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About denied/deprecated industry chains

Started by Václav, May 21, 2010, 06:55:38 PM

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This topic might be opened in else discussion, so it may be moved where it fits better... (Forum lounge or Simutrans discussion)
But please, don't lock it.

Nuclear power.
Example of deprecated chain. But deprecated are only some parts of this chain. I think that some parts may be base for else chains.

Uranium ore was used in glassworks for making glass green (of course, amount of used uranium ore was very low, almost negligible) - mostly until the first half of 20th century - but production of glass coloured by uranium still goes on (amount of production is very low, almost negligible).

And archeologists found that uranium was used for colouring of glaze 79 years BC - close to Napoli (Italy).

I think that this is way how to allow some new materials in game. And some chains could be allowed in game as curiosity/monument.

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Well, I guess the question is, if its use is negligable, is it even worth having it?

Uranium use in glass these days vary from negligable to less than 2%.  If you translate that to Simutrans, you would have a glass mill requiring a lot of coal and sand, but maybe 1 tonne of uranium once in a while.  Is it worth building a supply chain and lines to transport materials which are so rarely needed?  After all, Simutrans uses a more "macro" view of things, and does not take into account every little detail involved in material production.

Otherwise, there are no limits on having new materials in the game (well, that is the impression I get, this is not hard coded, right?).  You just need to think of a good industry chain, draw some objects and make the appropriate dat files.


Quote from: Lmallet on May 21, 2010, 07:16:49 PM
you would have a glass mill requiring a lot of coal and sand, but maybe 1 tonne of uranium once in a while.

1. Thanks for support of this idea.
2. Difference between amounts of needed materials would make this chain very difficult to use it for earning of money. And it is right. But I have no idea for buildings excepting glass works - because this chain would need not only new glass works.

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not to hijack, but could it not be set to something like 'rare metal', 'exotic metal' or even both?

Instead of just uranium, it could also be things like titanium, scandium, tungsten, niobium, chromium, aluminum, platinum, etc. Which would, in game, return less goods than the amount of ore input, but have a high value for transportation and be used in 'advanced' versions of existing chains, like: luxury car assembly plant, luxury glass mill, high-tech electronics factory, etc.

It could even spawn new chains like scrap yard -> recycling plant -> raw goods (plastic, steel, aluminum, exotic metal, rare metal)
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AEO: rare and exotics metals - it sounds very strange. I am not sure with using some metals called by yourself, for example niobium and scandium. Some other ones (platinum, chromium, tungsten, titanium) could be used in special chains - as you wrote. But I am not sure with name for special glass and its factory. Luxury glass would not be exact - but currently I don't know better.

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Some light metal industry chain? The end factory could be an airplane manufacturer. The airplanes are then sold in city shops :D
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Dwachs: Thanks. Light metals and Colour metals would be two main groups of metallic materials. One idea of airplane industry was discussed in topic New chains ideas.

But BTW: I opened this topic mainly to discuss how to implement some problematic materials.

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You can do a nuclear power chain as an add on, it's no problem. Besides you have to draw a lot, you'll also need specialised vehicle to transport radioactive material.


Mobo: but this is one of few denied/deprecated chains. And you can download it here.

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niobium and scandium is usually used as an alloying element for aluminum. you could just roll those two alloys together with aluminum. scandium-aluminum alloy is mainly used in air planes.

As for uranium alone, the only other thing that uses it, that I can think of, are smoke detectors.
Smoke detectors use Americium and Americium is a byproduct of spent fuel.
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Colour safe chart:


About using uranium for smoke detectors I don't know - but I would like rather to stay on goods based on already present (and similar) - like airplanes industry (aluminium, plastics, glass, steel - link above), luxury cars (leather, steel, aluminium, glass, plastics), jewelry (coloured glass, gold, silver, platinum, gems).

As I read explanation of why weapons are denied as industry chain, I have this idea: weapons would be specified - for example as swords - and then they can be transported to museums, and for example together with historical armors. And they can be produced by art smiths.

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