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(0.9.1) No icons for Windjammer cargo holds

Started by zook2, February 05, 2014, 07:45:03 AM

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Also, loading time is 1:49 minutes. I think that should be hours instead.


I have now fixed the loading time issue.

As to the cargo hold icons - are you sure that they are missing, or might they just be hidden behind part of the ship itself? The code for the graphics appears to be in order.
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Sorry, I meant in the depot, under "Barges", there are no icons on the holds.


Hmm - odd. I suspect that this might be related to the size of the windjammer's graphics. These are unchanged from Standard, so I shall move this into the Standard forum for now. This does not appear to affect function, however, and it is quite easy to see what the holds are by mousing over the spaces.
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All the 192-pixel ships  (and all the cargo-holds for anything larger than 128) get misplaced in a consistent manner, as shown in the enclosed screenshot.  The circled icons are all 64 pixels up and 64 to the left of where they should be (yellow X's) (192-128=64) ; when that happens on the first row, the icons simply get clipped out of existence.  There is 1 Livestock hold in this shipyard ("1" shown, top row) but the livestock icon is indeed missing.


This is the intended position. Just put those stuff not so much outside the image then.


"Outside the clipping region, in some totally other icon's box" is the intended position?  O.o

The Hood

I think the problem is that the holds images are 32x32px (to save pak size) but there are ships which are 224x224px, hence the size of the buttons in the window. I don't r


The images will not get smaller or larger after paking, since the transparent space is not encoded at all.



I was thinking of an idea.
Do you think it is possible to insert two additional alignment parameters related to the alignment of the image that appears in the store?


Where X and Y are related to the alignment of the image that appears in the store.
