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A320 family, A380 family airplanes [list of airplane addons]

Started by stmaker, November 14, 2011, 10:31:56 AM

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I don't know what was I thinking but heck care..
I don't know whether you makers take requests from people but what I want is variety of A320 family and A380 family planes. Or
if there are some addons, can someone link here?

I'll search for it now. :)

Addons I found:
- Airbus A320 Family for pak128.Britain
- Plane pak renewal for pak128, must download nightly...

This post was originally a request thread but since I found them (downloaded latest nightly), I don't need this thread but could be still useful for players needing airplane addons.
Version using: Simutrans v111.0
Paks: pak64, pak96.comic, pak128 openr582, pak128.Britain, pak128.Japan, pak192.comic
Using: Paint.NET, Paint, Photoshop, SketchUp
Future Addon(s): Building (Link)
Current Addon(s): Eye-See Mart and Several Building addons  Ask me any questions. I'm free.