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End of choose signals bug

Started by Miziiik, November 04, 2013, 04:32:54 PM

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I have pak128 r1303 from SVN and Simutrans r6886 from SVN. Don't know if it is only pak bug or game bug. I click on railways and it creates end of choose signals on both sides, but if I click once more it stays on both sides (no change to only one side or another side if I click 2x, 3x,... too). Můj web o hře Simutrans - Moje addons, návody, odkazy, apod.


It is supposed to work like that.


But why? It can be only on one side or not? Můj web o hře Simutrans - Moje addons, návody, odkazy, apod.


It is available as a two-way signal only.  Its only purpose is to "hide" station platform(s) from a choosesignal, so there is no use for it being directional (ie. be on one side or the other).  If you need a station to be one-way only you can accomplish that by putting a signal on the other end of the platform. Maybe a screenshot of your game could help to see how you are trying to use the end of choosesignal.