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SMSC July Edition: Highway infrastructures

Started by vilvoh, July 01, 2010, 05:46:03 PM

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Here we go on with the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest. The July's topic is highway infrastructures, rural and urban ones, with elevated roads, bridges, spaghetti junctions or just cars overtaking. It can be as simple or complex as you prefer.


  • Picture max size: 800x600
  • Available picture formats: png or jpg
  • Topic: Highway infrastructures
  • You may use any pakset you want
  • Zoom is allowed.
  • Please include a short description and mention the pak you've used.
  • You can upload the picture to files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ] or any other image hosting service, and then post link to the image here.
  • The nomination period ends at the half of the month. Then, we'll make a poll to decide the winner(s)


A mention at Simutrans Hall of Fame, compliments by the community and one post including your picture in the official blog.

Sample images:

us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/fCTENNrGhF/spaghetti2.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/wWBkM--Uwz/simu-2.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/p2WTujq6L_/sp1.png] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/hgT78E_Q7v/sp5.png]

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Upnusi, some japanese user made a great youtube highway-video:

Not new, but still totally epic  :)


This is my contribution. it's a small image (800x600) I had to resize it, for not to loose the details.

[ES] es muy pequeña imagen 800x600 tuve que reduirla por que si no se perderian varios detalles de la imagen
pero aqui esta mi participacion

us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/QJLDgEvTAk/el-gran-pak-derajjared.png]

title: por la sierra del norte (across the northern highlands)
pakset:pak128 + pak.derajjared128 (under development)

translated to EN, please, at this board, you always had to post in english first ~vilvoh


world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


That pakset looks great, derajjared! very realistic.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/hXWOmoBgAe/telavia1consimu.jpg]

http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/links/hXWOmoBgAe/telavia1consimu.jpg
The Ayalon Highways in Tel - Aviv central area IN SATURDAY

In saturday most of the roads in Israel are clear. The Ayalon Highways ( Road 20. ) Are a few roads who crosses some of the cities in Israel's central part.
Pak 64 With add ons.
By the way, Most of the people might have forget : Highways are not JUNKY cross and corridor, ONLY 2 road and many entrances to them.


One suggestion, idan44, I think your image would look better with solid buildings, instead of transparent ones.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...



Quote from: vilvoh on July 04, 2010, 06:37:46 PM
One suggestion, idan44, I think your image would look better with solid buildings, instead of transparent ones.
First of all I must thank you for helping me post the picture.
Second, unfortunately I didn't find the right building to near the highways or the right options so I think chose to use the transparent buildings.

I tried to find a picture of what I did in Simutrans :

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Open Pak128 + my US roads available on + Timothy's fence (also on addons site)

I've recently developed a new freeway standard that I've been implementing. I don't like the center-exit system in real life; and the disadvantage is that traffic does cross; however, the tile usage finally won me over.

Since I used fences, two fences plus two highway roads was already 4-tiles wide. Exits used to require a 7x3 box on EACH side of the highway; because cars can now make a double turn in two tiles, that was reduced to 5x3, but still a lot when cities are maybe 10-20 tiles square for a decent sized town...

Thus, I decided that this would be better.

It also GREATLY simplifies signage, and highway merges are easier; and it's easy to put exist on corners... It's also easy to shut off parts of the highway while it's being constructed - only two barricade tiles are needed to close off a direction completely....

So, for Simutrans, I think this is the ultimate highway system. I'd love to see improvements/suggestions for it, though. :)


I must say that this month is going to be very hard-fought contest. There's much variety and it will be very hard to choose the winner.. :)

PS: Some images where too big (~2 MB), so I had to change the format from png to jpg.

Quote from: Optimix on July 04, 2010, 07:48:25 PM
Here's my spaghetti-fun :-)

It's pak128, isn't it?

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Quote from: vilvoh on July 05, 2010, 06:39:42 PM

It's pak128, isn't it?
Yes it is! :-)
And forgot to tell, that it is not really a serious contest-participation.
It's all a bit manipulated, but it gives fun, to experiment with all
these beautiful bridges, and the enormous possibilities of Simutrans.

Isaac Eiland-Hall

Quote from: Optimix on July 05, 2010, 07:22:31 PM
Yes it is! :-)
And forgot to tell, that it is not really a serious contest-participation.
It's all a bit manipulated, but it gives fun, to experiment with all
these beautiful bridges, and the enormous possibilities of Simutrans.

I was wondering! Especially since it appears to be nearly all trains. :D

Still, it's rather impressive spaghetti. :D


Well, it has at least one road, so it's in, although I can't asure it's going to win.. :P

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Quote from: vilvoh on July 05, 2010, 08:23:52 PM
Well, it has at least one road, so it's in, although I can't asure it's going to win.. :P

hehe! :-))

This is the problem with the image size restrictions......I had to minimize
the picture to 800 x 600 because it was in the rules.
In a larger pic, you can watch that there are 2 roads.
But I discoverd that Simutrans does not accept a highspeed road
(bridge) at that high level, so I had to build a simple bridge
(the yelow one)


At german forum we have some pictures more:

From PorscheTaurus (pak and pak.german mixed and vehicles and objects from him)

From me (pak96.comic)

And Dr.Iver has posted a screenshot from Version 0.88.4 (pak) - Date of the screenshot 03-08-2004

I've changed the fullsize images for thumbnails ~vilvoh
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


I saw MoTw post so I've already included them, sojo...  ;D

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Ok. :) But maybe someone  haven't seen it. ;)

Edit: In my posting is now a error. My picture is there two times. And Dr.Ivers picture is missing.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Corrected, and you're right, the rest of the Simutrans community must know these pictures too... :)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Wow, here are amazing highway infraestructures. it´s would be a hard choice.

My little contribution to the contest.

Title: A toll barrier in the midle of the water
Info: Simutrans 0.102.1 + Pak 128.japan + Japanese Simutrans Addons.

Description: This game, called CO Region, it´s a fictional Parody of the Kanto region of Japan, in this image you can see the Arakawa Circular Highway, part of the Shuto Expressway system, over the arakawa river, in the boundary between Edogawa Ward and Ichikawa Ward. Here you can see a tollbarrier, but the highways system isn´t so popular in the city. The city have a very efficient public transport system.
You can see also the bridge of the Toei Shinjuku Line, the Tsuchiura station and surrounds. Principaly the Kogakuin Daigaku (Technical University), Edogawa Campus. and some residential houses of a tipical "Shitamachi" areas.


From one hongkong player, who sent me a game a long while ago, I have also two screen shots. The guy has built a really amazing infrastructure:


Bob Marley: No woman, no cry

Programmer: No user, no bugs


Do you want to participate on the contest with some of these screenshots, prissi?

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...



It's a submission from the past! But we must know author's name for the entry :D

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Well, the rules doesn't say anything about anonymous participants... :::)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


I think the important is, that Newbees have a look at nice Screenshots. To see what is possible with this game.

Also, it give not a really prize. So I think we can use the screen from prissi.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Lastly I went to Tel - Aviv and pictured it :

Uploaded with

(Same pictures as I create in Simutrans. :) )
And I do think that after seeing those pictures it can be a good idea to make a special entrance to a highway in Simutrans. Rather tahn now when we need to use 2 roads... :S


Lobsus also wanted to take part, but as he has problems with his forum account, I'll post his picture...

us (site down, do not visit) ]/image/show/fG6A5SCCVv/lobsus-highway.png]

title: top speed through the city skyline..
pakset: pak128 + pak128.japan skycrappers + addons

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


The Great Harbour Bridge by night. The highway A1 connecting the Cities Hasbergen and Lützen.

pak.german + Addons, mainly pak.japan

URL for downloading a higher quality... sorry if I made a mistake. I have uploaded a file for the first time on that page. For information... it is 1.3 MB
http://files.[ simutrans [dot] us (site down, do not visit) ]/files/get/xIJ479FkEY/greatharbourbridge3.bmp


Don't worry, I took the HQ version and then I changed it to jpg format.

Btw, seems that this month we're going to have lots of participants.. :o

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Yes many participants with many nice photos, though most of the new sets dont even have highways yet. Bt they seem to be popular, got to put them on the list ;)


If I manage by July 15th, I'll post also a pic with a preview of my highways set for pak 128 :)