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Pak128 Scenario Tutorial

Started by HaydenRead, January 12, 2016, 09:31:27 AM

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I get an error when loading your scenario ("new handler", "OUT OF MEMORY" sort of thing). Sound familiar or do I report a bug ?


Quote from: gauthier on January 04, 2017, 08:09:03 PM
I get an error when loading your scenario ("new handler", "OUT OF MEMORY" sort of thing). Sound familiar or do I report a bug ?

Hi, how are you? Thank you for trying the scenario. ;)

It seems that savegame is not compatible with your version of simutrans, you should use one night.

A small update.


I'm fine, thanks ;) got very busy last year, no time or energy to make pak128 progress unfortunately. I Hope this year will be better.

Now I get a message "Loading scenario script failed" :/ (using Tutorial-v2.0.5, pak128 2.6, Simutrans 120.1.4 nightly rr8016 for linux)


Quote from: gauthier on January 10, 2017, 06:10:35 PM
I'm fine, thanks ;) got very busy last year, no time or energy to make pak128 progress unfortunately. I Hope this year will be better.

Now I get a message "Loading scenario script failed" :/ (using Tutorial-v2.0.5, pak128 2.6, Simutrans 120.1.4 nightly rr8016 for linux)
You should do a complete update, (all files) ... it's the only thing I can think of because here the script works well.


That's what I did when I tried the nightly build :( I will retry later with a completely fresh install.


After much work, here is a new version (only for testing).

Note: Use r8160 or higher

Scenario: (Some translations are still missing.)
- Stops/stations can now be deleted.
- The roads are now marked.
- The roads are no longer straight, it is free to choose where to build the road / rails.
- I've rewritten most of Chapter 3 (now it's more fun).
- The limits for the use of tools are marked (text labels are used).
- I have removed the part of electrified trains (soon will return).

@Gauthier, I hope this works for you.... greetings!!.  ;)


Quote@Gauthier, I hope this works for you.... greetings!!.  ;)
Looks like it works \o/ I'm going to give this a try  ;)


Here are all my comments. Sorry, it's long and mostly bothering you with text interpretation or typos :p

Typo in Scenario Info: "Chapterseach"

Took me some minutes to figure out that being in pause mode prevents scenario from going to the next step -_-" That should not happen with beginners of course, until one of them incidentally hit "p" :/

When you write things like "pressing the "A" key", this can be mistaken with shift + A, especially after explaining that map rotating needs shift + R.

That should be a bug unexpected feature report: coordinates change when rotating the map (that's already a major consistency problem in itself ! coordinates should be absolute, GPS coordinates of a point on Earth does not depend of the angle under which you are looking at the map.), and are not updated in the scenario description as long as the game is in pause (yes, I'm almost always in pause :p ).

"Cantebury has requested you to" can mistake some players into thinking that there is some kind of requests to fullfil in the game, that is not.

"First, you need to check whether there is a dead-end road underneath the depot." implies that a depot already exists and that one has to check if everything is ok under the depot. Not very clear ... I suggest "First, you need a depot to buy buses, [construction instructions]."

Why not giving coordinates to build the four bus stops in Chaper 2.C ? Showing players that these stops need to be built at reasonable distance from each other.

Images in scenario would be great to show what bus the player is expected to buy :p

Chapter 2.D: after having clicked the left arrow, the player has no instruction of closing the schedule window and starting the bus. Such instructions obviously sounds useless to us as people playing for long years, however there are still necessary for beginners who are afraid of doing anything wrong.

Chapter 2.E: "1You ..." -> "1. You ..."

Chapter 2.E: In the description of the first way of building a bridge, placing roads at extremities is no longer necessary for a few Simutrans releases now.

Chapter 2.F [2/6]: asks me to connect the two points between ... (97,7) and (97,7) even if the red marks are good. Finer instructions about building roads should be given here ("click here", "click there")

Chapter 3.A: "Grnaja de trigo" is named "Grain Farm" for me, idem for the mill.

Chapter 3.B [1/5]: "Connect the two points ..." Yes, but how ? Finest instructions should be given "select the ** km/h rail tool", the tutorial should show the player that the choice of the rail is not random, "click here", "click there".

Chapter 3.B [2/5]: I'm a beginner, never used terraforming tools, have no idea of what is a "straight slope". Finest instructions like "select the raise land tool", "click here", "click there" would be more appropriate ... oh it looks like I'm wrong, artificial slopes are expected here :p well, that does not matter, fine instructions are needed here.

Chapter 3.B. [4/5]: Fine instructions needed, I'm a beginner and I never built a tunnel.

Chapter 3.C [1/2]: idem, even if the moving mark is great !

Chapter 3.D [1/3]: "TRAM" rails ??? what the ... ?

Chapter 3.E [3]: I have a missing word "Select  and select the station ..." ... oh and the player has not been asked to open the convoy's schedule ;)

Chapter 3.G: typo in the mark at (38,2)

Chapter 3.G [1]: I'm asked to build TRAM (!) rails, at only one point instead of between two points as the marks on the map suggest.

Chapter 3.G: Looks like the game wants me to create the convoy, but I could not build rails and stations where it was necessary. Major bug here.

Could not go further :(

I learned some keyboard shortcuts thanks to your tutorial :p

This tutorial has great potential, I think more care should be given to details when explaining things to beginners. If you need help on the texts, I can help ;)


Quote from: gauthier on April 02, 2017, 06:52:28 AM

This tutorial has great potential, I think more care should be given to details when explaining things to beginners. If you need help on the texts, I can help ;)

Yes, I need help with the texts.


Here again, this time there are few changes.  (test only)

Rewriting the part for the placement of passing signals.
F [1/5] The use of tools is now blocked to avoid interfering with the route of the first train.
Changes in some texts.

QuoteWhy not giving coordinates to build the four bus stops in Chaper 2.C? Showing players that these stops need to be built at reasonable distance from each other.
I like to let the player decide where to build, maybe I should put this to a vote.
Chapter 2.D: after having clicked the left arrow, the player has no instruction of closing the schedule window and starting the bus. Such instructions obviously sounds useless to us people for long years, however they are still necessary for beginners who are afraid of doing anything wrong.
The bus starts, there is no need to close the schedule window.

QuoteChapter 3.G: typo in the mark at (38,2)
The mark is correct, just pass me through a tile with the limits (very easy to solve).

QuoteChapter 3.G: Looks like the game wants to create the convoy, but I could not build rails and stations where it was necessary. Major bug here.
Can you send me a savegame?

The rest are text errors (I do not know much English). :-[


Could you send me a private message with an email adress ? The savegame is a little bigger than the forum's attachement size limit.

How can I help with the texts ?

By the way ... Chapter 2.D: I have two useless "x" marks at 97,31 and 98,31. (in the previous version of the tutorial, not the one you just uploaded).


Quote from: gauthier on April 02, 2017, 06:52:28 AM

Chapter 3.G: Looks like the game wants me to create the convoy, but I could not build rails and stations where it was necessary. Major bug here.

Could not go further :(
I do not understand how to advance level without first building the rails that connect the two factories (something very strange is happening).

I suspect that pausing the game is causing problems (I think Prissi mentioned something about this).

Quote from: gauthier on April 04, 2017, 06:51:00 PM
By the way ... Chapter 2.D: I have two useless "x" marks at 97,31 and 98,31. (in the previous version of the tutorial, not the one you just uploaded).
It is to avoid obstructing the passage to the second bus.

Quote from: gauthier on April 04, 2017, 06:51:00 PM
How can I help with the texts ?
These are the text files for the scenario information window:

In good time! Here another version


Re-written the part of chapter 2, now are indicated  the points where to place the stops.

Chapter 3, now advances level after the factories receive goods.

Added the following texts:
__Step 3__
It is necessary to build bus stops at each of the points marked in the city
Note: The stops have a coverage of 4x4, therefore it is advisable to place the stops at a distance of 4 tiles (squares).

__Step 4__
To configure the route of the vehicle, you must first click on the "Schedule" button.
With the "Schedule" window open, you should now select all stops in the city to add them to the list.
After adding the 7 stops, select the first one from the list and place the Minimum load at 100%.

__Pop-up window__
You can only build stops on roads
You can only build stops on flat ground
You can only build on a straight road
It is not possible to build stops at intersections
The "station name" stop must be for passengers
There is already a stop here.
Place the stops at the marked points.
You can only delete the stops.
Indicates the limits for using construction tools
The stop "station name" was not selected

@gauthier, Please try to replicate the error with the new version, greetings !.


Hi !

Trying your latest release (

Script crashed after placing two stops (A at 95,6 and B at 90,4) in Lancaster, buying a bus in the depot, setting the schedule to serve
_ one stop in Canteburry
_ stop A in Lancaster
_ stop B in Lancaster
_ stop A in Lancaster
-> boom

I started working on the texts and will progress as far as the crashes allow me to do :p

EDIT: Oh and I did not use pause at any moment from the loading of the scenario ;)


Quote from: gauthier on April 08, 2017, 07:50:56 AM
Hi !

Trying your latest release (

Script crashed after placing two stops (A at 95,6 and B at 90,4) in Lancaster, buying a bus in the depot, setting the schedule to serve
_ one stop in Canteburry
_ stop A in Lancaster
_ stop B in Lancaster
_ stop A in Lancaster
-> boom

I started working on the texts and will progress as far as the crashes allow me to do :p

EDIT: Oh and I did not use pause at any moment from the loading of the scenario ;)

I have already fixed those errors, but I have not finished the next version.
I attached the file for chapter 2. (Needs the r8198 or higher).
Replace the one in "/ Tutorial / class"


Now stuck at 3.A.2, clicked on Grnaja de Trigo but the scenario does not proceed.


Forget about that  lol.   :o

Solved here: class_chapter_03.nut


The v3.5 is already ready! ;D

Change to v3.5.01
Scenario: (Needs the r8198 or higher).

- [Chapter 2] Some errors are fixed.
- [Chapter 3 step 1] You can now advance level by clicking on the fields around the farm.
- [Chapter 3 step 10] Electrified train again.
- [Chapter 3] Some bug fixes.

Added the following texts:

QuoteChapter 2
________________________________________________Step 4_______________________________________________________________ __________
>[1] First click on the  Garage{pos} and I bought a bus {busname}.

[2] To configure the route of the vehicle, you must first click on the Schedule button.

[3] With the Schedule window open, you should now select all stops in the city to add them to the list:


[4] After adding the 7 stops, select the first one from the list and place the Minimum load at 100%.

[5] Now click the Start button so that the vehicle starts from the deposit.

It advances to the next step when the bus arrives at the first way stops on the list.

__Pop-up window__
The schedule needs to have 2 or more ways tops.

Chapter 3
________________________________________________Step 1_______________________________________________________________ __________
Wheat farm
Wheat mill

________________________________________________Step 5 and 7_______________________________________________________________ __________
It advances to the next step when the {cmi} receive 162t of grains.


Received amount: <st>{reached}t</st>
________________________________________________Step 10______________________________________________________________ ___________
Use the Catenary tool to electrify all rails

__Pop-up window__
You must use the inspection tool
It is not allowed to build here
Station No.%d here
You can only delete the stations.
This rails is reserved for the first train
You must build the bridge here
You can only remove the bridge
Only delete signals
The signal does not point in the correct direction
Place a block signal here
It must be a block signal!
The signal is ready!


Before I test it, have you made sure that the scenario is able to finish ? :p


Quote from: gauthier on April 10, 2017, 06:05:38 PM
Before I test it, have you made sure that the scenario is able to finish ? :p
You should be able to get to Chapter 3 - Step J.


I release this version to correct an error with the texts.

I also removed the pause button to avoid problems and others that were not needed.

Quote from: gauthier on April 10, 2017, 06:05:38 PM
Before I test it, have you made sure that the scenario is able to finish ? :p
I apologize for so many problems, but they are a lot of things and it is difficult to try them all.


QuoteI apologize for so many problems, but they are a lot of things and it is difficult to try them all.
I did not say that seriously, sorry if I was misunderstood  :-[


Using v3.5.01

Warning: at loading the scenario, view is not on the main town, that can be unconfortable for new players.

3.F : Got a "Not allowed" message when building the third tile of the wheat mill's station, although a second attempt worked well.

3.G : "It advances to the next step when the Whear mill receive 154t of grains" -> it's about the bakery receiving flour now, no longer about the wheat mill receiving grains.

3.H.1 : The instruction lacks coordinates so the player doesn't know where to build the tunnel entrance.

After completing 3.J, I only have a "{tx10}". Is that the current end of the tutorial ?

I'm now working on fixing English texts and creating French ones :)


3.F: Got a "Not allowed" message when building the third tile of the wheat mill's station, although a second attempt worked well.
That happens when the tool gets stuck by accident, (I tried to improve this but no luck).

Quote3.G: "It advances to the next step when the Whear mill receives grains" -> it's about the bakery receiving flour now, no longer about the wheat mill receiving grains.
It is already fixed.

Quote3.H.1: The instruction lacks coordinates so the player does not know where to build the tunnel entrance.
It is already fixed.

QuoteAfter completing 3.J, I only have a "{tx10}". Is that the end of the tutorial?
For the moment yes.


I reworked the texts in English (attached file), especially to give more precise instructions when the player has to build something (going in the toolbar, etc ...).

The distribution of text pieces between .tab files and language folders is not really clear to me, especially when it comes to building the tunnel between the grain farm and the mill (there's no mention of this in the files in the language folders, only in the

In the file, in some couples, I modified the lower text as the upper one is used for matching with some hardcoded text (I suppose). Is it okay to have the hard coded text also modified so the becomes homogenous again ?

I will make a French translation as soon as all theses points are clear.

Here is a non-exhaustive changelog, only really relevant changes are here:
1.B : Added a warning about map coordinates changing with rotation.

2 : Changed the formulation "has requested you ..." by something more neutral that does not imply that there are precise objectives in the game.

2.A : Added a paragraph to tell the player to open the road toolbar, select the 50 km/h road, and how to build a road.

2.B : Modified the text as a consequence of the previous change.

2.C : Fixed the coverage area size (5x5 and not 4x4). Added a tip to see covered tiles with the "v" key. Mentioned that stops too are in the road tools toolbar. Added a note that streets don't need to be covered as they do not generate passengers.

2.D : Added instructions to eventually close the schedule window and to click on the start button.

2.E : Removed the instruction to place a road on the two opposing slopes, which is not necessary. Added instruction to pick up the 50 km/h bridge in the road tools toolbar.

3.A.2 : Added an example for the parts Production and Consumption. Mentioned that transporting workers to the factory is not mandatory though it increases production.

3.B : In the last paragraph, replaced the word "road" by "railroad".

3.B.1 : Added instructions to open the railroad tools toolbar and select a track.

3.B.2 : Added instructions to open the landscaping tools toolbar and select the appropriate slopes. Replaced "straight slope" with "steep slope".

3.B.4 : Added instructions to select a tunnel tool in the railroad tools toolbar and click on the steep slope.

3.C : Added the piece of information that station tools are also in the railroad tools toolbar.

3.D.1 : Replaced "tram rails" with "rails".

3.E.A : Added the piece of information that locomotives are in the "locomotives" tab, and wagons in the cars "tab". Fixed a missing word in [3]: when you want to actually print "<" or ">" in a XML-like code, you have to use "&lt" and "&gt". Tip: added that the filter is in the depot's window.

3.G : Replaced all mentions like "tram..." with "rail...". Added instructions to buy some wagons.

3.G : Fixed "It advances to the next step when the Whear mill receive 154t of grains" -> it's about the bakery receiving flour now, no longer about the wheat mill receiving grains.

3.H : Remplaced "modus" with "mode".

3.H.2 : Added instructions to use the lowering tool from landscaping tools toolbar.

3.H.3 : Added instructions to build a stretch of tunnel using the tunnel tool (and not to look for the regular tracks tool).

3.I : Added instruction to quit sliced underground mode.

3.I.5 : Added instruction to click several times to change direction of signals.

3.J.1 : Added instruction on how to use catenary tools (click at two connected points on the tracks to electrify the path from the first to the second, warned that it respects signals'direction).

3.J.3 : Added a note that only electrified depots show electric vehicles. Added a piece of information that the passenger train should be in the "electrics" tab, otherwise having electrified the tracks would not make sense.


QuoteIn the file, in some couples, I modified the lower text as the upper one is used for matching with some hardcoded text (I suppose). Is it okay to have the hard coded text also modified so the becomes homogenous again?

Yes, it is a codified text, it is easier for me to handle the text strings in this way ... you must always modify the lower one to be assumed as a translation.

Check this out, I may have missed some text.

Modify only the lower text.


What do you want me to  check ? If the English is good enough, if these lines are understandable by newbies, if everything in what I shared earlier has been taken into account ?

Anyway, there are some lines in Spanish in this text (line 225 to 234).


Quote from: gauthier on April 15, 2017, 07:32:35 PM
Anyway, there are some lines in Spanish in this text (line 225 to 234).
It's for the next version. ;)

This needs corrections:
The roads:
This tool can be used by dragging the mouse or clicking from one point to another, you can also press the [Ctrl] key to build straight paths. There are several types of roads, these can vary their maximum speed from 30km / h to 200km / h. The maintenance of the roads is charged and costs vary depending on the type of road. It is also possible to electrify the roads to allow the passage of electric vehicles.

You can only build a deposit on an existing road and the edges of this (blind alley). From the depots it is possible to buy, sell, route and start the vehicles. There is also an option that allows electric vehicles to be used, but this is only shown if the road under the tank is electrified.

Bus Stops:
In order for the bus to be able to load passengers it is necessary that the stops are close to some building, tourist attraction or factory. The stops have a storage capacity of 32, 64 or more, in case of saturation you will be charged a penalty. It is also possible to combine them to increase their load capacity along with their coverage. You can also extend the load type using extension buildings or stations that accept different types of load..


It would be very nice to be able to display images for the next version. :-[


New version, although a little incomplete I'm afraid.  :-[

Scenario: Tutorial-v3.8 (New storage service courtesy of Isaac) ;)

Some of the changes are:
Implemented function to check vehicles in the depot (it's a pity that this does not work correctly, this is necessary).
You can start chapter 4 (work in progress)
[Chapter 3] Re-written step 8
I have moved the texts to a separate file (thinking about the future patch for images).
Tunnels and cruses are now marked
Some bug fixes

Added the following texts:
QuoteChapter 2
________________________________________________Step 1_______________________________________________________________ __________
The roads:
This tool can be used by dragging the mouse or clicking from one point to another, you can also press the [Ctrl] key to build straight paths. There are several types of roads, these can vary their maximum speed from 30km / h to 200km / h. The maintenance of the roads is charged and costs vary depending on the type of road. It is also possible to electrify the roads to allow the passage of electric vehicles.

________________________________________________Step 2_______________________________________________________________ __________
You can only build a deposit on an existing road and the edges of this (blind alley). From the depots it is possible to buy, sell, route and start the vehicles. There is also an option that allows electric vehicles to be used, but this is only shown if the road under the tank is electrified.

________________________________________________Step 3_______________________________________________________________ __________
Bus Stops:
In order for the bus to be able to load passengers it is necessary that the stops are close to some building, tourist attraction or factory. The stops have a storage capacity of 32, 64 or more, in case of saturation you will be charged a penalty. It is also possible to combine them to increase their load capacity along with their coverage. You can also extend the load type using extension buildings or stations that accept different types of load..

Chapter 3
________________________________________________Step 8_______________________________________________________________ __________
__Pop-up window__
The slope is ready.
Lower the land here
First you must build a tunnel section.
First you must lower the layer level.
Modify the terrain here
________________________________________________Step 10______________________________________________________________ ___________
<h1>Electrified Trains:</h1>
The first step to use these trains is to electrify all the tracks, then in the deposit window select the tab Electrics.

Select Now:

>[a] A train {vna2}

Six wagons{vna3}

[c] A cabin {vna3}


It is possible that I have lost some of your translations,  verify sure they are all in place.


Better late than never, here is v4. I think it can already be included in pak128 (if everything works well clear). ;D

Scenario: (You need to use r8223)

Note: Chapter 4 is incomplete (a lot of work is missing)

Some problems are fixed with the lines
Complete implementation of "is_convoy_allowed"
Improvements in is_schedule_allowed "
Some bug fixes.

Added the following texts:
QuoteChapter 2

__Pop-up window__
You must first buy a bus [%s].
You must first buy a bus [%s].
Only one Bus is allowed, press the [Sell] button.
Only one Bus is allowed, press the [Sell] button.
Select the Bus [%s].
Select the Bus [%s].
Must not use trailers [%d].
Must not use trailers [%d].
The bus must be [Passengers].
The bus must be [Passengers].
The schedule is not correct.
The schedule is not correct.
It is not allowed to start vehicles.
It is not allowed to start vehicles.

Chapter 3
__Pop-up window__
Crates Deliverables
Crates Deliverables
You must first buy a locomotive [%s].
You must first buy a locomotive [%s].
Only one train is allowed, press the [Sell] button.
Only one train is allowed, press the [Sell] button.
Must choose a locomotive [%s].
Must choose a locomotive [%s].
The number of wagons must be [%d].
The number of wagons must be [%d].
All wagons must be for [%s].
All wagons must be for [%s].



Here the first stable version ;D .


Chapter 4 is ready.
Translations for chapter 4.
Now only the necessary amount of vehicles in circulation is perimited.
Now it is only allowed to use the deposit indicated.
More improvements in line management.
More bug fixes.



Tested with r8233 (linux)

2.F.6/7: "Select the last stop ()" the name of the stop is missing.

3.B.1/5: The instruction should specify that tracks should be used.

3.C.1/2: I was able to build one piece of platform that does not accept goods (passengers instead), I was warned only at the second piece of platform. I don't have checked that with other stations.

3.H.2/5: Sliced underground "MODE" and not "MODUS", I let you replace all occurences of this in your files ;)

3.H.2/5: The instruction should specify that the down flat slope tool in the landscaping tools should be used here, otherwise the beginner has no idea of what he should do.

3.J.5/5: Stuck here, I tried to put one postal wagon in the convoy to see what happens, as expected the game did not allow me to dispatch a such convoy. The problem is that then, after replacing this postal wagon with a passenger car, having six cars as requested by the tutorial, it would not dispatch with an error message telling me that the convoy must have six cars (problem 1). I tried disassembling the convoy and recomposing it and then I could not use the schedule button (problem 2).


Quote2.F.6/7: "Select the last stop ()" the name of the stop is missing.
is resolved.

Quote3.B.1/5: The instruction should specify that tracks should be used.
How about this:
Using the track tool, connect the two points between {w1} and {w2}.

Quote3.C.1/2: I was able to build one piece of platform that does not accept goods (passengers instead), I was warned only at the second piece of platform. I don't have checked that with other stations.
It is because there is no direct way to differentiate between a passenger and good station, it can only be checked after building it, in that case it is necessary to use the tool to remove and build the station again.

3.H.2/5: Sliced underground "MODE" and not "MODUS", I let you replace all occurences of this in your files ;)
Only on one occasion.  :P

3.H.2/5: The instruction should specify that the down flat slope tool in the landscaping tools should be used here, otherwise the beginner has no idea of what he should do.
Can you modify this?

3.J.5/5: Stuck here, I tried to put one postal wagon in the convoy to see what happens, as expected the game did not allow me to dispatch a such convoy. The problem is that then, after replacing this postal wagon with a passenger car, having six cars as requested by the tutorial, it would not dispatch with an error message telling me that the convoy must have six cars (problem 1). I tried disassembling the convoy and recomposing it and then I could not use the schedule button (problem 2).
I do not know if I understand correctly, does the "Action not allowed" message appear when clicking on the stations?...  Can you send a savegame? (You can use the service:


I release this version so that they have fun doing tests.  :P

Edit. (I have fixed a small error that allowed a jump from [5/10 to 7/10]).

The most important change:
[Chapter 3, step 10] Added 1 train for each of the stations (it was a bit difficult to achieve  :o ).


Greetings. ;)


2.B: "if the road under the tank is electrified", tank != depot !

2.D: Editing the schedule, if I remove a stop from the list, it stays "OK" in the tutorial window.

2.F.6/7: Set the last stop at 100% but the tutorial does not take to the next step although it took to the next step after closing the schedule window and dispatching the bus. I don't know how to reproduce this.

3.B: Still needs to specify that track tools are in railroad toolbar.

3.D: A small paragraph to tell the player how to know if a station accepts goods or anything else would be nice, something like "To know if a station accepts goods, let your cursor on the button and a tooltip pops up. A whole station accepts goods if at least one of its buildings does."

3.F: Would it be possible to hide elevated tracks buttons in this step ? Confusion with bridges is likely to happen.

3.H: The piece of track prebuilt on the steep slope is, in itself, a glitch but is not necessary to start the tunnel, everything would work great without it.

3.H.2/5: Should mention that "lowering the terrain" here means using the down flat artificial slope tool in the landscaping tools. A paragraph explaining how to use these tools to lower or raise underground tracks would be helpful.

3.J: After trying to make a postal train, selling it, and assembling the expected train, clicking on shedule, the tutorial window tells me to click on Cantebury Monumento -Estacion but clicking on it (on any platform) is an "action not allowed". Reloading the savegame before this step doesn't help. Once again I'm stuck.

During the whole tutorial, player can do stuff unrelated to the tutorial and is likely to break the tutorial at any point (nobody knows how a beginner thinks :p ). Would it be possible to implement things so that a player can only do the expected action ? I mean, instead of forbiding any other actions we can think of, forbid anything that is not a precise action ? That would make coding the scenario much easier and the scenario itself will be much more resistant to bugs.


Quote from: gauthier on May 13, 2017, 08:23:33 AM
3.J: After trying to make a postal train, selling it, and assembling the expected train, clicking on shedule, the tutorial window tells me to click on Cantebury Monumento -Estacion but clicking on it (on any platform) is an "action not allowed". Reloading the savegame before this step doesn't help. Once again I'm stuck.

The problem is that you must copy the train three times for a total of 4 trains, (I have fixed a small error that allowed a jump from [5/10 to 7/10]).