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Passengers and goods generation timeline

Started by Lord Vetinari, September 18, 2010, 05:23:38 PM

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Lord Vetinari

Some paks have a lot of contents for an early start (mainly pak Britain is fully playable since the first half of the 19th century, but also pak 64 has old vehicles and I suppose that also the future pak USA will have 19th century stuff). The problem is that the simulation seems to be based on more modern times. It's really hard, if not impossible, to have those old, slow and small vehicles to provide a decent service at the current passengers and goods generation rate. Even ships, that can carry a lot of units, aren't enough to avoid overcrowding because of the low speed.

Problem is that in rl 19th century there was a lot smaller demand for transport. Experimental simulates this with travel time tolerance and comfort for passengers, but I think that standard too needs to address the issue somehow.
I'm suggesting a timetable for the amount and speed of the generation, so that pak mantainers can set different behaviours for different ages.


IMHO if such a time line is introduced, it should be set in relation to the average speed of the vehicles of a certain time period -since the amount of travellers IS in fact related to how long the journey will take.... Maybe the speed bonus limits could be reused in some way?

Lord Vetinari

Your suggestion seems more realistic, which is good.
I suggested a manual timeline because I imagine that such thing will be a parameter that will be put in simuconf like station coverage or the present passenger generation rate, and thus easier to balance according to the features of the pak and modifiable by players according to personal taste.


At lest pak 64 addreses this by lower levels for houses compared to later years. As such the maximum number of poeple generated at a certain stop will be lower.

But honestly: Before 1800 nearly nobody travelled further than "in-village". In many place actually leave the own village was a forbidden. At that point of time providing a simulation of transport is not realisitic at all.

Lord Vetinari

Quote from: prissi on September 19, 2010, 02:00:18 PM
At lest pak 64 addreses this by lower levels for houses compared to later years. As such the maximum number of poeple generated at a certain stop will be lower.

That worked better before engines like the locomotive Eagle were added to the pack.
Also, even pak Britain has low level buildings in 1800. However, if you connect five or six cities, you get overflowed by passengers, at an amount that no 40km/h or less vehicle can handle. Trains are too slow and have a very small capacity, ships can carry a lot of things but are even slower than trains, cart arn't any good unless you need a really short two stop shuttle, and even so it can be tricky to manage.
The same happens with goods if the industry network is somewhat developed at the beginning (aka, if you choose a relatively high number of industry chains at map generation)

Quote from: prissi on September 19, 2010, 02:00:18 PMBut honestly: Before 1800 nearly nobody travelled further than "in-village". In many place actually leave the own village was a forbidden. At that point of time providing a simulation of transport is not realisitic at all.

Right, but I was talking exactly of 1800. It's a fascinating era, some paks have a lot of content for it.