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Economics Lab with Simutrans

Started by jeffatsqi, December 10, 2008, 12:45:53 AM

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I am developing a economics introduction course and lab with Simutrans as the business simulation. Has anyone done something like this before and if so can you give me any pointers on what worked and what were problem areas?




I'm highly interested! Even thought I can't help you good luck!


:o Simutrans? For an economics course??  :o I'd be surprised if anyone had tried that before. The emphasis in simutrans is the transportation of goods (and passengers/mail), and even that part is simplified quite a bit. The economy even more - much more. Simutrans - IMHO - is not even close to an economy simulation. I would really suggest you consider that plan again...  :-\
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


Actually for a not-textbook, not-boring introduction to resource allocation, operational patterns,  internal rate of return, etc. I can not think of anything more fun or motivation to get young people interested in business. I already have broad support from the school district and business community. So I know this will work. Was just looking for any real world experience as a way to make the introduction of the lab as good as possible. Thanks anyway.



Hi Jeff,

I'm very happy you are interested on using Simutrans to teach economy. We are here to give the support you want and to help you whenever we can.


Sounds very interesting. It's a wise way to keep people's attention in a presentation.

In reference to the existance of any stuff related, I think Lodovico's timeline analysis is the closest thing we have, in addition to some sections in guides or wikis, but I think you're a pioneer in this field.... :)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Hi vivvoh,

Thanks for the link simulation game starting in 1830. This is very close to what I have decide to do for the Economics lab project. Everyone has ask for examples of simutrans that will help them get started. I have decided that "pre-played" simulations with a "back story" are needed.

I have started 2 at . The one that is farthest along is "Whalesland 1850: The age of steam brings the Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth". This will be  25 year simulation with each year having a chapter. The yearly chapter has three parts: overview of simulation, the Annual Report, and some Analysis. The document - multiple web pages and PDF version - is at This has saved game files at each year and financial for 1850  -1858. The text is just starting to flow in.

I would welcome any input as the book is developed.



This is very interesting and enlightens much more our shortcoming on the documentation side of the game. Even in this early stage it loog promising from design and idea.


wOW!! It seems very professional...great work! Just one thing, here you mention this:

QuoteNote SimuTrans Cookbook. SimuTrans is a sophisticated simulation program. As such it requires a level of knowledge and skill to operate. The detailed processes and commands can be overwhelming at first. The SimuTrans Cookbook provides recipes and know how for accomplishing many of the standard tasks. The on-liine and PDF versions are at ? ?? ?? ??.

I think in this paragraph you're refering to something like a Simutrans Guide where you can get examples about how simutrans game mechanics works. At least this is what I understand as a Cookbook. What I want to say is we have two official guides for newbies (Starter Guide) and experts (Reference Manual) available at There's even a third non-official guide about structures and game strategy called Construction strategy guide available here.

I'm sure all these stuff will help you to concentrate in the contents instead of the tools you use to explain them.. ;)

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Hi vivvoh,

Thanks for the input. I have make the links to the existing documentation you reference clearer. This is great introduction material and I do not plan on duplicating work already done.

The Simutrans Cookbook is meant to be like O'Reilly Cookbooks. Each "recipe" is a focused how-to on a very specific issue. This lets the user stuck on a specific issue look-up the answer.

One of the strengths of a cookbook is that it does not need to read from beginning to end. Each recipe can be a little insight into technique that stands on it own.


That would be certainly interesting. I mean, the basics are rather easy, but explaining some parts is quite tedious, so I'm all for some more written (->solid) information out there...

Competing documentation writers, wow, not so common!

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!