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Simutrans Tikiwiki updated to version 9.3 (pages need to be imported)

Started by Frank, December 25, 2012, 01:12:13 PM

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It is necessary that for this update all wiki pages need to be imported manually.

tar files with the exported wiki[name from index].tar
[name from index] see

Latest User registration (after June 2012) are not imported because a new register seems to go faster. I hope that now the OpenID registration to work properly.

thank you for your help


Thanks for the update Frank, I'll help on the import process

If anyone else starts importing, remember to preview it, since style may be a little awkward...


Thank you.

I gave a look in the new wiki. The new design is just beautiful. :)


What about the images Frank? I want to import some pages with images but want to correct them, since images are not imported too.


the images are stored in folders and have to refer to the database
I had imported the database in June, so it should only newer missing
what is under img/wiki_up was also imported in June
just try  :)



Is there the possibility to mark one page as translation of another page?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Quote from: Dwachs on December 28, 2012, 04:10:30 PM
Is there the possibility to mark one page as translation of another page?

yes, works

requires the setting of a language at the wikipages


I had to set my account to be "Experienced user" to be able to do that  :P
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


as I said, is set in the wikipages no language, then the pages will not be listed
and in the creation of the structures was not associated with language


After transfer of a page, should the page be cleared on the old wiki ?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Version 9.3 online switched since continued to work in the old version 5 was held the pages in the new version to be transferred


I renamed the topic, thus people will see that the pages need to be imported. :)


Portuguese pages completed.

Should we block editing of pages in old wiki?


Quote from: An_dz on January 13, 2013, 08:10:24 PM
Should we block editing of pages in old wiki?

too costlyis

then also no direct way to access the text in the editor possible


I'd like to help importing. I downloaded the tar files and extracted. I see all pages in an unknown format there, but, what do I do with them?

I opened a file in a text editor. I can see the text. Am I supposed to copy the text and paste it in the pages?


On registered users page go on the "create/edit page" text box, type the page name and hit Enter.
Then follow the image Frank posted. Go on page Properties, select the file, annex, choose the language and preview for checking any errors.
Search for > and " those should be changed for > and ". More may exist.

Open on text editor files with 1kb, those that the content is only:
Don't need to be imported.


Quote from: An_dz on January 20, 2013, 01:46:55 AM
On registered users page go on the "create/edit page" text box, type the page name and hit Enter.
I can't find, or I'm not allowed to access it:

You do not have permission to view this page.

And if I try to edit a page, the import field is missing.


Quote from: Frank on December 25, 2012, 01:12:13 PM
tar files with the exported wiki[name from index].tar
[name from index] see

OK so trying to move the DAT file reference.  The second link shows, for example, en_BuildingsDef as a page.  But returns nothing but a page with a broken stylesheet.

Looks like I copied a very old version from the "wrong" old wiki, instead of the newer text from the v5 wiki. Clearly there's quite a bit of manual cleanup to do... it is all very confusing!  Guess I will step back from trying to do anything further until the existing content is moved by folks who know how to convert between the various wiki markup languages.  I do want to help rewrite the datfile reference to be much clearer and reflect the modern syntax.


Quote from: Frank on January 20, 2013, 01:05:27 PM
please test
Not worked. And when I open the en_grp_registered_page, I still get the message that says "You do not have permission to view this page."

Unless I'm doing something wrong. :o

There's an alternative: I have downloaded the tar files. I could open the files in a text editor, copy the text and paste in the pages. If something gets broken, I don't mind fixing it. Am I allowed to do this way? The problem is that, the previous versions of the page would be lost. But also, I don't mind waiting. :)

Quote from: wlindley on January 20, 2013, 05:39:48 PMLooks like I copied a very old version from the "wrong" old wiki, instead of the newer text from the v5 wiki. Clearly there's quite a bit of manual cleanup to do... it is all very confusing!  Guess I will step back from trying to do anything further until the existing content is moved by folks who know how to convert between the various wiki markup languages.  I do want to help rewrite the datfile reference to be much clearer and reflect the modern syntax.
Looks like you didn't read my post here. ^^

But it's okay, no panic.

Please, let's forget the MediaWiki for a while; that's an ancient issue. Frank made a major updated in simutrans-germany's wiki (the current one) and it requires that we port (download the tar files and import them) manually the pages. If something gets broken on the way, it's just a few hand-made fixes.


Quote from: IgorEliezer on January 20, 2013, 02:09:53 AM
I can't find, or I'm not allowed to access it:

And if I try to edit a page, the import field is missing.
I have the same problem Igor is having on the FR pages.


Quote from: IgorEliezer on January 19, 2013, 11:24:38 PM
I'd like to help importing. I downloaded the tar files and extracted. I see all pages in an unknown format there, but, what do I do with them?

I opened a file in a text editor. I can see the text. Am I supposed to copy the text and paste it in the pages?
you can copy direct from Tikiwiki v5.3
I currently have no idea where the error is due to the import field


Fixed first, just removed {BR()}{BR} in Wert-angaben.
If you check the Portuguese wiki dat parameter pages don't have errors because they were made simpler, I want to translate the finished Portuguese pages to English because they are more complete and are better organized.

Plus, I have fixed the Registered pages and you should see them again.

Edit: Igor remember to set page language.


Quote from: An_dz on January 21, 2013, 01:38:23 AMEdit: Igor remember to set page language.
Oopss... ^^


A question: how do I edit a page title?


Quote from: IgorEliezer on January 21, 2013, 03:03:00 AM
A question: how do I edit a page title?

by structures

{BR()}{BR} in tables not work correct, no idea for troubleshooting at the moment


FR is done.  We didn't have to do anything to the images as they were originally uploaded to img/wiki_up/.  I take it this will not change in the new wiki?


Have just linked all translations. Some pages were not connected.
I just can't connect FactoryDef, TunnelDef, WayobjectsDef, BuildingsDef, Devel_index, GroundobjDef


I finished importing all EN-pages in development.

Feel free to edit the pages and continue the work.


Bob Marley: No woman, no cry

Programmer: No user, no bugs


^ Yes, at least 3 pages got broken. It seems that not all tags are supported in the current version of the TikiWiki.

Unfortunately, we'll need to fix them by hand. I don't think it's a big fuss since the pages will need to be reviewed anyway.


True, in English and Portuguese page for goods parameter paletten was written palleten.