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Rules for game #2 on

Started by moblet, August 15, 2011, 12:55:30 PM

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Game #2 will soon be uploaded to the server.

The map has been divided into four approximate territories, which we will call North, South, East and West, per the below image:

This splits the map into four roughly equal quadrants for freight (white) and passengers/mail (green). The pink dots are suggested locations for public freight interchanges. Red circles are shared resources between bordering players - how you manage these is between you and your neighbour.

Each player has exclusive control over either freight or passenger/mail transport in one territory, thus there can be a maximum of eight players. Players may request to take on both freight and passenger/mail in a territory if no other player is operating there.

There are three game administrators who can operate the public player. Our forum names are Fifty, Guillaume, and moblet. The rules below have been developed to encourage co-operation and realism, if you enjoy both then most of them will not be new to you. If you do not agree with any rule please discuss it in this thread, if you do not agree with the concepts of both co-operation and realism then you should not play on this server.

Joining the game
All players have been locked to prevent casual access by players who might be unaware of the game rules. To join the game, decide which available territory/task combination and player colour you want, and request it on this thread. A game admin will send you a password to unlock your player.

Working with territories
Players can negotiate the exact boundaries between their territories, in practice it may be efficient to overlap. In case of dispute the boundaries drawn in the above image will apply.
You can carry loads into, out of, or through another player's territory, but only with their permission. Negotiate using the in-game chat.

Public Interchanges
Public interchanges will be necessary to exchange loads with neighbouring players. Design and build these together with your neighbours.
Locate freight and passenger interchanges separately to reduce congestion.

Urban development
City growth rates have been reduced to 5% of the default values.
Players servicing passenger and mail transport in a given city have the right to shape the course of its development. Players providing goods transport must respect this right, using space-efficient modes and locating infrastructure in accordance with passenger/mail players' wishes. Passenger/mail players must allow for adequate access for freight movement and may request the construction of public infrastructure to reduce land consumption.

Vehicle selection, routing and scheduling
On motorways players must use only fast and powerful vehicles. Specifically:
-   no steel may be carried on motorways (the vehicles are too slow)
-   semi trailers used on motorways must be pulled by the powerful Scania Topline prime movers, the 620 model must be used for the heavier trailers

Blocking other players' movement with vehicle queues is not acceptable.
- (Road) Wherever waiting to load is used a dedicated road must be built to accommodate the entire fleet off the right-of-way. City car generation is turned off on this map so there will be no problem of cars extending your queues.
(Rail) - No use of waiting to load in public yards, across level crossings, or where it is physically possible for a queue of trains to obstruct any public way (including level crossings).

Fisheries and oil rigs must be served entirely by water craft.

Building ways
Only connect to motorways and other limited-access roads at the points provided.
No causeways.
Bridges may not be built across lakes.
Respect the barrier of the Alps. No through-ways may be constructed above height level 3, only dead-end ways to access individual factories. No additional roads may be built to or through Summitz. (Summitz is intended to be an isolated tourist village and will not grow.)
Negotiate space for ways with other players. In case of conflict the player with the highest utilisation has priority, e.g. the lower-utilised way should bridge or deviate around the higher-utilised one.
Keep your designs within reasonable bounds of realism.
Do not build unused infrastructure to reserve space on the map.

Building other infrastructure
Goods depots must be built off the right-of-way (i.e. no closing a through-road by placing a goods depot on its alignment).
Passenger and mail stops may be built on the right-of-way in urban areas.
Passenger and mail stops must be built off the right-of-way in rural areas.
The range of bus/tram stops may not be artificially expanded through the use of distantly-placed car parking stops.
Airports may only be used as distribution hubs. No building airports at factories and making direct flights.
Airports may not be built in urban areas. Airport owners can be required to relocate their airport if reached by urban expansion.
Only the public player may build power lines. If you need electricity supplied to a factory, or a power line moved, place a sign at the opening scene.

General rules
Players must use public infrastructure where provided and not duplicate it.
Obey requests by the public player to move/remove/upgrade infrastructure or vehicles, or alter schedules.
The public player has the right to alter or destroy player infrastructure that obstructs public or other players' infrastructure, other players' movements, is excessively space-consuming, or conflicts with the character of the map. In non-urgent cases the public player will place signs requesting changes and give the player a reasonable amount of time to respond; in urgent cases (e.g. queues obstructing other players' vehicles) changes may be made without notice.