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Fifty's Simutrans Servers

Started by Fifty, June 17, 2013, 04:38:42 PM

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Servers Currently Down (long term)

Below are the servers I'm currently running. I'm running these off of an old box I had lying around, so don't expect really fast sync speed, but please let me know if you have any issues with lagging or desyncing. 
The servers will be only very lightly moderated, but the first two will be for long-term play (6+ weeks) so if you only play on the first few days I may remove your player. I won't be as active as usual this round, so please PM me if there are any issues so I get an email.

Pak 64 + Food Server: (

  • Simutrans 120-1 and the corresponding version of pak 64 and the food chain addon (you can download it on the download links page, and install it in the Simutrans directory for savegames, maps, and screenshots in addons/pak)
  • 768 X 1024
  • Start 1921
  • 21 bits per month (months twice as slow as normal pak 64)
  • Industry_increase_every = 2000 (default)
  • Toll 12% of running costs
  • City buildings 5X as expensive to demolish
  • Terraforming cost 2500-3000
  • 25x factory input storage can be in transit
  • paused when no clients connected

Pak 128 Server (

  • Simutrans 120.1 and pak 128 2.5.2 (NOTE: Must download pak128 from here, not the main download page)
  • Brand new, handcrafted map! (Chesapeake & Appalachians).
  • 924 x 1246
  • Start 1939
  • 21 bits per month (months four times as slow as normal pak 128)
  • Industry_increase_every = 5000 (default)
  • Toll 12% of running costs
  • City buildings 5X as expensive to demolish
  • Airport infrastructure very expensive
  • No air freight allowed
  • paused when no clients connected
Coming soon, I hope!

Simple Rules:
-Respect and be courteous to your fellow players
-No bridges longer than 10 tiles (64) or 15 tiles (128)
-Repair breaks to roads and rivers

Have fun!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


When I read the title, I thought that you would introduce a huge number of Simutrans Servers. When I reread it, I realized my mistake...  :o
Bob Marley: No woman, no cry

Programmer: No user, no bugs


Combuijs, there are two servers, so the plural form for the word "server" still applies. ;)


Hmmm, it seems like it's a good time to come back to simutrans :)


Quote from: IgorEliezer on June 17, 2013, 07:35:01 PM
Combuijs, there are two servers, so the plural form for the word "server" still applies. ;)

It's a little unclear what the correct lexography is in this situation, since I am running 2 instances of the Simutrans game as a server on one physical server. Of course, with so few servers running I am hugely increasing the number of active servers. Doubling from 2 to 4 :)

Quote from: paichtis on June 17, 2013, 09:10:30 PM
Hmmm, it seems like it's a good time to come back to simutrans :)

Welcome back, I remember you!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I read "fifty simutrans servers". Which is quite a lot! It's almost disappointing to see there were "only" two...

Keep up the good work, Fifty!
Bob Marley: No woman, no cry

Programmer: No user, no bugs



Hi, sorry, both 128 and 64 are down because of a power outage here. I'll get them back online tomorrow afternoon, US Eastern Time.

EDIT: they're back
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Ah lovely, I'll join this server and see how I go.


It appears that the Pak 128 server crashed today. I assume the culprit was someone building a powerline bridge to a straight slope, but if anyone has any info I would appreciate it. I will not be able to restart this server until Tuesday, sorry!

EDIT: 64 server down due to another power outage. Will restart Tuesday...

Edit 2: Servers Back.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Goods servers, I played a lot in then. ;)

It's a pity they are down.


Back up!

I'm hoping to put a new map online for the 128 server tomorrow, and I will be using a nightly (on 128 only) to avoid crashes from powerline bugs.  provided that new nightlies are available (they don't seem to be for me right now??)

So everyone knows, my servers will only stay up for about another month, and then I will have to take them down semi-permanently. It's not that difficult to run these servers if you have an old computer lying around and a decent internet connection, so please contact me if I can be of any help with maps or info about operating servers; I don't want to see all the servers going away!

EDIT: not a power outage, for once.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


(Intentional Double-post)

I have restarted my pak 128 server today: please see the top post for details about the new server.

This 128 server is using a nightly version, but the 64 server will continue to use 112-3. If you have any problems with the nightly please let me know.

The new 128 map is designed to be very hard; do not be discouraged if you go bankrupt!

Have fun!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Have the settings on the 128 server been reset? Game time seems to be moving very fast now.


I have not made any changes; I checked settings, and it's still 21 bits per month in the settings for me (this equals about a 35 minute month). Since the server pauses when there are no clients, likely people have just been playing for more hours lately.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


very nice pak64 server, but it sometimes did not respond from yesterday.


Crashed yesterday, I restarted last night and it crashed again. Should be back up now.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


For the pak 128 Server, you'll need pak 128 2.3 which you can download from here, as well as nightly r6585, which you can download from I modified a variety of settings to make the game challenging, please ask or look in about specific settings you may be confused about.

Please be aware that my servers will only be up for one more week.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Thanks for the 128 server Fifty :)


My servers are still up, but because I can't restart them right now, they won't appear if you try to connect. You'll need to manually enter or copy and paste the web address into the bar and query the server manually.

Pak 64:
Pak 128:

My servers will go down August 21. Thanks everyone for playing!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Quote from: Fifty on August 14, 2013, 02:25:14 PM
Please be aware that my servers will only be up for one more week.
Just to inform you I've removed the post you replied to... I have a slight impression he was a spammer: dead topic bumps, advertise in the signature and the spamdatabase returned positive. Hope it doesn't look weird after I've removed the post. ^^


My servers are officially down semi-permanently. Thanks everyone for playing! These servers have been very well developed by some expert netgamers!

Unfortunately, I don't have time to post screenshots, but these server saves are quite impressive! Below are savegames for you to view. The 64 save requires 112-3, pak64 + food chain, The first 128 save requires 112-3, pak 128 2.3, and the second 128 save requires r6585 or higher, pak 128 2.3.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Hello everyone! I have put my pak 64 + food chain server back up for a little less than a month again with another new map. I don't plan to put the 128 server up this time, but if several people are interested I can start it with an old map. See the first post for map info and rules. Please let me know if there are any issues. Have fun and Happy holidays!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?



Yesterday i was playing the pak64 game.
I was realigning some road tunnels when it crashed, so i wanted to inform this issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Server back up, sorry for the delay.

Ger -- don't worry about causing the crash -- this is actually the second time someone has said that road tunnels crashed the game. Could you please tell me what player you are, the coordinates of where you were building, and, if possible, what you were doing specifically? Since this has happened several times I would like to see if the bug is reproduceable offline in some way.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Yes, i was the green player (FMC Corp)

Fortunately i have a savegame in my computer, so the coordinates were (210,282,-1 or 211,282,-1)

At this point there was a heavy traffic, so i was trying to build more tunnels to diverge transit and alleviate congestion.
But when i destroyed that section of tunel it crashed. Probably because there was a truck passing that stretch of tunel.


ger, thanks for this info.

It appears that the server has crashed again. Unfortunately, this will be the end of this round of gaming, as I need to take my server offline. Thanks everyone for playing, I will put a savegame up tomorrow.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Haha, I played the last day. Just in time to be in the savegame  :D


Well, not everything may have made it into the .sve; loading the server savegame seems to crash Simutrans... Here is a slightly older save that is the best I can do.

Thanks everyone for playing!
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


Could you please upload the buggy savegame for debugging?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


This savegame was created with the 112.3 stable and pak64?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Yes, created in 112-3. It uses the 112-3 release of pak 64 and the food chain add-on.
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?


I repaired the savegame, kind of:

You need a nightly to load it. There was a tunnel tile at (342,13,-2) without any objects on it. It belongs to the tunnel network below Northberg. Any ideas what happened to this tile?
Parsley, sage, rosemary, and maggikraut.


Hmm, it's still crashing for me with r7062 (Windows 7, SDL). I tried both using the 112-3 pakset and the latest nightly pakset.

I have no idea what was going on with that tile; it seems pretty normal in the earlier savegame I released. Perhaps something just got corrupted?
Why do we park on the driveway and drive on the parkway?