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Should follow_convoi_underground be in display settings?

Started by THLeaderH, October 21, 2019, 03:18:41 PM

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follow_convoi_underground option, which was introduced in r8832, is great. However, this option is currently in the settings window, which has a lot of options that affects the simulation. Since follow_convoi_underground only affects displaying, should this be in display settings rather than "advanced" settings window?

Furthermore, players should be able to specify full underground or sliced underground mode when they use follow_convoi_underground. Although follow_convoi_underground is currently a simple True/False switch, it may have three options, "Do not switch height", "Follow with full underground mode", and "Follow with height slicing mode".


I ever heard our dear prissi say that adding new buttons, even if they are minimal, would cause serious performance problems (At least that was what I understood). He also mentioned that he doesn't get an easy way to solve that problem.  :P


The change is not too difficult. With the new settings window, the display setting is no longer overcrowded and it could be indeed a display option.
