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Tourist attractions

Started by Tomas, October 26, 2008, 02:55:21 PM

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Alex. Brose

The building needs to be reflected in the water imo.
Only 4 - 5 px deep.


Reflection? Hm... good idea! ;D

It's good?

EDIT: now i'm freezing... freezed  ;D


awesome, you should create vehicles and ways for pak96 because it hasn't a lot of.


I would like painting vehicles, but i need to know informations similar as buildings:
1 floor is 13px height × 10m lenght vehicle is ???px
Doors are 10px height × "normal" train is ???px


First. Anybody can paint what he wants.

Second. A picture from a train as a template.

Edit: Your castle is very nice!!! We need more Land-Attractions!
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

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- A home for Simutrans (in german)


My first Pak96 comic experiment:


Cool! Is that a townhall?

But, it is too grey. You need more earth tones. The roof is too dark. And use less textures (at grey wall).

I think than can be great!
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

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- A home for Simutrans (in german)


sojo: yes, this is Pilsen (hmmm, Pilsen Urquell :)) townhall.

TommPa9: green spirelet look small. Try to incorporate colors.
[cs]: zkus trošku zapracovat na barvách. Aktuální barevná kombinace není moc šťastná. Doufám že to ještě trošku vyladíš ;) Na zdi zkus místo té šedé dát nějakou okrovou a ty na ty cihly zkus barvu nabrat třeba z obrázku.


Quote from: Tomas on November 16, 2008, 01:04:10 PM
sojo: yes, this is Pilsen (hmmm, Pilsen Urquell :)) townhall.

TommPa9: green spirelet look small. Try to incorporate colors.
[cs]: zkus trošku zapracovat na barvách. Aktuální barevná kombinace není moc šťastná. Doufám že to ještě trošku vyladíš ;) Na zdi zkus místo té šedé dát nějakou okrovou a ty na ty cihly zkus barvu nabrat třeba z obrázku.

Thank you for help.
I try recolor it, on google is a lot of pictures this townhall, but his color look bad. I muss go make another photos of this one.

cs.: Pokusím se jí přebarvit. Povedlo se mi vygooglit jí v několika desítkách snímků a všude vypadá jinak. Asi se stavím na náměstí a nafotím si jí pořádně. Pak už by barva nemusela být problém. Jediné, čeho se bojím je provedení sgrafit. Tam si nejsem jistej jestli bych je měl vůbec použít.


Can you translate your informations? I dont understand anything.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Quote from: TommPa9 on November 16, 2008, 01:20:44 PMJediné, čeho se bojím je provedení sgrafit. Tam si nejsem jistej jestli bych je měl vůbec použít.

[cs] Kašli na sgrafita, kreslíš pro pak96.comic. Takže nejde o to mít co nejpřesnější kopii, ale o hezky vypadající budovu. Místo toho můžeš vzít o trošku světlejší / tmavší barvu (tak aby nebyla na první pohled vidět) a udělat sem tam nějakou tu tečku aby jsi "rozrušil" jednotvárnou plochu. Vem si třeba můj zámeček, otevři si ho v Malování a zkus si některou zeď "vylít" bílou barvou aby jsi je viděl. A neboj se budovu upravit tak, aby ve hře vypadala pěkně; třeba v originále stojí v řadě domů, ale ve hře bude stát samostatně, takže se neboj přidat okýnka i na teď zastavěné strany. Jo a zkus taky nechat kousek místa okolo budovy pro chodník.

[en] Dont' paint graffiti. They buildings may not be perfect copy of original. On first place is: building muste be nice in game ;) Try to have some space for sidewalk. In real building stay in a line of houses. In game building stay self - you can draw windows on all sides.


In pak96.comic we have buildings who stand in line without windows at the side. But you can draw a little sidewalk in front of the building.

For example:

The one in front (bottom).
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)

Alex. Brose

A little bit outtopic:
The 2nd picture, "Feriendorf" (for our non-german friends: it's like Holiday Village) is funny. There's a big factory.
You come to visit Feriendorf and have to work? Awww... That's crazy. xD



Devastation of next czech sight in progress...
Now i'm focused on pilgrimage church of st. Jan of Nepomuk at Green mountain. Images: one,two,there
Actual progress: oh-****! too many work need :)


I see I know to few from cz. Which beautifull buildings!

But I think you have a problem with the perspective. It does not fit on a tile.

I am pleased that always new grafics will painted.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Sojo, did you check the photos? It is round, more or less. I see no problem with perspective... And Tomas is probably clever enough to know :)


My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: sojo on November 29, 2008, 07:16:09 PMBut I think you have a problem with the perspective. It does not fit on a tile.

Yes, that now see bizarre :( But you don't have right: on the building are no right angles. All lines are curves arising from the circles. Please see layout of this building:

PS: thanks, VS ;)

EDIT: when i "build" cloisters, church will look better ;)


Of course, I have it seen!!!

I mean, this building is not 1x1.

Edit: Have a look at the picture at bottom. I have paint the border of a 1x1 tile.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Oh ... please, don't hurry. Buiding, what you see isn't complete. I can paint entire complex, not only church. I must paint "wall" around church :)


Quote from: Tomas on November 29, 2008, 08:35:30 PM
Oh ... please, don't hurry. Buiding, what you see isn't complete. I can paint entire complex, not only church. I must paint "wall" around church :)
Ahh. Sorry. I have think it would be only a church.

No Problem! Make slow! Quality is important. :) ;)
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


church is freezed (i don't have time).

My older "project" (no comment):


Looks good. Its easy and mystic.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Wow! I waited worse response :)

But you have right: easy to drawn + crazy idea = pyramid.
I have in my "archive" one incomplete mayan temple...


Quote from: Tomas on December 14, 2008, 03:04:03 PM
I have in my "archive" one incomplete mayan temple...

Thats good. A maya pyramid we have in the pakset.
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)


Some part of modern architecture :P  ;D

Alex. Brose

Nice colours!

There's a brother, though. Have a look on this:


Oh! My is smaller  ::)  ;D
You temple looks really nice ;)

Alex. Brose

It's from sojo himself. :D

You could add some grass or miscellaneous vegetation to your temple. I mean, the jungle is everywhere and sometimes the old temples are sinking into the ocean of trees. ;)


Thomas. Very Nice. Add you some vegetaion?
"English is a easy language. But not for me." ;) sojo

follow simutrans_de on Twitter
- A home for Simutrans (in german)



For some reason, this temple makes me remember a Thailand temple (or Cambodian one... ::) ). Try to do a search....


Of course. I got that make "lost temple"?


Did you know that I LOVE this kind of temple ??? :)

awesome !


Production of my "pseudo-art" continue...
... now it is an attempt to old coal mine.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Alex. Brose


And wow!

Just WOW! o.o

I'm missing some vegetation, though.