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Questions about translations in SimuTranslator

Started by prissi, October 16, 2008, 09:20:00 AM

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This message appears when you really are at the upper limit: 65535 is the maximum.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


For vehicles based on RL models, should we use the RL company names, or should we make one up because of trademark/copyright concerns?
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Depends on the set. pak64.german has real names, pak64 has fantasy names with some real elements "H-Trans Br614 or so, usually it was the creator of said vehicle.) pak96 very wild fantasy. But this is handled different for each set.

MOst important to keep them to a single line and match them with the others of the pak set.


Quote from: prissi on October 17, 2009, 11:11:50 AM
Depends on the set. pak64.german has real names, pak64 has fantasy names with some real elements "H-Trans Br614 or so, usually it was the creator of said vehicle.) pak96 very wild fantasy. But this is handled different for each set.

MOst important to keep them to a single line and match them with the others of the pak set.
Sorry I wasn't more clear on that. I'm helping with pak64 English, and I wondered if there was any trademark/copyright reason not to, for example, call the Ford semi a Ford semi rather than an MHz semi.
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But I remember Hajo being very angry when his stuff was renamed that way...
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


Well, ok, the reason was that there were no copyright entries when those vehcile were introduced first. And thus the names were included (like on pak128 too, btw).


Oh I mean long after the copyright entries were introduced - and actually regardless of them being there, he was angry.
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


Yes, because those name felt liek a part of the experience. It was probably partly my fault, and I reverted them. So now we stick to this rule for pak64. It was just an explainantion, albeit a too short one.


My thought was that the companies might get upset (though on a personal level, I don't get this; it is an homage... but as a businessperson, I can understand that letting people use your trademarks can get sticky).
Thanks for all the info. It will help with translating the vehicles.
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Okay, here are some Base Text strings I'd like to know where to find in the game so I can translate them correctly:
Add random citycar - (this doesn't sound like something I've ever seen in the game.)
Cannot create socket
enlarge map - (this is the last button in the public service "Map Editing Tools", correct?)
Protocoll error (expecting game)
Server did not respond!
You can also help translate for your language with SimuTranslator.


Quote from: skreyola on October 19, 2009, 05:56:37 AM
Okay, here are some Base Text strings I'd like to know where to find in the game so I can translate them correctly:
Add random citycar - (this doesn't sound like something I've ever seen in the game.)
Not sure either, the code seems to indicate that it should be on the public player tools as well, but it is at least not used in pak64
Quote from: skreyola on October 19, 2009, 05:56:37 AM
Cannot create socket
Protocoll error (expecting game)
Server did not respond!
Presumably error messages related to the new (still not quite working) networking code being added
Quote from: skreyola on October 19, 2009, 05:56:37 AM
All on the new Settings dialogue that you open by clicking Settings on the New World dialogue
Quote from: skreyola on October 19, 2009, 05:56:37 AM
enlarge map - (this is the last button in the public service "Map Editing Tools", correct?)
In pak64 this is the placement of this button, yes. Other paks may have it on special tools.
Quote from: skreyola on October 19, 2009, 05:56:37 AM
City List -> Statistics


Add random citycar
  a tool, that is not defined as public player (lacking icon)

Cannot create socket
Protocoll error (expecting game)
Server did not respond!
  error messages that cannot appear (yet) from the network mode


You can also help translate for your language with SimuTranslator.


Hochsitz 1 and 2... I'm guessing these are "Forest Ranger's Tower"s, from the way I see them appear in the game. Does that sound right?
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This is used on germany by hunter for shooting game like boars and deers. But forest ranger sound certainly nicer. My dictionary say "raised hide" albeit I never heard that word before.


Quote from: prissi on October 20, 2009, 07:35:27 AM
This is used on germany by hunter for shooting game like boars and deers. But forest ranger sound certainly nicer. My dictionary say "raised hide" albeit I never heard that word before.
Oh. I translated it high seat.
So, it's a deer stand/tree stand, not a tower for forest rangers to watch for forest fires?

Another question: What in-game difference is there between MonorailFoundation and MonorailGround? Or is it okay to give them the same translation? The only use I have seen for them is that the game automatically puts one of them under a depot on a raised mono/MLM way, or if the player wants to put one under a raised station for aesthetics.
I see in the translator that the Foundation one is a station extension. Is the Ground one what the game puts under a depot?
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What are these meanings, "No suitable ground! 1" and "No suitable ground! 3".

Currently these keywords are not in SimuTranslator but in source code.
   // ok, now we have old_stop
   if(  h.is_bound()  &&  !(bd->is_halt()  ||  (h->get_station_type()&haltestelle_t::dock  &&  bd->ist_wasser())  )  ) {
      // not this halt ...
      return "No suitable ground! 1";
   // check waytypes
   if(  waytype[0] == invalid_wt  &&  (bd->ist_wasser()  ||  bd->hat_wege())  ) {
      // ok;
   else {
      if(  (waytype[0] == water_wt  &&  bd->ist_wasser())  ||  bd->hat_weg(waytype[0])  ||  bd->hat_weg(waytype[1])  ) {
      // ok;
         return "No suitable ground! 3";


These messages were debug messages. Got committed have a year ago. My fault - corrected in rev 2831.
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


With the 2Raffinerie and 3Raffinerie, are these factories eventually going to be era-dependent, such that a gas refinery appears in the late 19th/early 20th century, and then later on, refineries that also make plastics appear? If so, is there any reason not to translate them both as "Oil Refinery"? At least in the States, they are called Oil Refineries no matter what they produce, except if they make only plastics, in which case one would be called a "Plastic Factory"
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2Raffinery is only there for compatibility with old savegames and thus it should get the same name.


Thank you.
I would also suggest that the AAC factory produce "Concrete Mix" since it is combining cement and stone, and therefore is not just producing "... Stones"... also, the Aerated Autoclaved Concrete business is too long for reasonable station names and info windows.
Shall I effect this change, along with calling the factory a Cement Mix Factory? The info about AAC could remain in the dummy_info text.
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No, because when the production was changed from concrete to AAC stones (whoever put the long word in there again?) I could change it form special freight (concrete which is never shipped by train in reality, since on has less than 8 hours to use it) to AAC stones to have at the same time the environmental idea pushed and could use piece goods for the stones pallets.

Also at the home market you would not buy ready made concrete by rather stones in larger amounts (even conpared to concrete mix).


Quote from: prissi on November 08, 2009, 07:10:02 PM
No, because when the production was changed from concrete to AAC stones (whoever put the long word in there again?) I could change it form special freight (concrete which is never shipped by train in reality, since on has less than 8 hours to use it) to AAC stones to have at the same time the environmental idea pushed and could use piece goods for the stones pallets.

Also at the home market you would not buy ready made concrete by rather stones in larger amounts (even conpared to concrete mix).
If they're maknig pallets of stones, why would they need cement as an input?
Here in the States, home markets like Home Depot do carry pallets of just-add-water concrete mixes (forex. Quikcrete), and consumers can buy just one 20#-50# bag, so I'd say if what we're talking about is a crated good, it would make more sense that it's that kind of a bag mix, and that would make sense with the use of trains for transporting it. After all, wet mix is usually taken direct from the mixing factory to a job site, not to an intermediate reseller, at least where I live.
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Usually the ratio between stones and mix is rather one stone pallete and one bag, at least it was when I last built a house. Thus I changed it to stones (which as made at similar facitiies. Espeically the factory do look rather like something producing stones.) Athough it was an artistst rendering anyway ...


What we buy here is a bag with stones already in the cement to form a just-add-water concrete mix. But if that's definitely not (and not going to be) what the game factory makes, then I guess I'll leave it alone.
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Since it is for the english language area, I am not sure. I was speaking for the german one. Maybe an british opionion would be nice. Honestly, I forgot, you can accomodate it to something useful. (However, remeber this good is available from 1919.)


Quote from: prissi on November 08, 2009, 10:14:33 PM
Since it is for the english language area, I am not sure. I was speaking for the german one. Maybe an british opionion would be nice. Honestly, I forgot, you can accomodate it to something useful. (However, remeber this good is available from 1919.)
Okay, after a little bit of search-engine-fu, I realize I was mistaken about what was actually being produced. I was picturing small stones. It appear to be referring to what we in the States call "cinder blocks" or "concrete blocks" (though some of the pictures I found were not of cellular blocks but columns, arches, and other forms. Shipping cinder blocks by rail would make a lot of sense, as would selling them at a construction/home market.
I wonder how difficult it would be to make the factory produce cinder blocks at first, then both cinder blocks and bags of concrete mix when mix bags became available historically.
My recommendation, as an English speaker, would be to call the good type "Concrete Blocks" and the factory "Concrete Factory" or "Block Factory".
I don't want to make these changes without hearing from one or more British or European native English speaker.

This type of factory could make other things from similar inputs, including "bricks", "pavers", and "birdbaths".
Thoughts, anyone?
You can also help translate for your language with SimuTranslator.


How to translate ?? I only find compare ,  preferences , logout , export , statistics , set info .

SIMUTRANS INDONESIA WEBSITE  <<< Indonesia Simutrans Addons Center And Web


on, go for the guest access (assuming you did not yet ask Frank for an account yet - you can not register yourself)
Now go to Search Objects & Texts to open a page called "object guide". You'll see several dropdown-boxes. The upper left one is the most important where you can choose what you want to translate for - the game, help files, one of several paksets or some additional tools. You can define other stuff with the other dropdown-boxes as well to narrow down the results. Then click Search
A list of all items fitting your search will come up. If you click on any of them, you will open a page that lists all translations for that one item. The topmost translation is english, so you know what you are supposed to translate. Klick on id or scroll down to indonesian language, and enter your translation there if there isn't any, or if it is wrong. You can now click on save suggestion to save your translation. However, it will stay an suggestion until a registered user confirms it.


Wiki - Translations Rules
Wiki - Texts in Simutrans

Quote from: Frank on December 10, 2008, 04:39:10 PM
The page 'Main Menu' show the status from sets for logged users.

The maintainer from a set can changed the status under 'Manage Objects'.

Not show the button save by not translated sets in edit page.

Quote from: Frank on December 03, 2008, 09:34:59 PM
add in game help files in the translator

direct download is not yet built

the next nightly included the help files from translator

the Note not saved to all help files


vzrenggamani is a registered user

compare, preferences and logout show by registered users not guest

Quote from: vzrenggamani on January 07, 2016, 01:22:02 PM
How to translate ?? I only find  compare , preferences , logout , export , statistics , set info .


In pak128 there is this type of good: "none".
Where does Somutrans use this type of good?
What does it 'mean'? (as the German translation says 'none', but the French says 'Empty')

Where does the dummy info for the factories come?


As far as I am aware simutranslator is usless for pak128 as the text link list has not been updated for several years so most text pieces are missing from it. Hence why I wrote my own EN translation of pak128 fixing many of these missing strings last year. The pak128 maintainers have elaborated this issue but unfortunately there seems to be some problem interfacing with simutranslator which prevents them from updating the list making using it pointless.


ah snap I just translated about 35% to dutch ^^
So if I make my own NL translation, where can I share them so they get included in the next nightly or update?