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Simutrans site - (old topic 2)

Started by IgorEliezer, October 04, 2009, 01:39:43 PM

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Quote from: vilvoh on August 08, 2010, 09:18:28 AM
You can use this one from A. Brose (SMSC May Edition Winner)...

Too bad. This one is already in. I need another. ;D

Quote from: Frank on August 08, 2010, 09:28:03 AM
Frank's post

Done. Thank you.


There is also another source repository now:

This link should be mentioned on the development section.

It is a clone of the svn-repository with another version-control system (git).
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Quote from: IgorTekton on August 08, 2010, 09:54:46 AM
Too bad. This one is already in. I need another. ;D

I asked for Screenshots at the German forum and they asked if there was a restriction in size or a specific topic the screenshot has to be about.
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


As it is not the official one and even hosting simutrans-experimental, I would be not too happy with making it official. Maybe lable it as an alternative one? There is also a git version of the "official SVN" at git://


Quote from: MoTw on August 08, 2010, 03:23:37 PM
I asked for Screenshots at the German forum and they asked if there was a restriction in size or a specific topic the screenshot has to be about.

Simple things:
- 800 x 600px max (If larger, I can cut it down)
- No objects from other paksets (sample of a screenshot that doesn't fit)
- No add-ons (well, not mandatory)


Please, I would like some help on these things:

- Development page: I feel this page looks a tad "messy" and needs a cleaning. Maybe it lacks some important info. I'd like make it "pleasant" for people who might get involved with development.

- Pakset Gallery: check if there are missing/wrong info. Missing paksets? Outdated paksets? Let me know.

- Simutrans Links: check if there are missing sites and/or wrong info. Fan sites, if good and reliable, are welcome.

- Other pages: feel free to make suggestions.


Igor, here you are: The Transporter posted a screenshot. Have look at it here
world is like a parachute: it works better when it's open
whenever you feel lost and alone, always remember your calculator is something you can count on
pak96.comic addons


Quote from: MoTw on August 09, 2010, 01:14:07 PM
Igor, here you are: The Transporter posted a screenshot (...)

Thank you.

It's already in:


under 'Writing manuals and tutorials'

I think the link 'Simutrans Wiki' rename to 'Simutrans Wikis Home.

And the link 'Simutrans Germany Wiki' rename to 'Simutrans Tikiwiki'.
The Tikiwiki include English, Swedish, Czech ( since yesterday ) and German.


Done, it's already in testing version of


I'm right now updating the site (which can be found here:

If you want to talk with me about the site update, you can find me at Simutrans Chat ( or irc://quakenet/Simutrans).

The site has been updated!


THere are some links, which should go to

Hongkong community forum (quite active!) and lots of pak128 addons:

And another Link, which might be useful: A collection of all simutrans videos.


I think the Hongkong forum should rather go to the community page. But maybe some hongkong player should comment.


Maybe we could update the simutrans development page? A suggestion for the main part of the page is attached.


It's up.

Please report me about any flaws. Copy-pasting stuff not always works fine.


Since I typed it, I immediately spotted a typo like "creenshot". But I am sure I left more in it ...

Thanks, anyway for the fast reaction.


Get involved-programming and source code. Why two sections?

Otherwise very good... I never look at the pages but it seems they have everything needed :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Well get involved also included pak set drawing, translation etc. The programming is indeed a little reduntant. (However, I feel like we need more programmers at the moment, as there are aparently a lot of artists around.)


perhaps it would be also a good idea to mention the Artisitic License on that page, so potential contributors know the conditions under which they contribute.

also found a minor typo:
"The forum is also the first address to discuss or recieve help on compiling simutrans and related questions."


Quote from: sdog on January 05, 2011, 11:46:11 PMalso found a minor typo:
"The forum is also the first address to discuss or recieve help on compiling simutrans and related questions."


Besides, I want to rewrite "Welcome" to "Home" in the header, because some days ago I used an old 800x600 screen and the header gets screwed up just by few characters.

Another thing, I would like to ask to test the links in download page. I'm afraid that something is still broken there.


The "Wiki Manual" link in the front page was changed, now it points to Also, this means the material of old wiki (that wasn't transferred, if still) will no longer be found from front page.


Quote from: IgorEliezer on February 07, 2011, 03:26:24 AM
Besides, I want to rewrite "Welcome" to "Home" in the header, because some days ago I used an old 800x600 screen and the header gets screwed up just by few characters.

Any comment? Can I go for it? ;)

Another thing: we have new links on Simutrans fan sites list:
- Edcitysimutrans
- Minami-Fukuoka Car Corp. Simutrans division
- Simutrans Hispano


It makes more sense to call it Home, as it's usual way to name the frontpage in all websites.

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...


Download page is updated. Please test to see if there are broken links:

No Simutrans Complete for 110.0 at this moment. Remove this section?


When I wrote the announcement, I found we have many pak sets not featured on Perhaps one could merge the simutrans download page with the page set page. Or a streamlined version with only one smaller image (256x128 or so) pak set link with size and version.

Complete will come tonight. I worked seven hours yesterday on releasing.


You can use the images used on Simutrans wiki on paksets page. They are 300x225 and are about 30kb and links to a 1024x768 one. It'll save time.


Now that we have Multiplayer in the stable I think we should have a page on the main site detailing the process of playing online with Simutrans. This could be a big selling point for the game with new players and I think it really deserves its own page on the homepage.

I'd be happy to write up some copy on this with a brief guide to playing online and listing of the online resources.
Use Firefox? Interested in IPv6? Try SixOrNot the IPv6 status indicator for Firefox.
Why not try playing Simutrans online? See the Game Servers board for details.


You all are proposing "tons" of changes for the portal :D. That's why I opened this topic:

- I agree we need to merge Downloads with paksets page, but Download needs to be trimmed down first.

- We need a page for server listing. (better if the page was updated via a command sent from Simutrans. Player clicks on "Host" in Simutrans and his server is added into server list table, not manually as now)

- It'd be better an index page that displays the latest news of the blog (see or

- A flexible layout that wouldn't require to edit all pages every time a new page is created (header: I hate you!).

- A friendly way to download Simutrans and tools.

- If the portal was coded in php or something, other sites could be merged with the portal, e.g.

- Most of all pages are true wall-of-text. No one bothers reading more than 4 lines per subject (Welcome to the Internet, amigos)


In theory, svnlogs could be moved here. There is no active part of the page that does anything, so the static files could be uploaded here instead - done :) Or you could load the sub-pages in an iframe.

Quote from: IgorEliezer on February 15, 2011, 08:01:26 PM
Most of all pages are true wall-of-text. No one bothers reading more than 4 lines per subject (Welcome to the Internet, amigos)
Agreed. Then again, we want some text for those who want to read.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


#63 site updated:

- download page: Simutrans Complete removed. Download links for 110.0.1. Page clean-up.

Please check if something is broken. :)


Some paksets point to files and some to "folders". Pak64 points to a folder, for example... Executables all point to files.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Because it's a big annoyance to update the page, link by link, every time a pakset is released with no warning or announcement, without a standard or consistency. That's why paksets links point to the folders, mostly.

Once I gave up, because of severals pakset releases.... until someone says "surprise! the links are badly outdated", then I came back with the job. ;D


Perhaps we should have a meta-file. Or parse the NSIS installer files, there is all pak set info colletcted together with a name and so on ...

Maybe we should consider adding a network page, incoporation the server list and a very short howto?


I'm doing some experiences with pakset page:

The good:
- less images
- less loading time
- less wall-of-texts
- better layout
- download links
- links for discussions and sites

The bad (things that still need to get done):
- the CSS still needs to be fixed ;D
- screenshots are badly outdated and/or don't present the pakst quite wel
- some paksets may be discontinued and others are missing. Oh well...

As you can see I made the test only with first 3 pakset sections of the page. If people like it, I'll complete it. ;)

Quote from: prissi on March 14, 2011, 12:56:17 PMMaybe we should consider adding a network page, incoporation the server list and a very short howto?

Maybe or I could place a link pointing to the wiki text about network servers.

To be honest, I'm considering replacing entire site layout with something more flexible.


I have locos running into pictures?

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


My biggest concern about the page is, it lacks a meaningful order for the paksets.
Orders could be:
- by popularity (players/downloads) (es. pak64, 128, 96, 64.german, 128.britain or whatever else comes from more or less reliable statistics)
- by tile size (es. pak 32, pak 64 and 64 variants, pak 96, pak 128, pak 192, etc...); the variants could be ordered by popularity
- by date of first creation, last released, etc...

Any idea?