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[patch] GUI Toolbar right-click behaviour

Started by TurfIt, January 12, 2011, 03:37:18 AM

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I noticed the finances icon on the toolbar didn't dim when selected like the rest of the icons. Patch attached for this.

While fixing, I noticed the ability to close toolbars by right clicking on their icon. Yet right-clicking on icons that open dialogs did nothing; Whereas I would expect it to close them also for consistent behaviour. Patch created for this. But then, why stop there... So patch attached to allow right-click to close toolbars and dialogs, and to deselect active simple and general tools (for those that can be selected).

I also noticed closing a toolbar would always reset your tool to the query tool. Patch attached so it resets to the query tool only if the currently selected tool is contained in the toolbar being closed.



Missed a case in the toolbar closing reset to query tool patch. Revised version attached...