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Help: train can't find a route

Started by jeicam, February 11, 2011, 10:13:14 AM

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I don't know, maybe i'm stupid, but trying to do it for last 8 hours, since I downloaded latest S-Exp 9.0.
I'm trying to start rail transport without success.
I changed time, when game started (originally set at 1830) to 1920 and then to 1980,
I choose loco's and rail stock from that time period,
I checked, so tonnage of the train-set is less then tracks....

and still no results. Can't start even one train set from the depot.
All I get is that train can't find the route.

I'm using standard Simutrans version for years (started with v.88.xx) and its great to see how this game is developing.

I read manual back and forth, but I'm obviously doing something wrong (or I'm not doing something).

Please help!



Common requirement: Give us screenshots! It's said a picture is worth thousands of words, so let's spare ourselves the thousand words :) Alternatively, savegame is even better.

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welcome to the Simutrans forums! Glad that you are trying Simutrans-Experimental (note, however, that the latest version is 9.2, not 9.0, and I recommend that you use the latest version).

As for moving the trains from the depot - perhaps you could upload a saved game? No route problems are often caused by incomplete track, signals facing in the wrong direction, incomplete electrification or the wrong type of electrification, as well as the trains being over the weight limit for tracks and bridges (although I note that you have checked the latter).
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Hey guys,

I came back today to do screen shots, but I was unable to start the game at all!
All I got was generic message from Windows that Application failed to start. Windows will notify you when solution to your problem becomes available.

So I uninstalled whole Sim-Exp 9.3 restarted computer, and installed again.

And guess what: now EVERYTHING so far works.
Thanks for your concern.
I will remember for next time to take screen shots and include all data about my environment.


Got the new one!

I run the game on HP IQ816t,
Intel Core 2 Duo,
2.1 GHZ,
x64 bit OS,
Windows 7 Ultimate.

This time it is about Streetcars.
I checked it a few times:
-I build the route (higher speed/higher tonnage)
-I electrify it
-I pick the right rolling stock
Yes, it run one round trip and then on one of the stops it stop/stale and does not want to go anywhere (back or forth).

First I sold cars on the spot (I could not run them to the depot)
When they got stuck in the same spot I erased all tracks and layed them in the same route.
Then I tried again and cars got stuck almost in the same spots.
So here are the screen shots.
Hope it will help.
(sorry I run the game in my native polish. So Bez Polaczenia=No Route)

When I figure out how to post saved game (*.sve), I will post it here.

And here it is:


Most likely the tram loaded to maximum capacity at that spot and became to heavy for the rails. Do you know the name/model of that tram? Perhaps tram rail maximum weight has to be adjusted in the pak.


The latest release, 9.4, re-enables a feature that shows when a "no route" problem is because of a weight limit.
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