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Tracks replacement project for pak 128

Started by Fabio, February 14, 2009, 03:24:48 PM

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Step 1 [120 km/h (1840-1940) 140 km/h (1910-1980) 160 km/h (1930-2000) 180 km/h (2000+)] added in r1043.

Quote from: Fabio on November 20, 2012, 11:48:53 AM
I could recycle existing 160 km/h bridge as a provisional 280 km/h bridge until Step 4 is completed.
Done! Now existing 160 km/h bridge graphics are used for (new) TRACK_280_BRIDGE until new graphics are released.


Thanks. I'll try it as soon as I find time.




I have a small wish 
a track for  120 km/h from 1940 until 1980,
the 100 Km/h after 1980,
the 160 km/h track after 2000 will i for use,
the 200 km/h track after 2000 miss i,
and the 280 km/h track miss i after 2010.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Use the faster/slower versions, their cost is not much higher.
I know the tracks are not available all the time, it's on purpose. Our just play with the timeline off.


ok fabio
then must i a make a little work around in my Pakset.
Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


New 200 and 240 km/h subsets committed in r1052.


Opening hours 20:00 - 23:00
(In Night from friday on saturday and saturday on sunday it possibly that i be keep longer in Forum.)
I am The Assistant from Pakfilearcheologist!
Working on a big Problem!


Hmm, the metal going right to the ground looks susceptible to corrossion. How about a small stone/concrete base?



I rather like the lattice structure at the point!

That's a very nice new station!


Quote from: PkK on November 26, 2012, 04:56:44 PM
Hmm, the metal going right to the ground looks susceptible to corrossion. How about a small stone/concrete base?
Maybe in the future... :::)
You could think they are bolted to a concrete basement not visible above ground level ;)

Thank you anyway for the suggestion. Now my primary goal is to release the complete set, further improvement (except for bug reports) can come later on, I'm kind of overwhelmed right now...

Quote from: sdog on November 26, 2012, 05:10:12 PM
I rather like the lattice structure at the point!
Thank you!

Quote from: sdog on November 26, 2012, 05:10:12 PM
That's a very nice new station!
Well, it's the old station, simply enclosed in the new lattice structure 8)


Very nice!  It took me a couple of minutes to decide whether I liked it or not but the longer I looked at it the more I liked it... nice work!
Current projects: Pak128 Trees, blender graphics


"Well, it's the old station, simply enclosed in the new lattice structure."
Oh, i thought you clipped it to fit in. The old ones actually fit in!?


Quote from: Fabio on November 26, 2012, 05:19:36 PM
Well, it's the old station, simply enclosed in the new lattice structure 8)

Still it fits quite nicely, especially with the 200 km/h version.



Quote from: sdog on November 26, 2012, 05:21:03 PM
Oh, i thought you clipped it to fit in. The old ones actually fit in!?
Sure, I did the other way around: tailoring the structure around the station!
Those 240 km/h bridges have a clearance around 40 px and the whole structure is taller than 80 px ;)



I'd say something may need to be done to avert "blue overload" later, but... well... :O

My projects... Tools for messing with Simutrans graphics. Graphic archive - templates and some other stuff for painters. Development logs for most recent information on what is going on. And of course pak128!


I suggest using player sub colour (yellow) for either top or bottom piece.
My Sketchup open project sources
various projects rolled up:

Colour safe chart:


Quote from: ӔO on November 26, 2012, 06:24:33 PM
I suggest using player sub colour (yellow) for either top or bottom piece.

It would be even more colorful (especially when 2PC is yellow by default), and I feel it's already too colorful... I was thinking more of some greyish/brownish metal... but as I said, it will be later (or if someone volunteers ;))...


There's something strange with the diagonal piece of 240 km/h track. The bottom piece of back side and top piece of front side, blend together so it looks as if the front top piece has double width. Either a few pixels gap, or different color for top/bottom or inside/outside, would help.


The hood has some very nice colour for steel structures for his pak britain stations. Unless you find it immediately i can dig out the thread.

Those latice structures are modern (240km/h)? I'd have guessed first third of the 20th century, but i'm not very well educated.

A possible base for the girder would be to use just a concrete slab, like the one VS introduced as station extension. At the moment they appear a little bit like they would be floating. That's just a remark for later, since you already got your timetable for release. Better to release before perfection and improve upon that then having excellent 99% finished things sitting on a harddrive for ever.

And this stuff is truly excellent. You almost made a completely new pak Fabiou & Friends.

We ought to do some screenshots same setting of pak128 last closed source and the soon to be reached stage. The difference is, i expect, both outstanding and fine.


Excellent! Are they avaible for testing?


Yes tonu, they were commited to the SVN today. Caveat is you need to 'compile' the pakset yourself*. Else you'll probably have to wait until the next nightly on thursday.

on github:

you'd need a recent version of makeobj (check simutrans download thread) and working python on your machine, then the script will likely finish the job automatically.
You can ge the sourcefiles either from:
what to use depends on what versioning software you prefer.


Thank you sdog!

Of course the golden age of truss bridges was in the first third of 20th century. Iron bridges are rarer in recent times, but not unheard of.

This bridge was opened in Strasbourg in 2010:

This one (road) was built in 2005  in upstate New York:

I favor a consistent look over engineering accuracy. This bridge is to replace the 200 km/h one, so it better look similar, but somehow upgraded, on steroids.

Also bridge design is strictly limited in Simutrans. Most modern steel bridges are a single through arch. Here we can't reproduce them, or they look ridiculous with a 1 tile span.


And most causeway type bridges would be concrete. Something not desireable in the pak as they'd all look the same...


Exactly. Mind that 160 (replaced by 180) km/h are concrete and all 280, 320, and 400 km/h will be a triumph of concrete ;)
200&240 km/h are just a steel interlude!


I just readed this posts series  and I only say two words : amazing work.
Create bridges for Simutrans seems create bridge in real life. I like that !
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


Quote from: mEGa on November 27, 2012, 12:33:51 PM
I just readed this posts series  and I only say two words : amazing work.
Create bridges for Simutrans seems create bridge in real life. I like that !

Quote from: sdog on November 26, 2012, 10:12:18 PM
Better to release before perfection and improve upon that then having excellent 99% finished things sitting on a harddrive for ever.

And this stuff is truly excellent. You almost made a completely new pak Fabiou & Friends.

We ought to do some screenshots same setting of pak128 last closed source and the soon to be reached stage. The difference is, i expect, both outstanding and fine.

Hey, guys, do you realize I started planning the rail tracks replacement in September 2006?
Yes, you got it right: 2006. See the thread in the archived old forum:
Now, after more than 6 years, it's seeing the finish line.

I feel like I had been working on them forever, painting, repainting, starting all over again.  :o


Quote from: sdog on November 26, 2012, 11:35:19 PM
Yes tonu, they were commited to the SVN today. Caveat is you need to 'compile' the pakset yourself*. Else you'll probably have to wait until the next nightly on thursday.

on github:

you'd need a recent version of makeobj (check simutrans download thread) and working python on your machine, then the script will likely finish the job automatically.
You can ge the sourcefiles either from:
what to use depends on what versioning software you prefer.
I've never done that, so I'll "experiment" a bit


tonu, on what operating system are you building the pak?

This reminds me to update the Makefile. It was last touched by Neroden 2 years ago. (There's likely quite a bit to learn from the recent pak128.britain Makefile, built by Prissi a while ago.)


Tonu, if you want to compile only the tracks, pick the contents of all the folders that contain the word "rail" inside the base folder and copy them into a temp folder. Then copy makeobj.exe there, and create a batch/shell file to compile them by calling makeobj this way:
makeobj pak128 ./ ./
Then move the *.pak files to your pak folder and it's done. I can give you more details if you need it.

By the way, I've tried to keep a compiler batch script (pak128.bat) for windows, but my lazyness hasn't allowed me to make it work completely. Most things are compiled though, but not 100% :-(


Quote from: Fabio on November 27, 2012, 03:12:10 PM
Hey, guys, do you realize I started planning the rail tracks replacement in September 2006?
I feel like I had been working on them forever, painting, repainting, starting all over again.  :o
Waouh !  I didn't know it. a really big hard work. At this moment, I mean you can see the end of tunnel ;) . Gamer who i am just say: thank you for this project !
Current projects in progress : improvements of few designed french paks


@sdog: I'm using Windows XP.
I could compile them, thanks to you all.
I found something strange/funny: The elevated 240 km/h track seems to be suspended in the air, it has no pillars. Am I the only one? I didn't edit the dat files

I also found a light blue stripe in the diagonal tracks (independent of the player colour):



Thanks for reporting!

Quote from: tonu on November 29, 2012, 04:34:38 PM
I also found a light blue stripe in the diagonal tracks (independent of the player colour):
This should be an easy fix... I put it on the ToDo list.

Quote from: tonu on November 29, 2012, 04:34:38 PM
I found something strange/funny: The elevated 240 km/h track seems to be suspended in the air, it has no pillars. Am I the only one? I didn't edit the dat files
This is wierd. By the way, I tried to reproduce it. At first I had all pillars, then at a certain moment they disappeared!
Probably it's a Simutrans Engine graphical glitch. Pillars are painted in the front image of elevated ways.
Can you give me more details?
Which Simutrans version do you use? And which Makeobj version? Did you see the pillars for a moment and then they disappeared or they just never appeared? Thanks!


I use Simutrans 112.0 (last stable version) in Windows XP
The pillars never appeared in straight parts. You can see they only appear in diagonal views.
I take makeobj from a zip file named "makeobj-win-49", maybe I should try founding a newer version


Sure it's Makeobj's fault. You should use v54+ in order to compile Pak128 properly. You can find it linked in latest release's announcement.