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Finding, Pak128.Britain 1.07 DoR 2, Livestock Driver.

Started by Dutchman on Rails, May 08, 2010, 06:38:40 AM

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Dutchman on Rails

I'm sorry to have to report a finding in Pak128.Britain 1.07 (not in Experimental AFAIK).

The livestock driver has a weight of 0t. But Simutrans Experimental (and probably standard too) can't handle that. If you set the weight of a vehicle to 0t, it has infinite speed when empty. Setting the weight to 1t solves the problem.

On a sidenote, I get the impression that (in both PakSets) the livestock driver is incorrectly spelled as livestock drover. This might be a small tweak to do.

If you agree with both points, I can upload my .dat file with both changes for you.


Quote from: Dutchman on Rails on May 08, 2010, 06:38:40 AM
On a sidenote, I get the impression that (in both PakSets) the livestock driver is incorrectly spelled as livestock drover. This might be a small tweak to do.

Nah, it is supposed to be like that, cf.

Dutchman on Rails

I stand corrected on the spelling. Thanks, learned something again.

The Hood

You are correct with the weight - will fix that.  Drover is the correct term though (old-fashioned quirk of the English language!)


Quote from: The Hood on May 08, 2010, 08:19:09 AM
You are correct with the weight - will fix that.  Drover is the correct term though (old-fashioned quirk of the English language!)

The other vehicle with a 0 weight in pak128.brtiain standard is the "man on a bike", and it also needs to be changed to weight 1.  (This change was already made in experimental.)

The Hood