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SMSC Poll: May - Downton

Started by vilvoh, May 16, 2010, 11:05:04 AM

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Which is the most beautiful screenshot about downtown?

Big city with many roads
16 (41%)
Frickenhausen 19th century downtown
2 (5.1%)
Downtown with railway station
2 (5.1%)
Seashore downtown
0 (0%)
Metropol city
2 (5.1%)
Crowded downtown
3 (7.7%)
Nightly downtown
1 (2.6%)
Park street station
3 (7.7%)
1950's downtown
1 (2.6%)
City of Hillborough
6 (15.4%)
London at night
3 (7.7%)
Mai small downtown
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Voting closed: May 23, 2010, 11:05:04 AM


Welcome to the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest (SMSC) Poll.

This month's topic is Downtown. Please vote for your favourite picture. You can only select one. The survey will be available for just 1 week. The winner will gets fame and glory at the Simutrans Community.

Candidates & Pictures

click on the names for fullsize images.

1. Big city with many roads .. A. Brose - pak96.comic
2. Frickenhausen 19th century downtown.. Benedikt - pak.german
3. Downtown with railway station.. Sojo - pak96.comic
4. Seashore downtown.. Dirk Burkholz  - pak96.comic
5. Metropol city.. Enlighthell - pak128+Maglev Addon+other random addons
6. Crowded downtown.. gauthier - pak128 + joker roads + SNFOS_SNCF_z8800 + SNFOS_RATP_MS61
7. Nightly downtown.. Keksi1970 - pak128
8. Mai small downtown.. MoTw - pak96.comic
9. Park street station.. Lmallet - pak128.Britain
10. 1950's downtown.. petter - pak64
11. City of Hillborough.. Lord Vetinari - pak64
12. London at night.. Sybill - pak64

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


@vilvoh: We've noticed that the second picture has not the right size. Please change picture N°2 to this one:
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Right now I can't change it easily (matters of coppermine) so I'll do it later.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


vilvoh: just find its url and overwrite it via ftp :P Easy!

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


I know, but where I am now (@work) I don't have ftp access neither the ftp account access data.

EDIT: done. The image has been replaced by the right size's one.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...

Lord Vetinari


Of course you can. Actually, you must do it.  ;)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...




I can't see any poll result on this forum ... is it normal ?


Yes, the results are shown when the poll has expired. It's better for reducing the influence of the most voted options. If you see that a option is the most voted, unconsciously you can think that it's the best option and vote for it, specially if the difference of votes with the rest is large. We also want to keep the suspense untill the end...  ;D

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


oh I understand now  :D
I thought that it was again a glitch in my browser, like the graphics.simutrans kaptcha which I can't display for months ...


One day and the poll will be over! Please vote for your favourite picture if you haven't done this already!
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Will there be the same competition on June?


o.o I noticed the spelling error. Downton? lol...
And also... I voted :D

Quote from: vilvoh on May 16, 2010, 11:05:04 AM
The winner will gets fame and glory at the Simutrans Community.

Erm... do you mean like the prize is an addon?
Version using: Simutrans v111.0
Paks: pak64, pak96.comic, pak128 openr582, pak128.Britain, pak128.Japan, pak192.comic
Using: Paint.NET, Paint, Photoshop, SketchUp
Future Addon(s): Building (Link)
Current Addon(s): Eye-See Mart and Several Building addons  Ask me any questions. I'm free.


Quote from: STransMaker on May 22, 2010, 11:55:57 AM
Erm... do you mean like the prize is an addon?

I think it's the feeling of being victorious.

Hard choice, BUT, I voted. Expect mine relating to anything modern.


Yes, SMSC is supposed to be a monthly contest. Of course, we'll have a different topic in June ;)

The prize: A blog entry in both the German and the English one and also an entry in the Simutrans Hall of Fame.
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Wish the first wins :D


Quote from: MoTw on May 22, 2010, 01:02:05 PM
Yes, SMSC is supposed to be a monthly contest. Of course, we'll have a different topic in June ;)

The prize: A blog entry in both the German and the English one and also an entry in the Simutrans Hall of Fame.

Thanks for the info. :D
Version using: Simutrans v111.0
Paks: pak64, pak96.comic, pak128 openr582, pak128.Britain, pak128.Japan, pak192.comic
Using: Paint.NET, Paint, Photoshop, SketchUp
Future Addon(s): Building (Link)
Current Addon(s): Eye-See Mart and Several Building addons  Ask me any questions. I'm free.


The Poll is over! Congratulations to our winner - Alexander Brose! His screenshot got the big majority of votes: 16 which is 41%! Congratulations again.

1st: Alexander Brose, Big city with many roads
2nd: Lord Vetinari, City of Hillborough
3rd: Shared between gauthier, Lmallet & sybill
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Version using: Simutrans v111.0
Paks: pak64, pak96.comic, pak128 openr582, pak128.Britain, pak128.Japan, pak192.comic
Using: Paint.NET, Paint, Photoshop, SketchUp
Future Addon(s): Building (Link)
Current Addon(s): Eye-See Mart and Several Building addons  Ask me any questions. I'm free.


Hey, I tied for 3rd place too :)

Congrats A. Brose!

Alex. Brose

Thank you, guys! :D

Congrats for 2nd und 3rd place.
I'm curious about the next topic, hehe.


congratulations, Alexander Brose :)


Quote from: Lmallet on May 23, 2010, 02:29:07 PM
Hey, I tied for 3rd place too :)

Whoops 8( I'm sorry, fixed that.
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Nice Contest. Congrats to all the participants for joining and of course to the winners :)


Quote from: Alex. Brose on May 23, 2010, 03:02:48 PM
I'm curious about the next topic, hehe.

Congrats, Alex!

Maybe next could be about airports... or something else...


We are evaluating several options but we (MoTw and I) haven't decided yet. Anyway, you can suggest new topics for SMSC here

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...