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Steel no longer transportable (?)

Started by alexbaettig, March 09, 2011, 07:51:33 PM

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I use pak128.Britain nightly 432 and I have a map with a steel mill on it. Now if I try to transport the steel nothing works. The definition of the product is "special freight". What is the meaning of this?
Can anyone help me?

The Hood

I've just made a fresh download and all is fine.  Have you got a save?


Could it be that it is because it a map started with version 102?
Anyway here is the save: it is called "Northern England.sve"

PS: maybe I should add that if you see odd tube trains somewhere without electrification, it can be explained by a addon for pak128 called london transport. I just wanted some tube trains and so on – it is so iconic for Britain!

The Hood


It is simply to big! 38.6 MB won't fit into
Any Idea how to upload it somewhere else?


Try this:
hope it works. Sorry about the trouble (hopefully this is not a premature statement :-[)

The Hood

Seems to be fine for me - steel is showing as a long good as it ought to.

Off-topic, it's very confusing seeing a map of northern Britain but with real town names but in random places!


Well that's odd! As you can see that on the two screenshots in the attachments steel is indicated as special freight and if I try to transport it as long goods nothing happens. It should work as all supplying goods are provided and the hardware factory needs the steel. Well it is not that important so I'll wait until the next nightly comes out and I'll see whether the problem persists...

I know it, it is confusing but I just couldn't find the energy to change all town names as it is a mammoth task!

The Hood

Definitely odd.  The pak I am using is r432 cleanly installed off the nightly page.  I've not changed goods definitions or the steel mill for ages, so it won't spontaneously fix your problem.  All I can suggest trying is redownloading the pak and replacing both BritGoods.pak and BritIndustry.pak.


I replaced the .pak files in question – the problem persists! It could be that the problem lies in the mac nightly 110.0.1 - 4347. I'll try an older version and if it gets solved by this I'll post a bug wherever it then belongs…

Edit: does not solve the problem! So I don't know!

The Hood

OK, I'm well confused now.  If anyone else could test and see what they make of it, please do.


I have no trouble transporting the steel.


Ceterum censeo...
Just mentioning that the problem is still there... Now with r451 and Simutrans Nightly 4601 for mac.


Has this been fixed?

I'm running 110.0.1 and seeing this trouble, Steel Mill seems to have all it's needs met.  It's been that way for a long long time, but no output.  I suppose it's also holding up my Car Factory and others.



Oops, I meant to say that I uploaded the file to

If that helps any.  Thanks again.

The Hood

The save works as intended for me - steel mills producing steel as a long good.  This is using a recent nightly (5046) and pak version 1.10. 


Hmm, strange.

Since the Hardware Factory and the Steel Mill share a stop, I routed a wood truck there and that seems better.  But the Car Factory still doesn't seem to produce any cars.  I thought it was due to the Steel Mill, but now maybe that isn't so.  I don't see any needs the Car Factory is missing.  Did you notice any?  What is the best way to find a cause like that?

Thank you,


It now works for me. Well it didn't for a long time but now with the unteenth update of my nightly it started working again. Now I can't say which version of the pak or simutrans made it work again as I stopped looking for this problem sometime in August...!
I am currently running the version which was the newest on Tuesday of both pak and simutrans.

@KJ: I did not look at your .sve right now I'll see whether I'll come round to do so in the next week or so...

BTW: A rather frankensteinish reanimation of this thread after all this time...


OK, I found the problem with the Steel factory... it wasn't apparent that the truck to haul "planks", which I took to mean wood only, is needed to haul the steel.

I had checked somewhere in the guide or online for steel related issues, what specifically would haul steel out, but I don't recall where that was.  It might be helpful to label the capacity for that trailer so is indicates "48t woods"  and also "48t steel".

Thanks for the help and more thanks to all who have developed this great simulation!

The Hood

I thought the translation for both was "long goods" as they are the same goods type.  I will need to check that then.


The info for the Steel Mill lists Production:  steel 182/275t, woods, 100%

So it looks strange that a steel mill is sending out wood.  Maybe the translation should be "beems", "planks" or "long goods.  Long goods probably is the better one.  Thanks again.