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Buildings level in minimap

Started by Fabio, June 09, 2011, 01:55:56 PM

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it would be useful, in order to plan urban lines, to have a minimap view displaying the level of each building (dark blue=1; red=60 or greater)

Still in minimap topic, it would be nice if, when lines management window is closed, Show schedules option would display ALL existing lines.


Those are two different requests... :::)

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Quote from: fabio on June 09, 2011, 01:55:56 PM
it would be nice if, when lines management window is closed, Show schedules option would display ALL existing lines.
It will become too messy on big networks, one line over another. And then you should uncheck the option to see other minimap features and then check again to see the line on scheduled window.
I always keep it checked to never check again. ;D

Quote from: fabio on June 09, 2011, 01:55:56 PM
it would be useful, in order to plan urban lines, to have a minimap view displaying the level of each building (dark blue=1; red=60 or greater)
This will become very useful when building monorails and other elevated systems.


Urban density minimap option would be very useful actually, probably not hard to implement either :)
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... but it'll require a closer zoom-in (e.g. 1:8 ) for better visualization.


visualization is OK. but a cursor visualization is easier to see where you are without difficult navigation.


Quote from: Fabio on June 09, 2011, 01:55:56 PM
it would be useful, in order to plan urban lines, to have a minimap view displaying the level of each building (dark blue=1; red=60 or greater)

Since Map underwent heavy overhaul, I want to bump again this idea.

Map is the better way to see all the world (or parts of it) at a glance, so it's one of the best options to plan lines before starting building them.

For larger cities, having building levels displayed would be a *great* help.


One could certainly imagine such a display. Actually it is very easy to add ...



I have no words for it, prissi, it's simply amazing! :thumbsup:


After testing it, I could say this display could be ADDED to other selected instead of replacing them, as no other display involves buildings.


In principle it can; in practice iteration over all towns takes too long for well developed games.
