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SMSC Poll: November - Snow at railway crossings

Started by vilvoh, November 22, 2011, 06:59:21 PM

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Which is the most beautiful screenshot about Snow at railway crossings?

To the skiing grounds
6 (15.8%)
River crossing
3 (7.9%)
City crossing
5 (13.2%)
Kubes & co crossing
3 (7.9%)
13 (34.2%)
4 (10.5%)
Country Border
1 (2.6%)
British farm
2 (5.3%)
Beauty Valley
1 (2.6%)

Total Members Voted: 32

Voting closed: November 29, 2011, 06:59:21 PM


Welcome to the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest (SMSC) Poll.

This month's topic is Snow at railway crossings. Please vote for your favourite picture. You can only select one. The survey will be available for just one week. The winner will gets fame and glory at the Simutrans Community.

Candidates & Pictures

click on the names for fullsize images.

1. To the skiing grounds.. by Sybill - pak64 + japanese addons
2. River crossing.. by Eric_Moreira - pak128
3. City crossing.. by lmallet - pak128
4. Kubes & co crossing.. by mEGa - pak128 + french addons
5. Murky.. by Spacethingy - pak128.Britain
6. Kluczbork.. by Emil Sawicki - pak64
7. Country Border.. by Vonjo - pak128.Britain + addons
8. British farm.. by Arkadiusz - pak128.britian
9. Beauty Valley.. by An_dz - pak96.comic

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...

Eric Moreira

I do not speak other languages​​, only the Portuguese (br)
Não falo outras línguas, somente o Portugues (br)


Those contests have too much good work, It's too difficult to choose.

@Vilvoh, I think I never seen that much new screens in so little time. The language board idea was effective.


Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Congratulations to Spacethingy! and the resto of participants, too

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...