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making 128 open source - what is left to do

Started by VS, February 05, 2009, 02:13:43 PM

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Quote from: The Hood on October 14, 2009, 08:08:22 AMuntil blender introduce macros

Blender has had macros for a long time - they are written in python.  If you know python, open the script editor and go.


I bet we have a good amount of 3D models around. Several members have released add-ons generated via Blender ou Skatup (or whatsoever it's called) throughout these years... just we don't know where they are and who keep them.

Ideas to create a temporary a 3D repository for future uses?

The Hood

The python scripts aren't what I would call macros - you can't record them.  I did write a python script to try and automate the whole rotation thing, but for some reason the different objects rotated different ways and about different centres and I couldn't figure out why.  What I meant was something where you click "record", perform a bunch of actions, click "stop" and it generates the code for you, like in visual basic in microsoft office. 



A svn for 3D-Models are not the Problem, ... but I think we must diskus befor we implement and nobody use it....

could we make a new threat with this?
I hope you understand my English


Quote from: neroden on October 14, 2009, 05:01:04 AM
How about another refresher of the list?  With the forest it sounds like we're down to
five missing factories.  Any other holes filled in yet (either factories, or vehicles)?

To get back to my question, have any of the missing factories actually been finished?  (Nutswald perhaps?)  If so, which ones are left?


Sorry, I forgot about the updates here! The recent list of "ouchies":

  • lots of rail bridges
  • general (generic) goods factory
  • materials wholesale - maybe call it builders' yard - concrete, planks, steel and the like
  • steel mill
So as you can see, it boils down mainly to 3 industries.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: VS on October 23, 2009, 11:20:37 AM

  • lots of rail bridges

this are in my TODO list (new tracks are boiling in my graphics factory for long time, now, but there's a lot of work already done... I'd claim it's my ground now ;))

Quote from: VS on October 23, 2009, 11:20:37 AM

  • materials wholesale - maybe call it builders' yard - concrete, planks, steel and the like

Isn't this one in Raven's TODO list? It seemed already at a good stage of development.

EDIT: Sorry, see VS's reply.


No, that was the home market (which isn't on this list, is it...)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Maybe some replacement graphics would do? In the worst case, just a wireframe object with a text "Help to complete, contribute graphics" would do ;)

At least this way the long awaited step to open source pak 128 could be done.


My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


I think it could attract helpers. It will show where the problems are, and also that you really try to get things going. It's worth a try, I think.


I had the same idea than Hajo a few weeks ago.  The missing buildings break a lot of industry chains.  I will use openpak128 exclusively once all the industries are present, but they don't need to have their graphics finalized.  I would be happy with just a red square saying "Steel Mill" for now.  I am sure there would be a few others willing to accept this as well.

And as Hajo said, the more people use it, the more people will see the need for graphics.  It will get more attention than what the forum would get :)


My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Little Question:

Could the Script for the "openPAK128" change the grafics? Every "Problem" Faktory are 3x3 Tiles ... so there could be an automatisation ... or?

(I hope you understand me ;o) )
I hope you understand my English


Quote from: VS on October 23, 2009, 11:20:37 AM
Sorry, I forgot about the updates here! The recent list of "ouchies":

  • lots of rail bridges
  • general (generic) goods factory
  • materials wholesale - maybe call it builders' yard - concrete, planks, steel and the like
  • steel mill
So as you can see, it boils down mainly to 3 industries.

pak128.britain has a very serviceable steel mill, and a tolerable (but dark) builders' yard, but they have different footprints from the ones in pak128.  :-(  3x4 for the steel mill instead of 4x4 and 1x2 for the builders' yard instead of 2x2.  I'm half tempted to take The_Hood's steel mill from pak128.britain and add four tiles of empty space ;-)

Edit: I actually prefer the pak128.britain steel mill image to the existing one.  A lot.


SInce some industries will be missed any way, just give the new steel mill a different name from the olf one and provide an entry in to replace olf be new. In the worst case people will need an extension building but will be otherwise fine. Does the pak129.britain steel mill come in 4x3 and 3x4? Otherwise making it 4x4 would be a better choice.

The Hood

Having "borrowed" so much from pak128 for use in pak128.Britain, the concept of pak128 using pak128.Britain images amuses me!

Raven did contact me about getting my blend file for the steel mill to convert it into something for pak128, but then I heard no more.  If anyone else wants any of the blends for pak128.Britain things, just ask and I can let you have them.  Obviously just messing around with the pngs and dats is fine under the artistic license, and you know where those files are :)

And to answer prissi's question, all pak128.Britain industries have 4 rotations (even the 2x2 ones, so that when you rotate the map it looks like you have actually just switched view and not just rotated the earth relative to the factory!).  The steel mill is 3x4 (and 4x3)


I guess Raven is quite bussy right now. Anyway if pak128 maintainers need help with Blender files, I can help dealing with them, and I guess Zeno can too. Do they include the textures, The Hood?

Escala Real...a blog about Simutrans in Spanish...

The Hood

There are textures on the models, but I suspect things like textures and lightings will be the things that need changing most to get the models into pak128 style.  None of the textures were applied post-render, just cleaning up of a few stray pixels.


Guys, half the problems with industries are probably gone - Rmax500 just appeared :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


I should work on a new monument. I don't like the old one, which mostly consist of a former forum avatar of mine.

Edit: If I can overcome distraction and being lazy ...


I hope you understand my English


Quote from: VS on October 28, 2009, 03:36:44 PM
Guys, half the problems with industries are probably gone - Rmax500 just appeared :)

This is "probably" excellent news!   :)


Looks like waiting is in some cases a successful strategy ;D

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: VS on October 28, 2009, 04:07:10 PM
Looks like waiting is in some cases a successful strategy
Let's see how Rmax takes the "Welcome back, we have work for you." ;D
Just kidding...


Quote from: whoami on October 28, 2009, 05:07:29 PM
Let's see how Rmax takes the "Welcome back, we have work for you." ;D
Just kidding...

Wouldn't that be "Welcome back, hand over all your stuff!" instead?  ;D
***** PAK128 Dev Team - semi-retired*****


My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Quote from: Hajo on October 28, 2009, 03:41:07 PM
I should work on a new monument. I don't like the old one, which mostly consist of a former forum avatar of mine.

Need to say sorry, I had mixed that up with another one. The one from pak128 is rather good. Big thanks to the one who draw the socket and flowerbeds! It's great, and I like it much :)

VS sent me to image, and I changed it a tiny bit into a construction engineer. Got a helm now, and a plan. Having a plan is always important ;D

Hope that will be alright. The updated image is on the way back to VS to be includes.


Quote from: VS on October 28, 2009, 03:36:44 PM
Guys, half the problems with industries are probably gone - Rmax500 just appeared :)

it's wonderful! beside i really liked that guy, his work is priceless... (I really love it! I hope we didn't lose some sources when he disappeared). It makes me think of my own disappearance one year or so ago.


So ... wich Part of the PAK128 ar now the problem??
I hope you understand my English


* materialswholesale (2x2) - sells concrete, planks and steel
* moebelhaus (3x4) - "home market", sells furniture, books, and fertilizer (!)
* electronics factory (3x3)

And of course some (many) vehicles etc. ... but that is not fatal :)

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


VS, did you receive my email with the updated monument?


Yes, thanks! I added it to the set and happily forgot about it immediately.

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


Hehe :) Good to know that it's included already