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SMSC December 2011 Edition: Small Villages and tourist attractions

Started by vilvoh, December 01, 2011, 10:13:32 PM

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Welcome to a new edition of the Simutrans Monthly Screenshot Contest. The December's topic is Small Villages and tourist attractions, then show us the combination of country landscapes, small groups of houses and several tourist attractions as much.


  • Only one picture per user
  • Picture max size: 800x600
  • Available picture formats: png or jpg
  • Topic: Small Villages and tourist attractions
  • You may use any pakset you want
  • Zoom is allowed.
  • Please indicate if it's from a real game or not.
  • Please include a short description and mention the pak you've used.
  • You can upload the picture to an image hosting service like imgur, or photobucket and then post link to the image here.
  • The nomination period ends at 16th December. Then, we'll make a poll to decide the winner(s)

A mention at Simutrans Hall of Fame, compliments by the community and one post including your picture in the official blog.

Have fun!

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Is from a real game. Used Pak 128 + Addons.

Picture of a medieval castle on a hill above the village. Still have a moat surrounding it and preserved medieval part of the front door of the old fortress. The low cost airline companies have been the final boom for this charming town.

Eric Moreira

[EN]: translation google translator
[PT]: Tradução em Google Tradutor


A town with a Brazilian base of the International Bureau (BIB) Realise that experience in tourist flights to the Moon and Mars. It is a town further away so as not to undermine the experience of scientists.
The city is located in the state of Pará (Brazil). A town known for fairs and study space
Although two links are the same image
  There is a real game
Pakset 128x128 + Add-ons



Uma cidadezinha com uma Base da Agencia Internacional Brasileira (AIB) que realisa experiencia para voos turisticos na Lua e em Marte. É uma Cidadezinha bem afastada para não prejudicar a experiencia desse cientistas.
A cidade se localiza no estado do Pará (Brasil). Uma cidadezinha conhecida por feiras populares e o estudo no espaço
Obs: Embora seja dois links, são a mesma imagem

Não é um jogo real
Pakset 128x128 + Add-ons
I do not speak other languages​​, only the Portuguese (br)
Não falo outras línguas, somente o Portugues (br)


Title: Greek Island

Description: One of many islands in a vast but sparsely inhabitated archipaelagus. Local economy is based on fishing and on pilgrims to the Orthodox Monastry on a hill. Recently, many lighthouses in the archipaelagus have been trasformed in tourist attractions and tourists pay handsomely in order to spend a few nights in the old caretakers' houses. From the easternmost lighthouse, you can enjoy a walk to a rare salt water lake.

Pakset: Latest Pak128 + preview of new residential blocks.

Screenshot taken from a concept map.


Is from a real game. Used Pak 128 + Addons.

It is a town located 300 km away from the main city. It has three railroads and intercity bus route. It has several residents whose income is about planting seeds and coffee. It also has one of the most luxurious hotels, where the governor often stays

Simutrans - Orgulho de desenvolvimento no Brasil.

visit my


Here my proposition :

Rural french landscape with farms, orchards and camping...
From real game. Pak128 with french addon (covered_market_chain)

Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks

Eric Moreira

Diegoviagens tem como você me dizer onde arrumou esse muro para me passar?
Por favor!
I do not speak other languages​​, only the Portuguese (br)
Não falo outras línguas, somente o Portugues (br)


Quote from: Eric Moreira on December 10, 2011, 02:24:46 PM
Diegoviagens tem como você me dizer onde arrumou esse muro para me passar?
Por favor!

[ING]Hello friend, I can do.
This is an invention of French. Follow the link.
[PT]Olá amigo, posso sim.
Esse é uma das invenções francesas. Segue o link.
Simutrans - Orgulho de desenvolvimento no Brasil.

visit my


Here is my most remote countryside of my real game.
The Morvan is the river which march along the village of the same name.
The economy of this little locality is based on rural industries.
From pak128


So here is one of mine:

Title: Quarter of St. Mathew
Made on pak128 with some german and czech extensions, St.Mathew is apart of my giant Prague map, which depicts the real city of Prague with suburbs in the year 1938.
St.Mathew is a small church, which is located in a hilly rural area in the northwest of Prague. It is accessible via trolleybus-track, which ends next to the church. In the back of the church, there is a valley around a small river, which is full of mills and small settlements, the so cold 'Lower Sarka' region. One of the quiet places, which is until nowadays still far away from industrial zones and city noise.


This is going to be a very difficult edition to vote.  All images are very nice...


Funny is the fact that the image from Isaac_Clarke has all building also available in pak64 ...


Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


My last minute entry:

Small rural village by the lake. Take the old bus to go there (don't miss it; it only goes twice a day). Near the village are the ancient monastry and the old windmill. On warm days the beaches at the lake are also very popular.
Taken from pakHD out of a real game.


I am very happy to see participation with the pakHD. It is really very creative and artistically made a success.
It will be very hard voting now ;)
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks