser/server glitch. Or it was a double & VS merged them. Still, same question, is there a way to delete your own posts, or do you need to have a moderator do it?


May I have it please? Thanks in advance :)

done -- IgorEliezer
Simutrans newbie.


Quote from: seeker on April 17, 2011, 07:07:07 AMMight have been a browser/server glitch.
Likely. And VS merged them. :)

Quote from: seeker on April 17, 2011, 07:07:07 AMdo you need to have a moderator do it?
Yes. Only moderators and few more people have deletion rights. It's measure we adopted to avoid some kind of abuses, say, someone starts "flaming" people on forums, and other members reply his posts with harsh messages, then once the first person has achieved his goal, he deletes his posts so that he makes everyone else look dumb. ;D


Can I have PMs please.



done -- vilvoh


I want to be able to PM

done -- vilvoh
Pak128 Britain FTW.


I want to use PMs.

done -- vilvoh


I would like to be able to send/recieve pm's  ;D

Can i haz?

Defacto, u can haz nao -- IgorEliezer


I Want this service too!
Sorry my english is not good!

done -- VS
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!

Emil Sawicki

Please, enable for me ability to sending PMs.

done -- VS

thanks -- Emil
Simutrans 123, Windows 10


May I have PMs enabled, please?

done -- vilvoh


Hi, please can you activate it for me ?

done -- vilvoh


And please make Private Messages PRIVATE

I don't get it but done xD -- vilvoh
I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

Thought for the day

When you are up to your backside in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.


May I please have PM privileges?

<roboticvoice> Iamnotaspambot </roboticvoice>  ;)

done -- vilvoh
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I would like to send PM's to all the other, nice Forum members  ;D. (Real porpose : network game)


done --- vilvoh


:D :P
OK. To the point, can you enabe it for me? :)

EDIT: Not yet enabled?

a bit late but done --- vilvoh


I'd like to have PM permission please.

done --- vilvoh


hi. i want use PM .



done --- Igor


1st post of this topic:
Quote from: VS on April 29, 2010, 06:48:38 PM
Important Notice

In order to request Private Message rights, you need to have posted at least 2 posts in the forums before making the request.


I would like to be able to send PM.
Thank you.

done -- vilvoh


Quote from: IgorEliezer on September 04, 2011, 07:04:34 AM
1st post of this topic:

my bad for not reading the OP carefully , :-X can I get activation now?

done -- vilvoh


I request ability to send PMs please.

done --- Igor
My Sketchup open project sources
various projects rolled up:

Colour safe chart:


I would like to send private  messages.

done --- Igor

Jack Rudd

Hello. I would appreciate the ability to send and receive private messages.

done -- vilvoh

Jim Knopf

Hello all. Can you please activate private messages for me. Thanks in advance.

done -- vilvoh


Hi! I would like to request PM rights aswell, thanks! :)


done --- Igor


This topic is no longer needed, at least for now.

Topic locked