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Nightly 100.1-2082: During loading: ERROR Unknown object type ´67´ (dingliste_t)

Started by maister, November 01, 2008, 05:03:54 PM

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Thank you all, very much for your free work for this game!!!!! I love it!

Version 100.1-2076 & 100.1-2082

Following Error by loading of a savegame:

FATAL ERROR: dingliste_t::laden()
During loading: Unknown object type ´67´

I changed nothing on the game-datas. Only the magnetic train pak and a wall pak. But the game was running 3 days with this add-ons without error (before with the version 100.1-2076, after Error i try today with version 100.1-2082, but the same error) . Since the penultimate save i placed no totaly new Objects on the map. But the latest save crash with this error...  :'(

Thank you very much for your help!! I would not sleep if i can`t use my save-game again ;) (Not in the reason that i cry, but i must 8 hours rebuild again. Help me to avoid that i lose my job in the reason of overfatigue  ::) )
" border="0 (swiss) *pak 128*


What pakset do you use?

Have you tried if the savegame still loads with the pre-2076 version you used earlier? If it doesn't, maybe the savegame is broken... if it does, then this is probably a bug of some sort.

Oh and BTW I think a questioin like this would initially probably fit into "help requests" better than it does here...
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


Before 100.1-2076 i used the pure version 100 with pak128 but without following add-ons:

- I has installed following add-ons on/for pak128 since i use 100.1-2076 : (magnetic trains) (Nightly 100.1-2082)
symbol[1][1] (i don`t know.. i read something that i need it for magnetic trains)
vehicles[1][1].ZenoPlanePak.rar (from Zeno)
way[1] (from the japan site, but also for pak128 (not for japan.pak only)

- I tried right now to load the savegame with the version 100 (with installed add-ons). But the game close directly without an error. (But i think in the reason of the magnetic trains. I installed the Nightly 100.1-2076 only, that the game work with magnetic trains)
" border="0 (swiss) *pak 128*


Type 67 is a waggon, which should be never save be the game engine directly (at least not by dingliste) but it will be saved as a convoi. My guess: First: old savegame with a missing object (but a train car with the same name was there) citycar => train car without convoi. When loading this the game sees an invalid object for dingliste.

However, honestly, most times the savegame is just broken when you get this message, either due to hard disk errors or memory corruption during saving.


Topic renamed.

Please, make topic title more useful. Just saying "Error" is not enough to distinguish what error is. ;)

Thanks. :)

EDIT: Fixed post mistype. ::)
