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Convoy loses line if line is edited while convoy window is open

Started by ceeac, May 22, 2024, 05:27:45 AM

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I can reproduce this in r11221:
  • Open the schedule tab for a convoy on a line.
  • Press the button to edit the line *without* closing the convoy window
  • Edit the line in the line window
  • Close the line window. Schedule in the convoy window is not updated (<-- this is the bug)
  • Close the convoy window. Old schedule gets applied to the convoy
  • Re-open the convoy window
  • Convoy now has an individual schedule


Happening at least since the 123 release, I reported it two years ago:,21736.msg200958.html#msg200958

Would be cool if we can get it fixed for the bugfix release...


This happens since the dawn of Simutrans.

The problem is that the convois schedule is constantly compared to the line to find out if it has to be removed from the line or not after editing is finished. One could of course force even convois with status editing to update to the line and losing any pending changes.

But I guess the intended outcome is rather to discard these changes and apply the line schedule. In in r11231


I have tested it briefly and now it works as expected!

You have improved my life and the life of millions of players substantially, thank you. I'll make sure you get the Nobel prize of bug fixing this year!


Every time Prissi changes something regarding the schedule logic it brings me concerns. Hehe 😆

Because that part in the tutorial is very delicate and sometimes ends up breaking something.

I'll do some tests just in case. 😉